Chapter 332
Sure enough, following the guidance of Liu Xia's teammate, they swam over, and everyone suddenly found that behind the black water, two faint black tracks sprang out of it.

Judging by the depth of the color, it must have slipped out for a long time,


In her heart, Liu Xia couldn't help cursing, her own people had died so many times, and she let the blue-ringed octopus run away. She, the captain, doesn't even have any face.

This kind of major mistake, when the time comes to feed back to the top, her reward may be reduced, or in other words, it is already a certainty,

The rewards and punishments of each force are calculated fairly, so no one can blame,

To make up for this mistake, Liu Xia can only hope that Wenzhou's guess is the nearby boss.

"Don't worry, look at the trajectory. These two octopuses are going downstream. In this case... let's go up to take a breath first, and then make plans,"

Wenzhou was calm and relaxed, watching the two octopuses' departure trajectory, they had to go up to take a breath before continuing to dive.

Underwater, all of the Linker's displacement abilities cannot be used, but the acceleration effect can take effect, that is, you can swim faster,
Each breath can last for 1 hour, excluding the travel time of swimming up and down, it is enough for these 16 people to kill an ordinary C-level boss together.
"We've got to have a plan in place to mitigate some of the risk,"

Floating out of the water, breathing in the natural air, Wenzhou suddenly felt how comfortable life is on land,
It is true that a C-level boss has a blood volume of up to 10000 points. If 16 people can set fire and operate well, they can be killed in seconds after 10 minutes.
However, given that everyone's activity time is limited by the oxygen cylinder, Wenzhou decided to make some adjustments.

Looking at Liu Xia, Wenzhou wiped the remaining water stains on his face and said to Liu Xia succinctly:

"I am more cautious. Since it involves fighting the boss, I am even more cautious. So the plan I gave is this. You listen first, and communicate if you have any problems. If the two sides really disagree, we will talk about other things."

After all, Liu Xia is the captain of another team. Naturally, Wenzhou will not blindly think that he is the leader of this 16-member team, so he still has to seek Liu Xia's opinion.

But if Liu Xia can't argue with him, he can only go his own way, they use their method, Wenzhou uses Wenzhou's method,

Even if there are eight people, he is sure to kill the boss. After all, being cautious is already engraved in Wenzhou's DNA.

When Liu Xia heard this, she immediately nodded her head. If it was him at the beginning, Wenzhou would have scoffed at her words, but now, she has already put away her pride and contempt,

Just because she played a mere elite monster and killed her teammates several times, she has already lost to Wenzhou in terms of layout.

"My suggestion is to pick out the replacement position members and let them take turns.
Go up to take a breath, first of all, avoid the possibility of vain sacrifice due to oxygen problems. "

Wenzhou first raised the most critical question,
Try to avoid mistakes when doing anything, and the behavior of Liu Xia's former teammates who went up to the gourd baby to save grandpa because of their own carelessness is completely a mistake in their own judgment.

"no problem,"

Liu Xia nodded in time, she agreed after thinking about it for a while,
She can't think about it, can't she agree with it when someone brings it up?

After the first point Liu Xia nodded readily, Wenzhou first called everyone to report his location,
First of all, among Liu Xia's teammates, there are 2 tanks, 3 fighters, 2 healers & mages, plus she is also half a mage, because she also has melee means,

Among Wenzhou's teammates, it is also obvious that Zexi and Yun Luoluo are mages, Su Miao is a shooter, and Wenzhou has high physical damage.

In the case of Guangde, he is a melee fighter, Zhou Tian is a fighter, Wang Youcai is a tank, and Zuo Si is in a similar position to Zhou Tian.
Counting Wenzhou as a fighter and Liu Xia as a mage, then there are 3 tanks, 7 fighters, and 6 long-range.
"In this way, among the three tanks, Guangde is the most fleshy, so Guangde has a replacement every 40 minutes, and the other two have one every 20 minutes.
Then for fighters, 4, 3 open, the half where I am is 3 people, and the other [-] are counted as a team.
As for long-distance, it is half and half, and it is enough to ensure that each half has treatment. "

I assigned this to everyone and talked about it. After thinking about it for a while, everyone nodded when they thought there was no big problem.
It was much easier than Wenzhou expected, and soon the first batch of players were assigned.

Guangde, Wenzhou, Su Miaoke, and Yun Luoluo are all there, and the others are people from Liu Xia who made up for it.
Everything is settled, so everyone is going to go back to find where the blue-ringed octopus left...

... At this time, Fang Yuner's place,

"Wenzhou and the others turned out to be the same,"

Lu Da was also very excited when he heard the news about Fang Yun'er. Unexpectedly, everyone was hiding from each other, but it would be nice if they could know each other's identities this time.
In the future, we will be able to fight side by side together.

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on with them now. Our flower market is taking action again. I heard that in the depths of the sea, one of our adults discovered a place where a C-level boss is active. We must hear about it soon. The adult's deployment..."

"Neil, that's the edge of Li, do we really want to go there and grab the boss?"

Beside Neil, a man in a light red jacket turned his head to confirm something with Neil.

"It's on the edge. They can't control it even if they want to. I've told Mr. Youke that I believe we will definitely get this BOSS."

"But that Wenzhou..."

"Wenzhou? Right, right, I almost forgot about him,"

Hearing the reminder from the side, Neil finally understood that everyone was busy hunting and killing sea monsters for the ranking, and he almost forgot about it.

Look at the current ranking:

【Single player ranking】

【1】-130: Wenzhou-Li

【2】-98: Neil - Sealing the box
【3】-97: North West - Rat Street
【4】-85: Fang Yuner - Flower Market
【5】-80: Zuo Si-Li


【Team Ranking】

[1]: -325: Team Captain Neil

[2]: -273: Captain Wenzhou team

【3】: -231: Captain Fang Yoona

【Special Performance Ranking】

【1】:32: Wenzhou


【3】:11: Fang Yuner

The ranking has changed a lot!

Because the Wenzhou team wasted a lot of time, it is now far ahead of the Neil team, but fortunately, he is still the first in the single player ranking, and he has not broken away from the five agreements.
As for the special performance score, Wenzhou seems to be a bit unique. In the first link, because he is the only one who has obtained the third key information,
So in this list, he is still number one,

In this way, Sealing Box, Flower Market, and Li are all aware of this possible boss, and the side of Mouse Street must have already known it...

 Recently, I have mainly adjusted the outline and am preparing to finish it soon. Hehehe, I originally wanted to write 100 million words, but sometimes imperfection is also a kind of perfection. 80 words is actually not bad hehehe.

(End of this chapter)

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