The world is unstable

Chapter 325 Underwater

Chapter 325 Underwater
After that, everyone found their diving suit in the virtual space, but Wenzhou suddenly remembered that he had a piece of equipment that seemed to be helpful for activities in the water:

【Swamp Vest】

[Quality]: D-
[Introduction]: A special vest made by absorbing the moisture of the swamp. Although it has a good attribute bonus, patients with rheumatoid arthritis should wear it carefully.

[Effect]: Vitality +20, Defense +5
[Passive]: Wet and slippery skin
【Wet and slippery skin】:
After wearing this vest, the smoothness of the user's skin will increase to an unimaginable level, and he has incomparable control over the water flow,
After actively using the [Slippery Skin] ability, the user can swim freely no matter in rapids or slow water, increasing the flexibility of the water body by 20%.

"Old friend, it's finally time for you to make a difference,"

Now Wenzhou is lucky. The vest was not sold at the beginning. With the blessing of this vest, Wenzhou's flexibility in the water will increase to 50%.

Compared with the 30% of all other founders, Wenzhou can be regarded as an unparalleled advantage.

[The second stage is about to start in 30 seconds, please get ready for the conclusion]

Next, after a while, I heard the system prompt,

Wenzhou glanced into the distance, and saw a round of the coastline, all of which were densely packed with confederates. Together, they were the collective of various forces.
Some scattered teams also gathered together as companions, but this is destined to cause problems in the distribution of rewards later, but this is not something Wenzhou should worry about.
"Okay, let's go down together"

The system is issued with a dry diving suit. This kind of diving suit is completely isolated from the water. I don’t know if it can be superimposed with the Wenzhou vest.

But just after Wenzhou went down, the [50% water-based flexibility] that appeared in the attribute bar made Wenzhou settle down.

【Grade】: C-
[Lucky value]: 5 (rare) -
【Crit Rate】: 2%-
【Health Recovery】: 22-
【Movement speed】: 5%-
[Ability]: [Yang Yan], [Flame Attachment], [Charcoal Flame Tinder], [Scarlet Spear Intent]

[White Card-Increase]: Increase your output value by 5%.

[Blue Card - Flame Explosion]: Every attack or use of ability will add 5% special fire damage, ignoring defense.
[Task blessing]: 50% water-based flexibility
Wenzhou's current attributes have a 21% blessing, which can be said to be very strong. In addition,
Wenzhou has learned water before, but he can swim a few laps. Thanks to the blessing of equipment and props, Wenzhou's flexibility in the water is more free and flexible,


Wearing a mask, he released breath from the breathing valve one by one, turning into dense lines of bubbles. In addition, something new appeared in Wenzhou's field of vision,
In the dark blue field of vision, circles of blurred colors are born,
Aquatic plants, kelp, and small fish that Wenzhou has never seen before through the light:


[Grade]: D
[Introduction]: No swim bladder, feed on worms, crustaceans and other animals, flat body, doesn't look like much meat, but steaming should be good.

【Vitality】: 1000
[Defense Power]: 50
【Attack Power】: 45
Good guy, you can't even break Wenzhou's defenses,

Wenzhou waved his weapon lightly, and the fish ran away in fright.
"? Md forgot that this fish will walk by itself."

At this time, Wenzhou realized that this fish was not like the enemies he met before. He would fight him head-on. This fish would run away when it was frightened. How to kill it?
"Yi? This matter."

Before forming an encirclement circle, Wenzhou first went to find Yi.
"Well, I really didn't think about it carefully. Then we will divide the team into half, a small team of four, and gather together to kill."

Yi also reacted quickly, and immediately ordered everyone to separate into teams of four, and Wenzhou and Liu Xia's patrol missions were temporarily put on hold.
At this point, the Wenzhou team was divided into two separate teams, still the same as before,
"Always feel uncomfortable"

In the water, Su Miaoke told the team through the chat board that she can swim, but she is not very used to using bows and arrows in the water, and she always feels that she can't shoot.
However, after she tried it, she found that the range was not reduced by the resistance of the water. In short, the reality and the fixed formula in her mind made Su Miaoke feel that she was not used to it for the time being.
The same is true for Zexi and Yun Luoluo. Under water, she cannot use fire abilities. The damage and range of water abilities are also reduced, but in fact, the damage to fish is still the same, and the range is the same. Somewhat depressed.

If people know and act differently, they are prone to misconceptions.

For example, if you go around for several times, your head is very dizzy, but you are obviously on flat ground, and you will still fall after turning around. This is a kind of illusion disorder.
Don't underestimate this obstacle,
Both Su Miaoke and Zexi were unable to predict the attack distance to the enemy, which resulted in several fish being almost killed and then in vain.

"That's it, everyone first adapt to the environment in the water, remember to pay attention to the time to swim up to restore oxygen."

The mechanism of this diving suit is that the oxygen is exhausted in 1 hour, and it will be fully filled in 1 minute after surfacing. If there is no oxygen in the water, it will die immediately in 1 minute.

Although it is said that it can be resurrected, it is always a bit of a delay,
Forget it in Wenzhou, they can dive to about 50m+, and swim up for about 10 minutes. They can’t swim too fast, otherwise they will have pressure syndrome and lose blood.
So the journey back and forth will take 20 minutes, and they can only stay underwater for 40 minutes. It is doomed. They were all trial and error in the first two hours.
Zhou Tian: "Hey! There's an octopus over there!"

Wang Youcai: "? nmd's name is squid!"

Su Miaoke: "Then this must be Xiaoyu!"

Yun Luoluo: "? Can't that fish be called a small fish?"

The first is to practice cooperation, in which everyone does not know each fish, and they all start to look up words in the encyclopedia dictionary, Wenzhou is also speechless for a while,
After working together for a long time, the only thing everyone gained may be the aquatic plants and kelp on the bottom of the sea. Of course, there are also a few small shrimps.
"These, can't do it"

Looking at the introductions of these things are all written [simple marine animals and plants], Wenzhou knows that these things cannot increase contribution points,

However, as time went by, everyone gradually adapted to the movements in the water.

Wenzhou also gradually mastered the range of his movements, Su Miaoke also found a suitable shooting angle and method, as for Yun Luoluo and Zexi, they also slowly groped for their own attack distances.

(End of this chapter)

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