The world is unstable

Chapter 307 Nuo's Auction House

Chapter 307 Nuo's Auction House
That being the case, Wenzhou left the dream source world first and returned to the dream space.
"7, get me the copy of the Emerald Green Banyan Tree,"

No nonsense, Wenzhou is now ready to enter the mission dungeon of the Emerald God Banyan to continue collecting growth factors,
At the same time, the data of the emerald green banyan seedlings were transferred out:
【Emerald green banyan seedlings】

[Quality]: As the seedling grows, this item will evolve into different qualities
[Introduction]: Afraid of being hacked to death by loggers, the emerald green banyan had no choice but to throw out a seedling of its own, hoping that the logger who got this seedling would not be ignorant and leave with gk.

[Effect]: The growth stages of this seedling are divided into:

Seedling stage - growth stage - vigorous stage - mature stage - fruiting stage - full stage

Each stage has different effects.

[seedling stage]: growth stage

[Seedling effect]: [Zhao Yeqing] (Level 1)
[Seedling Passive]: [Nourishment] (Level 1)
【Factor content】: 40%
[Zhao Yeqing]: In a dark environment, the owner's field of vision will be increased by 10%, and at the same time, his dodge rate will be increased by 5%, and the bonus effect will be halved in a bright environment.

[Nourishment]: The attribute bonus of the owner after each mission is additionally increased by +10%
After such a long period of time, Wenzhou has not stopped for a day. It is fixed every day to play the growth factor in the copy. Up to now, the progress bar has reached 40%.
The growth factor at the seedling stage used to be 100, but now it needs 200 at the growth stage. Wenzhou still doesn’t know whether to double or add 100 for each growth stage.

Wenzhou will know about this when the seedlings are cultivated to the mature stage, so don't worry about it now.
The surrounding whiteness suddenly changed, and after a while, Wenzhou was in the familiar mission copy,

The sky is still old, the grass is still dark green, and the faint fluorescent lights floating in the sky are slowly approaching Wenzhou.

"The tree over there..."

Before the mission started, Wenzhou glanced at the center of the land from the corner of his eye.
That's right, since the Emerald Green Sacred Tree entered its growth stage, the originally dim vision has become a little clearer. This may be due to its passive [Lighting the Night].
Previously under Wu Wei's mausoleum, Wenzhou didn't realize that his field of vision was enhanced a little by the [Zhao Yeqing] passive of the emerald green banyan seedlings.
Otherwise, it would be more difficult for him to explore the path at that time.

It was precisely because of the clarity and expansion of the field of vision that Wenzhou saw a towering tree in the center of the place in a faint light.
As for why it is blurred, it is because Wenzhou always felt that there was an inexplicable halo vibrating around the tree, and the distortion of the air made his vision a little cloudy.

"It should be the so-called emerald green sacred banyan tree that has reached its maturity. But what is the purpose of such a tree here?"

Shaking his head, Wenzhou didn't quite understand it, but he didn't have time to think about it, the task countdown had already begun,
[5, 4, 3, 2, 1, start! 】

The mechanical countdown stopped abruptly at the last second, and at the same time, fireflies shot towards Wenzhou one after another as swiftly as bullets fired.

Sensing the gradually enlarged spots of light in his field of vision, Wenzhou grinned and secretly said, "Good job!"

Then he waved his rice gun and started to draw fiery red snake-shaped trajectories in the air. The fire rice snake lived up to its name.

Recall the rules of this task dungeon:

[Task requirements]: In the dungeon, the founder will have 2 minutes of activity time, using the growth factor absorber in his hand, he can absorb a growth factor every 5 seconds

During the absorption period, the consortium cannot leave the 1m radius circle area of ​​the absorber. If it moves out, the absorption time will be interrupted and the timer will be restarted.

During the absorption period, the fireflies in the sky will lock on the founder and take the initiative to carry out a self-destruct attack, each time consuming 4% of the founder's maximum HP,
Each time there will be 1~3 fireflies searching for the founders, searching for enemy CD1s, please pay attention to the founders to defend or avoid them in time.

[Note]: Fireflies can be killed, but be quick

In the ideal situation of 2 minutes, that is, if Wenzhou does not die for 2 minutes, Wenzhou can absorb up to 24 growth factors,
As for the firefly's attack, it will attack Wenzhou once every 1 second, 1~3 at a time, each with 4% of the blood volume, and 25 Wenzhou will burp.

After such a long period of training, Wenzhou can basically last for about 1 minute. In other words, Wenzhou can obtain up to about 12 growth factors at a time.

But there will always be accidents. Sometimes Wenzhou is not careful, and if his rhythm is broken, he will lose his size for a while, and he will be taken away soon.

However, on average, it is no problem for Wenzhou to obtain 9~10 growth factors each time. In half a month or so, Wenzhou should be able to evolve the emerald green banyan seedlings to the so-called [vigorous stage].

"Yang Yan!"

Sweeping the spear, Wenzhou's cold eyes burst into a ray of firework-colored light, and the particle-exploding gun tip showed layers of terrible scorching on it, and the three fireflies were reduced to ashes in response.

This sweep was Wenzhou's last dance after all. After killing these three, Wenzhou's spirit had reached its limit.

Then the 2 fireflies that spawned instantly took away his health bar,
However, Wenzhou's body has not disappeared. After entering the [growth period], after Wenzhou's blood bar is emptied, Wenzhou can still hang around here for a while,
But you can only wander around in the part of Wenzhou that is visible now. As for those places that Wenzhou can't see clearly, Wenzhou can't get involved.

"It's 1 minute again, I don't know when it will be the end,"

Grinning, Wenzhou was not very satisfied with his time. Wenzhou also used his uncertified marksmanship here a few times, but with little effect.

However, Wenzhou's reaction awareness has indeed improved a lot because of the original resumption. Otherwise, Wenzhou's persistence time here would not have gradually increased from 30s to 1min.

"After the marksmanship is certified, that set of marksmanship must be of some use."

Thinking about it this way, Wenzhou left this mission dungeon,
What Wenzhou is dancing now is just a routine. No matter what kind of attack it is, it is only counted as a normal attack, but if that set of marksmanship is recognized as an ability, it will be different.

If it is recognized as an ability, the marksmanship will have the damage bonus and special effects granted by the system, which is beyond the reach of Wenzhou's ordinary marksmanship.

After exiting the dungeon, Wenzhou looked at the progress of the growth factor. It had already reached 46%, but before the parallel hunting line activity started, it should not be able to reach the [growth period].

After a long sigh of relief, Wenzhou left the dream space.

Back to reality, Wang Youcai and the others are still working on tasks, and Wenzhou can't find them. Simply, Wenzhou just went to see Uncle Wang's house.

Last time, Uncle Wang still vaguely remembered that he almost fell into the pond, and he was not in a good mood recently.

"Master, why, you still think about that thing recently, I told you that you remembered it wrongly, and I will drag you away after you take the photo."

Sitting in front of Uncle Wang, Wenzhou filled a cup of tea for Uncle Wang with a smile, then picked up his own, clinked glasses with Uncle Wang,
"My brain, really, okay, okay, I've lost my memory, hahaha."

He frowned, then pinched his eyebrows with his right hand, and then Uncle Wang smiled sadly. Since Wenzhou said this, he must have remembered it wrong.

"By the way, sir, there will be a blacksmithing performance under our city wall in a while. Why don't we go and watch it together then?"

Thinking of the news I read before, Wenzhou invited,

This time, 7 did not notify any changes, so as long as you watch the performance in a safe area, there should be no big problem.
"No, no, my wife doesn't want to see those flames, we can just watch it on TV hahaha."

Hearing Wenzhou's invitation, Uncle Wang closed his eyes and waved his hands. Although he said that his wife was afraid of the fire, in fact, maybe he still had some sequelae about the trip to the ancient temple.
He still didn't fully believe what Wenzhou said.

That being the case, Wenzhou is not reluctant, and it’s okay not to go, but the iron flower is also a bit dangerous. The people who visit the scene have to be 20 meters away from the performers, and the degree of danger is self-evident.

After drinking tea for a while, Wenzhou bid farewell to Uncle Wang and went home. Aunt Wang wanted to stay for Wenzhou to eat, but Wenzhou didn't have much appetite, so he just drank a bowl of porridge and left.

When I got home and opened the refrigerator, Wenzhou just took out a can of soda and started drinking.
He likes the feeling of refreshing from the inside out, and also likes the feeling of a momentary emptiness in his mind...

At night, Wenzhou waited until the early morning of the next day before entering the source realm of dreams.
The time in the source world of dreamland is about the same as in his world. As long as a day passes here in Wenzhou, it is equivalent to a day in the source world of dreamland. There may be some slight differences, but they can be ignored.

As soon as he entered, Wenzhou could see from the high altitude where he descended, that there was a black mass of Constructors gathered on the cyber square,
From the perspective of Wenzhou, the gate of the super chain seems to be closed, so everyone gathered in the square,
Looking at the posture, it seems that they are all planning to go to the super chain and Nuo's auction to find out.

"Nuo's auction house, as I remember, is at the back of the super chain, you can walk through the hyper chain, or go around the hyper chain, and you can also enter behind the hyper chain."

Wenzhou recalled the updated map that he had seen before. The gate of the super chain was facing Cyber ​​Plaza, and Nuo’s auction house was just behind the super chain, so the gate of the auction house was facing the back.
Presumably besides the Cyber ​​Plaza, behind the detour, there is probably a group of people there,

Wenzhou took a detour and walked back instead, not staying in front of the super chain office, there were too many people, it hurts to see Wenzhou in the dark,

Moreover, I don’t know if anyone is messing with him today. Just in case, Wenzhou might as well go directly to the auction house to have a look.
Although the auction price there may be a bit more expensive, but there are a lot of items, and the major forces in the auction will not foolishly hype up an ordinary C-segment equipment.

Now that he thought of this, Wenzhou just thought about it, so he went to the auction house for a while, instead of going to the super chain.

After this update, Wenzhou hasn't been to Nuo's auction house yet, and I don't know what it looks like, but I'm looking forward to it.

Wenzhou walked slowly around the hyperlink station, surrounded by sparse rows of people. Wenzhou walked under a streetlight and sent a message to Wang Youcai and others.
The few people responded quickly, and they said they would be there soon after they finished speaking.
Sure enough, after waiting for about 3 minutes, everyone found Wenzhou.

"How do you say, don't we go to the hyperlink office?"

Looking at the direction Wenzhou was walking in, Zhou Tian, ​​who had just arrived, was puzzled, what is Wenzhou?

"No, no, it's because I don't go to the hyperlink office, you can still go and have a look, because I..."

As he said that, Wenzhou explained to everyone what happened yesterday. After listening, everyone smiled and said, "You really have a lot of enemies."

"Don't talk about it, I'm still afraid that he will find someone to block you too."

Sighing, Wenzhou said in a deep voice, since Neil has messed with him, there is a chance to mess with his teammates, otherwise Neil will only target Wenzhou, and Wenzhou can let his teammates screen the equipment for him.
Therefore, the reason Wenzhou called everyone together is to discuss everyone's movements.

In the end, it was also decided that Wenzhou would go to the auction house first, and the four of them on Zhou Tian would go to Chaolian to have a look. If anyone went to raise the price with them, they would go directly to the auction house.

After the agreement was made, Wenzhou continued to walk along the road, while Zhou Tian and the others returned to the gate of the Chaolian Office, and were going to explore the wind first.

The super chain is not far from Nuo’s auction house, Wenzhou arrived within a few minutes after walking, and Wenzhou was surprised by the decoration style at first sight,

The pointed glazed roof similar to a cathedral completely covers the auction house, and frost-like opaque stones or crystals pile up the gates of the auction house.

Generally speaking, it is similar to the style of architecture that Wenzhou has seen in the dungeon of "House of Demon Seeds",
Then, before Wenzhou could find a foothold, the city's notification system started broadcasting with its mechanical voice:
[Contractors, the auction house and hyperlink location will be open after the broadcast ends. Today, we will sell all kinds of items needed by C-level contractors in the market to help you in this parallel hunting line activity. 】

[Thank you for coming, I wish you all what you need]

Ding!A crisp whistling sound pulled back everyone's thoughts. Sure enough, after the voice announcement ended, the gates of both the hyperchain store and the auction house were opened in good time.

All the people hurried towards the inside, as if they would miss a lot of equipment if they were a second late.
The stall owners of today's Hyperchain are all employees of Dreamland Source Realm, so there is no bargaining process, but they still follow the first-come, first-served rule.

As long as one piece of equipment has been paid by a consignor, then the subsequent ones can no longer come to grab it. However, before the payment is made, the bidding can still continue.

"Good guy, luckily I didn't go, otherwise I was fucked by them again today."

(End of this chapter)

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