Chapter 288

Silently watching the parting scene, Wenzhou was very silent. What exactly is in this merit box?

Judging from the Buddha shadow fighters on the third floor, the existence in the Sutra Pavilion should be related to the memories of Fang Xin and Wu Wei.

"I can only take one step at a time,"

Nodding his head, Wenzhou realized that the scene in front of him was frozen at the moment when Fang Xin and Wu Wei parted. The laurel tree was just luxuriant.
Then, the surrounding environment gradually turned white and brightened, and then gradually swallowed up Wenzhou's sight...

"Wenzhou, can you hear me? Wenzhou! What's wrong with you!"

Gradually, Wenzhou heard a gradually clear shouting sound coming from next to his ear. After listening carefully, it was the urgent voice of the crowd.
After his consciousness returned to reality, Wenzhou realized that he had been stunned for more than ten seconds just now.

"No, I'm fine, just now my consciousness seems to have entered an illusion,"

Seeing Wenzhou's eyes suddenly brightened, and he replied to everyone's words at the same time, everyone was relieved. There are all kinds of strange things.

Afterwards, Wenzhou promptly described to everyone what he saw just now,
After listening to Wenzhou's explanation, everyone has a new view on the Buddhist scriptures pavilion.
Preliminary speculation, it must be the special wisdom or some kind of breath born by the laurel tree that contaminated the merit box, and then caused a series of things,
In the surrounding air, the flying debris has gradually drifted down, and the originally turbid air has gradually subsided.

"Okay, let's go on, the fourth floor."

After inferring here, some progress has been made. After sorting out the situation, everyone is heading for the stairs leading to the fourth floor.
Wenzhou's blood volume has almost recovered due to the passive effect of the necklace.

It's just that this passivity seems to be getting more and more tasteless.

The main reason is that the out-of-combat state is becoming less and less realistic.
You must know that the missions or accidents that Wenzhou undertakes are not simple turn-based games.

Every battle usually ends very quickly, not the kind of Gua Sha master who needs to spend time and blood bottles to kill the boss,
Therefore, in battle, this passive is not very useful.
If I have to say, the recovery effect after each phased battle is still good,

But Wang Youcai can't do it anymore.
He has no recovery equipment. This time, the Sutra Pavilion can only use recovery items once. He still has about 80% of his health.
The attributes of a wagashi are as follows:

[Quality]: D
[Introduction]: A special Japanese pastry with a good soft and waxy texture and special recovery effect.
[Effect]: Restores 3~5 points of HP per second, lasts for 12 seconds, and the recovery effect is increased by the critical strike probability.

That is to say, a wagashi can restore 36~60 points of life, plus the occasional small probability critical hit, maybe it can reach more than 70 points,
The attributes of Wang Youcai are as follows:
【Wang Youcai】
【Grade】: C-
【Vitality】: 452-
[Defense Power]: 75-
[Attack Power]: 71-
[Lucky value]: (rare) -
[Others]: Luck value 2 (rare)
452 points of blood can barely last for a while, but their battle strategy has to be changed,

"The fat man will give me the shield for a while, I will fight on it, and I can recover my blood with the necklace,"

Wenzhou found that his passive necklace seemed to only be effective for one person. He originally wanted to give the necklace to everyone in order, so he had to give up.
Presumably the system is also set up in this way to avoid bugs in Wenzhou's card.

"it is good."

Wang Youcai nodded to indicate that there was no problem, then he threw the shield to Wenzhou, and took out the wooden shield he used before.
I don't really need a shield to protect the C-position output from the back of the battlefield.

It is better for Wenzhou to absorb damage in the front and have more defensive equipment.

However, in this way, Wenzhou's rice gun could not be equipped, so he had to hold a shield in one hand and a dagger in the other to barely break through the obstacles.

I don't know what's on the fourth floor, but everyone is up to 12 points,

The third layer is a bit difficult, so the fourth layer will not be easy.


"Don't come forward, otherwise, shoot to kill—"

The five people from Wenzhou had just stepped onto the fourth floor. At the top of the stairs on the fifth floor, a light blue Buddha shadow holding a sword in his arms spoke indifferently.

The voice was a little cold, and it seemed to have some human touch.

Look at this person, he is completely dressed in plain clothes, and his hair is bound by the kind of hairpin used by men. The sharp edges and corners carefully carve his cheeks through the halo,

This person doesn't seem so simple.

"I am Xiner's cousin, please leave quickly, Xiner needs to rest."

The light blue Buddha shadow ignored the existence of the Wenzhou five people, and just continued to spit mechanically.


Wenzhou frowned. Is that blue shadow Fang Xin's cousin?What kind of strange new character is this?
"Fang Xin is not on it, you are just a piece of her memory, we can help Fang Xin, and we hope you will hold your hand high."

Since the Buddha figure could talk, Wenzhou wanted to try to communicate with him, so he took the initiative to take another step forward and said loudly.


Lan Ying didn't talk nonsense, just snorted coldly, pulled out the saber in his arms and rushed towards Wenzhou:
【Blue Shadow Fang Tong】

[Introduction]: Fang Xin's cousin, during Wu Wei's absence, has been trying to persuade his sister to marry someone else, and he doesn't have any good feelings for Wu Wei who made his sister wait for a long time.
【Vitality】: 4000-
[Defense Power]: 55-
[Attack Power]: 130-
[Others]: Crit rate 5%, Penetration rate 5%-
[Abilities]: [Sword Blossom], [Leng Hui], [Qi Measurement]

"Good guy, what a good cousin."

After watching Fang Tong rushing towards him, Wenzhou hurriedly dodged to the side, and at the same time leaned on the dagger and threw a Yang Yan at the long sword that rushed in.

In Fang Xin's memory, this cousin also has a place, but why is this cousin so aggressive.

Wenzhou managed to dodge a sword thrust, and in the next second, Fang Tong slashed at Wenzhou's shield with his sword.



The defensive effect of this shield is extremely obvious. When there is no direct contact with the damage, Wenzhou will only receive a little damage from the impact.

And even if it is cut away, the shield's powerful damage-free and high health bonus and defense bonus will not make Wenzhou look ugly.

"Everyone output according to the situation, be careful not to get hit."

Wenzhou shouted loudly, Fang Tong doesn't seem to know sword energy, that is to say, those three abilities are just some simple single-target or small-scale damage,
In this way, compared to the Buddha shadow fighters on the third floor, he is still easier to deal with.

However, Fang Tong's movement skills were more sensitive, so Yun Luoluo and Su Miaoke could only hit the blue light of his afterimage from time to time.

So even though he only has 4000 points of vitality, the difficulty of entanglement with him is a little higher than that of the Buddha Shadow Warrior.


Just as everyone was coming and going, Fang Tong shouted and suddenly took the sword back to his chest, and then a golden light slowly appeared on the hilt,

Fang Tong summons the power of the Buddha's shadow in his body, his attack speed increases by 20%, and his attack backswing decreases by 10%.

After reading the introduction on the information column, Wenzhou was not too nervous.

"It's okay, it's not a tricky thing."

Thinking this way in his heart, Wenzhou just held the shield in his hand tighter. The increase in attack speed is actually not that difficult, but Wenzhou doesn't know what the post-attack shake is referring to.
But after receiving two similar attacks, Wenzhou knew it.

Fang Tong's attack at the beginning was a bit stiff, basically the emptiness between each attack was obvious, and Wenzhou was able to avoid it in time.

And after reducing the back swing by 10%, Wenzhou suddenly discovered that combined with the increase in attack speed, Fang Tong's offensive seemed to be much faster,

He only heard the occasional knocking sound on his shield and the dozens of small injuries floating out of Wenzhou's head, Wenzhou felt a bit of a headache,
Fortunately, Fang Tong's HP has been consumed to 2000 points at this time,
A small amount of consumption with a dagger in your own time can also play a good role.
Although the setting of the hatred value was not mentioned in the accident mission, Wenzhou discovered that as long as the first person to meet the boss will be the first to attract the boss's attack,
Unless someone else's output suddenly increases, the BOSS's attack target will be transferred to him.

Therefore, after such a trip, Wenzhou was basically attracting the hatred of every monster steadily.

Then Leng Hui gave Fang Tong's attack a 10% slowing effect on the enemy. Wenzhou didn't want to pull it, he just went up to resist, so this was not too difficult.

Time slowed down, and after 4 minutes, Fang Tong had less than 300 blood points left in the blink of an eye, and at this moment, Fang Tong finally used his last ability: [Measurement of Qi]

I saw Fang Tong's light blue body suddenly surged with air, and then, a special message popped into Wenzhou's message bar:

[Measurement of Qi]: Fang Tong released endless anger towards Wu Wei. At this moment, Fang Tong fully empathized with the resentment that his sister had been waiting for.

In the next 20 seconds, Fang Tong's various attributes will increase by 20%.

"God tm is angry, you are angry Wu Wei, don't vent your anger on me, good guy, everyone, output quickly, Lolo, hand in your control skills!"

Wenzhou's secret passage is not good. Now he has less than 200 life points left. It's hard to say whether Fang Tong can replace himself with his final counterattack. This is not good.
So Wenzhou hurriedly asked Yun Luoluo to hand over one of her control skills.

As for why I didn’t use it before, the main reason is that the CD of that ability is too long, it takes 1 hour, but it’s shorter in the mission dungeon.
[Imprisonment]: Imprison the designated single enemy in place and cannot move for 5s. During this period, the damage received by the enemy increases by 10%.The effect of the imprisonment duration on the founder is halved.

This ability has to be said to be somewhat useful, especially for those more sensitive enemies.
The only drawback is that this ability has a long CD, and the second is that this skill is not a directional skill, so Yun Luoluo has to aim it by himself, and it will be gone if it is empty.

Fortunately, the space on the fourth floor is not so spacious, and Wenzhou is still dragging Fang Tong, so Yun Luoluo only needs to aim briefly, and a purple ball of light flies towards Fang Tong.
"It's hit!"

In the next second, Yun Luoluo smiled confidently. That's right, Fang Tong's body was already glowing with purple light, and at the same time, several special chains suddenly appeared under his feet, locking his feet tightly. .

"Good job! Hurry up and kill this b second!"

Time waits for no one, seeing Yun Luoluo imprisoning Fang Tong, Wenzhou immediately applauded, and then hurriedly cut out his own rice gun and smashed a wave of Yang Yan at the imprisoned Fang Tong,



Wenzhou, coupled with the instant explosion of several people, Fang Tong, who was imprisoned in the same place, was taken away instantly before he could react.

"How come..."

The widened blue eye sockets gradually dissipated, and this blue shadow Fang Tong didn't expect to be fixed in the end.

"What's going on? You're so imposing, crawl for me."

Seeing that he only had 150+ blood left, Wenzhou couldn't help slamming the rice gun a few times at the place where Fang Tong was just now,

This time, Wenzhou did not enter the so-called wonderful world. After the blue light dissipated, everyone leaned aside and began to pant.

"It's a bit oppressive, brothers,"

Su Miaoke wiped the sweat from her forehead, frowned in embarrassment and said,

Fang Tong’s movement speed was too fast just now, and her output was not timely when she followed closely and slowly. Those arrows were accidentally shot, and she had to keep moving to find a suitable angle to output. ,

And Yun Luoluo also wiped the sweat from his chin,
During this February day, the two sweated unreasonably,

In fact, it was mainly due to psychological effects. The physical fitness of the two players was fully capable of handling such high-intensity movements. It was just that the two of them were sweating too nervously because they missed the target.

"Okay, let me take it easy, I'm the most tired one."

With a wry smile, Wenzhou's resentful tone made everyone laugh, and yes, in terms of difficulty, Wenzhou is still the most difficult.
He had to output while walking, and he had to be careful to avoid fatal injuries at all times. If Wenzhou hadn't developed a sense of arrogance in the dungeon of collecting the emerald green banyan, otherwise this time it would be really difficult.

Wenzhou also discovered that the greatest benefit of the copy of the emerald green banyan to him is not actually the emerald green banyan seedling itself, but the improvement of his response.

You know, in the dungeon, all the fireflies that Wenzhou encountered were very fast and fierce. In order to avoid damage as much as possible, Wenzhou had already developed some ability to predict.

In the fight with Fang Tong just now, Wenzhou used his shield to perfectly block Fang Tong's unexpected attacks several times in time, which was really too thrilling.

"Okay, okay, you rest first. After your blood volume is replenished, we will go to the fifth floor."

Walking to Wenzhou's side and patting Wenzhou's shoulder lightly, Su Miaoke covered her mouth and laughed softly, Wenzhou's embarrassed look is a bit funny.

(End of this chapter)

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