The world is unstable

Chapter 271 Large Event

Chapter 271 Large Event
"Let's talk about the interests first, and hope to have a happy cooperation in the future."

With a slight smile, Wenzhou was ready to leave, but at this time, Wutiao stopped Wenzhou and said:

"This matter is over, but there is one more thing we need your help with. Cooperation is mutual, isn't it?"

Wenzhou, who just got up, was pushed back on the seat by Wutiaohua, good guy, just asked him to help sell wagashi formula, so he found himself?
"Let's say it in advance, no matter what it is, first of all, I've been a little busy recently, I have to wait until I finish my work, and secondly, cooperation is not a part-time job for nothing."

Before Wutiao could say anything, Wenzhou immediately stated his conditions, but Wutiao made him hesitate, and couldn't help but smile helplessly, the good guy really convinced Wenzhou.

"That's for sure. The cooperation must be a win-win cooperation for both parties. It just so happens that this matter happened after a while. I told you in advance, and you can think about it yourself."

Nodding his head, Wutiao exchanged a glance with Meimei, and then said slowly:

"After a while, Dreamland Source Realm will organize a large-scale hunting event, and I will inform you through a system update in the near future.

The news we have learned is that this large-scale event requires the contribution of hunting activities in the form of a team. "

A few words made Wenzhou's eyelids twitch. Is this the purpose of Dreamland Source Realm to let these founders quickly improve their strength?Big game hunting?

Before knowing more specific content, Wenzhou first noticed that strength and status in the source world of dreams can really bring terrible advantages,

Wutiao, and this Meimei, the leaders of the two great powers, can actually know the updated content of the dream source world in advance, which is a great attraction for Wenzhou.

What Wenzhou lacks most now is the source of information, and Wutiao and Meimei have given Wenzhou a very good direction, which is to gradually expand its influence.

"What kind of cooperation do you want?"

In terms of benefits for large-scale hunting activities, there is definitely no need to think too much, just a lot. Wenzhou's main concern now is the specific details of the cooperation.

Seeing Wenzhou's interest, Gojo smiled.
Before we reached a condition with Wenzhou, Wenzhou could take the initiative to refuse the cooperation that he didn't want to participate in, so if Wenzhou refused, Wu Tiao couldn't say anything.
"It's like this. We don't know the specific content of the hunting activity. We just know that the founders of C-level, B-level and A-level are the main participants.
Everyone's contribution points in hunting activities are finally recorded by ranking, and the team's ranking is also the same.

In this hunting activity, everyone is mainly competing for individual and team ranking rewards, so what we mean is, you, come and form a C-level team with us to participate in the activity,
Let you be the captain, and you can do your best to rank, but here I promise, if you can enter the top three in the C-level team, how about I can tell you the information you want to know the most? "

Hearing this, Wenzhou became interested. What he wanted was nothing more than information about the gap world. Didn't expect to have a clue so soon?

"This ranking, does each level have its own leaderboard?"

"Yes, in order to avoid the advantage of combat power possessed by high-level contractors, each level has its own leaderboard, but for the team,"

Speaking of the team, Wutiao paused before continuing:

"Teams don't have their own leaderboards, so the team leaderboards are basically those B-level and A-level builders competing for."

After listening to Wu Tiao's explanation, Wenzhou nodded silently,
That is to say, at most he is striving for the forefront of his C-level rank, and if the team contributes, they should not be infected.

"Okay, then let me know when the time comes, so let's do this first. Within a month, I will first collect the profit share of the first batch of wagashi sales, is that okay?"

Now that everything has been negotiated, before Wenzhou left, he mentioned the expiration date of the profit,

If they want to participate in the so-called large-scale hunting activities, the strength of the Wenzhou team must be improved, that is to say, their equipment must be updated as soon as possible.

"Okay, we'll be there as soon as possible."

Nodding his head, Wutiao also knew what Wenzhou meant, so he nodded and said.

Here, Wenzhou also silently expressed his understanding, and then, he glanced at Meimei at the side, and after seeing her incomprehensible look, he went downstairs.

"How is it? Is it alright?"

Seeing Wenzhou come down, Yi, who was leaning against a wall, straightened up and asked with interest.

Raising his eyebrows, Wenzhou just said "go out and talk," and in Yi's field of vision, he walked out on his own, and Yi also followed along by the way...

...on the second floor of the Gathering Point

"What should I say? Want to test Wenzhou's strength?"

After Wenzhou left, Meimei, who hadn't spoken just now, looked at Wutiao and said, her eyes were sharp, but she had the tenderness of a different kind of woman,

Slowly relaxing his body and leaning on the back of his chair, Gojo smiled:
"It's just cooperation and cooperation. However, if the partner is not good enough, we can't explain it to others."

That's right, Wu Tiao, just wanted to see Wenzhou's strength. Before, Wenzhou's performance in the Satanic mission, he could only know that Wenzhou had completed the hidden mission he mentioned.
Other than that, Wutiao knows nothing about Wenzhou.

Even though Yi had cooperated with Wenzhou several times before, Wutiao still didn't know enough about Wenzhou. Therefore, this so-called large-scale hunting activity was a good opportunity to test Wenzhou's strength.

Let Wenzhou be the captain, see Wenzhou's management ability, let Wenzhou try to win the top three, and see Wenzhou's real strength,
Only when these rigid targets are met can Wu Tiao continue to contact Wenzhou. After all, Wu Tiao represents the direction of such a powerful force as [Li].
If Wenzhou's strength is too low, other Li members will also have some gossip.

Meimei nodded and said no more, just stroked the rose flower on her head lightly, and couldn't help but think in her heart: "If there is anyone among the C-level conclusions who can have artifact fragments, I will only treat it as you. Wenzhou."

... outside the gathering point
Wenzhou and Wenzhou both climbed to the roof of this building, so it took some time.

Gently swinging his legs on the side of the fence on the roof, leaning against the fence, overlooking the scene below, Wenzhou only felt the endless barrenness and desolation,
Light yellow, dark brown, looking around, it's just a spread of death. This is really the so-called wasteland neighborhood.

(End of this chapter)

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