The world is unstable

Chapter 247 The Tragedy

Chapter 247 The Tragedy
The sudden appearance of the army, the sudden change in the weather, the rainstorm and hail, all the negative factors suddenly erupted at this moment,

The Jinchuan Yuan army, which was originally high-spirited, collapsed in an instant.
The onslaught of heavy rain and hail made the ground in the narrow space slippery, and Jin Chuanyuan's soldiers who wanted to get together couldn't return to their normal combat state at all.
And this gave Oda Chang and the others more opportunities,

"Boom bang bang-"

Rows of gunmen just fired mercilessly at the soldiers of Yuan Jinchuan in a step-by-step manner. Each shot could take away a large number of scurrying soldiers.
With the sudden whistling wind and the cloudy sky, the Oda soldiers in green costumes hidden at the foot of the mountain could not be spotted by the archers under Jin Chuanyuan's banner.

For a time, the scene was extremely reversed.

But 2 minutes after the hailstorm started to fall, the narrow space was already a mess.
The strength of 2w5 troops was weakened by 5000 by hail or firecrackers in an instant, and this is far from over.
The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the hail seems to be getting more and more terrible,

The size of the hailstones ranges from half an egg, to half an egg, to one, and even a circle larger than an egg.
If the half-egg at the beginning didn't have much lethality, it wouldn't be much fun if the hockey puck the size of an egg fell from a height of thousands of meters.


Some soldiers didn't even have time to scream out, but were directly knocked unconscious by the huge ice ball that fell from the sky, and inexplicably disappeared on the warming up battlefield.


With the support of Thunder, the rainstorm and hail gradually turned into a disaster.

When the hailstone hits the narrow road, it can instantly smash the ground after the rainstorm into a deep pit and then shatter it.

This scene is really rare to see in a hundred years.
But fortunately, there are many Oda chiefs hidden in the dense forest. Due to the buffering effect of the trunks and branches, the hailstones did not have much impact when they fell.

What's more, they also wore hats, which reduced the damage caused by some natural disasters.

"My lord, I think we don't need to go out anymore,"

The general at the side of Oda Chief looked at the tragic situation of Jin Chuanyuan's forces in front of him, and couldn't help sighing, the weather is too terrible, right?
"Yes, thanks to Wenzhou Taro's reminder, I want to say something to you on behalf of all the soldiers, thank you."

Turning his head to look at Wenzhou, Chief Oda solemnly lowered his head slightly, Wenzhou's reminder is really too important,
If they didn't wear straw hats, or recklessly hid in a place with a wide view, at least one-third of their 2000 people would have been taken away by this terrible hailstone today.

"My lord, there is no need to do this. We are all here to defend our city and our country."

Nodding, Wenzhou gradually developed a good impression of this Oda man.
He is good at listening to the reasonable suggestions of his subordinates, and has a high degree of care and recognition for his subordinates. He is indeed a qualified leader.

At this time, more than 8000 of Jin Chuanyuan's subordinates were killed by hail and continuous firecracker attacks. It was too tragic.

The musketeer still has a little backup ammunition, which can support several rounds of shooting. That is to say, some of Jin Chuanyuan's subordinates have to die.
Wenzhou caught a glimpse that after the torrential rain, the firecracker held by the firecracker was able to shoot normally, which made him puzzled.

When a general under Oda Chang saw Wenzhou's puzzled look, he immediately understood Wenzhou's doubts and explained:

"The firecrackers of our firecracker team are all soaked in pine oil, and the gunpowder is also wrapped and preserved in layers of dense oil paper.

When using it, the musketeers such as me will hide the gunpowder inlet in our waist to prevent it from being soaked in water, so we can fight for a long time in rainy days. "

After listening to the general's explanation, Wenzhou nodded his head, but at the next moment, there was a new change on the battlefield:
"Charge to both sides! Rather than being crushed to death by hailstones, it is better to replace an enemy before death!"

"Yes! Kill!"

Unexpectedly, Jin Chuanyuan's soldiers in the narrow room were preparing to make a deathbed counterattack.
Just now, due to the uninterrupted output of firecrackers on both sides, the soldiers in the narrow space could only hide in the east, but they dared not approach the bushes on both sides.
But the archers wanted to shoot the enemy to death but found that the lack of light prevented them from finding the enemy hidden in the woods, which forced them to break up and flee.
The torrential rain and hailstones that followed immediately scattered them in all directions. No matter where they were, the oncoming ones were big hailstones one after another.

The ruthless massacre seemed to be the wreckage of the scarlet heirs descended from the sky. Gradually, the shoals formed by the clear rainwater turned into blood-stained holes.

8000, 9000, 10000, 12000, the speed of death and injury is too fast, which directly leads to the fact that the remaining surviving soldiers can only fight back desperately.

When Oda Chief and his group watched the red-eyed Jin Chuanyuan soldiers rushing towards them frantically, he knew that it was time to rush up.
"All the soldiers listen to the order! Kill Jin Chuanyuan's subordinates who entered the mountain forest together, 1500 infantry, protect the musketeers!"



The refreshing sound of the shiny katana being pulled out of the scabbard, at this moment, turned into a scythe of death, and the white light of the knife was sharpened by the beating of the heavy rain.


The 1500 infantrymen under Oda Chang stood up instantly from the place where they were lying down, and with the shining katana in their hands, they couldn't help being exposed to the eyes of Jin Chuanyuan's soldiers who rushed towards them.
Jin Chuanyuan's subordinates, looking at the soldiers of Chief Oda who had just attacked them, wished to eat their flesh and drink their blood, and immediately roared and rushed into the forest.
The killing intent of both sides condensed into a substantial haze, and this atmosphere made several people in Wenzhou tremble subconsciously because of the upcoming battle.

That is not the fear of the enemy, but the fear of war. Anyone, even a battle-tested general, will release the most basic fear in the face of this kind of almost primitive hand-to-hand combat.
And this is the most terrifying aspect of the war, the so-called post-war trauma, which comes from this,

"Death to the Lord!"

First of all, Wang Youcai couldn't get on his knees anymore. He aimed at a warrior rushing towards them, and immediately got up and threw the thick shield in the warrior's face.

Afterwards, he pierced vigorously, and the big knife held in the other hand pierced through the waist of the warrior directly.

The fear that the war brought to Wang Youcai was instantly released at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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