Super Bank Card System

Chapter 72 Clothing Endorsement

Chapter 72 Clothing Endorsement
This person is Meixiu. As soon as he saw me, he said to me: "Benefactor, you finally appeared. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Is there anything you want from me?" I asked.

"You said this, how can you forget it, it is the endorsement of my clothing store!"

I suddenly found out that there is still this thing, so I said: "It's just right, I need this thing, I can endorse your clothing store."

With that said, May Xiu took me to his clothing store and said to me: "I can name all the clothes in my clothing store Peter Pan's customized clothing, and you just agree to shoot the commercial for me."

No matter what he does, as long as I can complete the task, let Meixiu take full control of this matter, and now it is a system for me.

Mei Xiu let me put on Peter Pan's costume, then took some photos of me with the camera, and said: "The benefactor is Peter Pan, who will definitely attract a lot of guests for me. Listen to me for sure."

I know what Meixiu is up to, but I can't make it so public, and I can't bear to make an advertisement, but this matter can allow me to complete the task!So he obediently obeyed Mei Xiu's request.

Very helpless, I don’t know what to do, because in my heart, this matter can’t be done with such a big fanfare, because Ye Lao and Feiteng Group are coveting my bank card, and Hei Kui asked Zhiyuan to come and get my bank card. In order to get my bank card system.But if I endorse Meixiu's clothing, this matter can't be so hidden. The people of Feiteng Group must know that the bank card that Zhiyuan brought back is not my real bank card.

So I can't just show the functions of the bank card system, otherwise people from Feiteng Group will definitely know about it, so I won't be able to use the kung fu skills or flying skills on the bank card.

According to Mei Xiu's advertising plan, I put on Peter Pan's costume and shoot a video, and he has already thought up the advertising words.

Let me put on the costume and said: "If you want to be cool and fly, why not customize the same costume as Peter Pan, everyone is welcome to buy it! The coolest costumes are only sold at cute prices!"

Mei Xiu asked me to say this sentence, and suddenly my system prompted: "Your pretense was successful, please select a function?"

I chose a pretentious mode, and I can use the pretentious mode to make money. I am as smart as I am.

Mayhew told me that he would put the video I shot on the monitor at the door so it could help him grow his business.

After shooting the video for Meixiu, he said to him: "You should not make this advertisement too public, my identity must be concealed." "

Mei Xiu agreed and said to me: "You are really my great benefactor. From now on, if you need anything, just come to me!"

I went back to the bank after shooting the commercial for Meixiu, but what I didn’t expect was that Meixiu bought my commercial to the TV station. What I didn’t expect was that since my commercial was broadcast on the TV, I was so angry. !
In order to hide my identity, I called Mei Xiu and said to him: "How can you give my advertisement to the TV station? Don't you know that my identity needs to be concealed?"

Mei Xiu said it was urgent and didn't tell me, but he said it was inevitable, otherwise how would the people in Ningcheng know that I am Peter Pan.

Since my advertisement was broadcast on TV, the number of people buying clothes at Meixiu clothing store has greatly increased, but my identity is still concealed by my Peter Pan costume, but this does not rule out that the people of Feiteng Group did not know My bank card system was not replaced by them.

However, after a few days, no one from Feiteng Group came to me, probably because of the copy card brought back by Zhiyuan, which made Hei Kui think it was my bank card.

I was very happy and said that my bank card system is a super system, otherwise such a little thing can't be solved.

Mei Xiu sold the advertisement of Peter Pan to the TV station, got some money, and said to me: "Benefactor, how do you solve your advertising fee?"

On the phone, he made it very clear that the money will be used to make clothes for me, and I will continue to work on my bank card system without asking him for it.

When I was working on my own bank card system, I saw an accident broadcast on TV. The accident seemed to be a fire scene. Some people were contained in the fire. Fight with all your might.

At this time, I saw a baby in the cradle of the house in a fire, crying loudly, but the scene was very noisy, and no one heard it at all. The TV station was saying: "I don't know if Peter Pan can rush to the scene to rescue Is this fire?"

I knew it was time for my Peter Pan travel duties, so I quickly put on my Peter Pan costume and flew towards the fire scene.

When I came here, the crowd saw me and said, "Peter Pan is really here, we will follow up and report on this matter, and we will wait and see how Peter Pan can save this fire?"

I flew into this building, took the baby out and gave it to the people below, and then used my system to suck the oxygen out of my own fire, and the bank card system just put the building's The fire was extinguished, and everyone shouted for joy.

"Peter Pan!"

"Peter Pan!"

Along with the cheers of the crowd, I flew into the sky and blew a kiss to the crowd, and then flew away.

This incident was broadcast live on TV, I think people from Feiteng Group will know about it, but I can't just ignore this incident, because I am Peter Pan!
Back at the bank, Brother Kui found me and said, "Ashin, where have you been? Your wife is here to find you!"

As soon as I heard this, I knew that Li Xueting had come to visit me. She rarely came to my bank, so I don't know why she is free now.

Li Xueting came into my room and said, "How is your bank card system?"

"I have turned on the pretentious mode, and I can make money with the bank card system!"

Upon hearing this, Li Xueting said, "I don't think you should rely on the bank card system anymore. I'm a little worried."

Hearing this, she knew that Li Xueting was worried about my safety, so she replied: "My wife, you don't have to worry, I won't just abandon my system like this, because my fate has been tied to my own. The system is linked together."

Seeing that he couldn't convince me, he said, "Then do you really know that this matter will not affect your own safety?"

I thought about it carefully and said to Li Xueting: "My wife, you don't have to worry about it. I can use my system myself. As for safety, it must be safe!"

(End of this chapter)

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