Super Bank Card System

Chapter 65 Complete the mission

Chapter 65 Complete the mission
My task has not been completed, I have to continue to complete this matter, I have to say it is a rare thing, because this matter is still very important in my eyes, in order to complete the task, I decided to wait a while Wait, and then go to complete the task.

Now that the bank matter has not been resolved, I will solve the bank matter first, and then look for this gem, otherwise I really don't know how to complete this task.

Li Xueting's Tianyu Group's internal struggle is not over yet, and I have to help her resolve the internal struggle, otherwise I can't feel at ease.

But solving this matter is not that simple, it will take time.

Before the matter between me and Li Xueting was resolved, I said to her: "How is the matter within the group?"

"The plan has basically been implemented. Fortunately, the plan has not been lost this time, but I didn't expect Mr. Liu to do a good job of keeping it secret? There is also the matter of Qian Ming. How did you check it?"

I can only tell Li Xueting: "Qian Ming was killed by someone unknown, and the murderer has not been found. This matter is not that simple."

As soon as Li Xueting heard it, she knew that this matter was very confusing, so she had no choice but to tell me: "Since Qian Ming is dead, shouldn't our clues be cut off?"

I know what Li Xueting is worried about. She is afraid that Mr. Liu is still in collusion with the people of Feiteng Group, thus revealing the secrets of Tianyu Group. She really did not expect it.

I talked a lot with Li Xueting that night, so I made this matter clear.In the future, we need to have our own views on Mr. Liu.

After talking so much to Li Xueting, we fell asleep, which I have to say was a wonderful thing.Li Xueting is gentle like a good wife and mother. I was a little shocked when I saw her, but what I didn't expect was that Li Xueting's eyes looked at me with a little calmness. This is destined to be a beautiful night.

The next morning I sent Li Xueting to Tianyu Group, and I went to see Wang Siqi. Wang Siqi said that the internal system of Tianyu Group had been repaired.When I thought it was unnecessary for her to stay in Tianyu Group, I told Wang Siqi that she could go back to the bank.

When Wang Siqi heard that she could go back to the bank, she didn't know how happy she was.

As she spoke, she drove me to the bank. Wang Siqi and I entered the bank and saw many people saving here. I was very happy, and my wealth was about to explode.

Brother Kui told me that we can develop a bank's financial management software, so that customers can manage their financial management on their mobile phones, don't you think so?
I thought what Brother Kui said was very good, so I decided to use my own bank card system to develop a software. My bank card system can do it, so I said: "Leave this to me!"

I opened the bank card system, if only I could develop a software, but the system told me: "Your wealth management software has been integrated with financial software, and you just need to develop your financial software!"

I didn't find this problem solved so easily, so I said: "Can you spread this software to the Internet here?"

Because my bank card system is connected to God, I can unconditionally connect to the network of this world.

In an instant, I formulated the bank's wealth management software, and then put it into use.

After finishing the bank's wealth management software, I decided to complete my task, which is to find gems.

I came to the top of my bank, and then flew over the city. This time I flew over the city in stealth, so no one could see me.

My system could locate the location of the gem, so I flew to Feiteng Group. When I came here, I found that the gem was in a delicate box. In order to get this gem, I walked into this room.

But what I didn't expect was that Zhiyuan seemed to be caught by people from Feiteng Group.

I saw him locked in a room, so I walked over and said to him, "Zhiyuan, wake up!"

Zhiyuan opened his eyes and saw me, and said, "Ashin, why are you here, why don't you leave here quickly."

"I'll get the gem, and I'll untie it for you first."

"Don't worry about me, they will let me go, so don't worry, as for the gems, I don't know where they are!"

"Will they really let you go?"

"It's okay, they just taught me a lesson, not to mention that I'm still useful."

Seeing that Zhiyuan said this, I suddenly had a solution. If he hadn't been released, I would have known about it, because my bank card system has a positioning system, and anyone can be found.

And I'm going to find the gem, the one inlaid on the roof of the city center.It just so happens that my system can find it.

I found this gem room, then walked into this room stealthily and took the gem in my hand smoothly.

But at this time, the alarm suddenly sounded. I had no choice but to quickly make myself invisible. When the first person walked in, I hid behind the door, then walked out, and I escaped smoothly. Feiteng Group tracking.

Then, this gem, I flew over the city, put the gem on my bank card, and then my bank card absorbed the energy of the gem, and my level was upgraded at once.

Now I am a citizen card level 5, and my strength has greatly increased. I can learn more skills and ways to make money.

After completing the task, I went back to my bank, returned to my room, took off my Peter Pan clothes, and then lay on the chair to check my system. The current system can learn to read I know the mind trick, but I didn’t expect to learn it now. Maybe it’s because my mind reading skills reveal secrets too much!

The ability of the system is indistinguishable. I learned to read minds in an instant, and then I went out to meet my employees and Brother Kui. I first looked at Wang Siqi's thoughts, and then I realized that Wang Siqi treated me like this when I first came out. manner.

She thought in her heart: "I don't know what's going on with this Ashin? Why do I need to help with everything!"

I didn't expect that Wang Siqi would say that, because in my heart I was already very kind to her.

In the eyes of many people, I am her boss, but in her eyes, I am her friend who is better than ordinary friends.

This mind reading technique doesn't seem to do me any good. I decided to test my employees, that is, those five college students. I didn't expect that I would be irritated by these few college students.

Because in their eyes, I seem to be a person who does not exist, which makes me extremely disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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