Super Bank Card System

Chapter 55 How is it possible

Chapter 55 How is it possible
I ran after Su Jia and said, "Are you okay just now?" There was a teardrop in the corner of Su Jia's eye, and she stopped and didn't answer me.

After a while she said to me: "I don't have anything to do, so don't ask me."

I know I can't hurt her, but it's not good for me if she gets in touch with Mr. Liu like this, and I didn't rush to warn her, so I went back to her place of work with her, in order to protect Su Jia's life Safe, I decided to go to Chu Qiao, tell him about this, and let him know that Su Jia's situation is very dangerous.

As soon as Chu Qiao heard that Su Jia had an unclear relationship with Mr. Liu, she said, "How is this possible? How could Su Jia have anything to do with Mr. Liu?"

I told Chu Qiao what I saw just now, but Chu Qiao still couldn't believe it.

As he said that, he wanted to go to Su Jia to ask what was going on?After Chu Qiao left, I didn't continue to follow. I just wanted to see if Chu Qiao could ask anything.

And I was in Li Xueting's office to discuss with Li Xueting the confidentiality work inside Tianyu Group. Li Xueting said that she would formulate a new plan, which was a fake plan, to see if Feiteng Group would steal this plan again, and Let's see if we can find a breakthrough from Su Jia.

I very much support Li Xueting in doing this. After all, we are telling each other that we are hiding, so we need to come up with a countermeasure anyway.

Seeing that I agreed to this plan, Li Xueting began to make this plan, but this plan must also be kept top-secret, to see if it will be leaked.

When Li Xueting heard what I said, she also felt that it was reasonable, so she made her plan without stopping.And I went to Chu Qiao to find out what happened to Su Jia?

At this time, I almost forgot about one person, and that was Ye Qian. She followed me and said, "Brother Ashin, let me go with you! Okay?"

I knew I couldn't stop Ye Qian and asked her to follow me. But before leaving, Li Xueting told her: "Xiao Qian, I still ask you to keep a distance from my husband."

Xiaoqian said without any sign of weakness: "I won't disturb you. You can just stay the same as before. I just simply like Brother Ashin."

I heard that Li Xueting had no choice but to start working alone, and Xiaoqian and I went to find Chu Qiao.Chu Qiao was talking to Su Jia, and the atmosphere seemed very heavy, it must be said that it was a very sad thing.

Su Jia said that she just went to ask Mr. Liu some questions, but she didn't expect Mr. Liu to be like this.

Chu Qiao was very angry and said she wanted to go to Mr. Liu, but Su Jia stopped him, and I walked over to him and said, "Chu Qiao, do you have any relationship with Mr. Liu? Please tell me." Bar!"

Chu Qiao looked at me. It was obvious that he had not yet asked about the relationship between Su Jia and Mr. Liu.

Su Jia felt wronged and couldn't express it. She just cried and said, "I really have nothing to do with Mr. Liu! You have to trust me!"

Chu Qiao didn't want to see Su Jia cry like this, so she said, "Su Jia, I believe in you, so why did you go to Mr. Liu's office today?"

Su Jia looked at Chu Qiao and said, "I just asked Mr. Liu about some work matters, I didn't expect him to behave like this!"

I know that Su Jia is probably lying. She must have some kind of interest relationship with Mr. Liu.

What I didn't expect was that Su Jia would deny her actions like this. I originally wanted to talk to Su Jia alone, but with Chu Qiao here and Ye Qian, I couldn't say it.

Ye Qian looked at me and asked if Su Jia was related to Mr. Liu, and looked at me and Chu Qiao with twinkling eyes.

I called Chu Qiao over and said to him, "Chu Qiao, I think Su Jia has something to do with the company's leak. What do you think?"

Chu Qiao immediately retorted: "This is absolutely impossible, you'd better help Li Xueting well, you don't have to worry about me here."

Chu Qiao believed in Su Jia, and I had no choice but to let them continue to work, and I sent Ye Qian back to my school.

Because of what happened last time, Ye Qian's classmate Wei Qiang didn't come to school for a long time, probably because what happened last time angered Mr. Ye. If Wei Qiang came to class at school, he would definitely be stopped by Mr. Ye's forces after school Killed him on the way.

This time I didn't find Wei Qiang when I came to Ye Qian's school, it was much quieter, but in my eyes, Ye Qian's danger has not been relieved, I don't know if Wei Qiang will use other methods to fight Ye Lao , As far as last time, he was very courageous. Since he used the power of Feiteng Group to kidnap Ye Qian without telling his father, he is really daring.

But if he doesn't come to school, it doesn't mean he's really afraid of Mr. Ye, because the strength of Feiteng Group should not be underestimated. Tianyu, Feiteng and Ye's are the three giants in Ningcheng, otherwise they wouldn't be The main force of Ningcheng's GDP.

I sent Ye Qian to her class, and her classmates all asked about her and Wei Qiang, Ye Qian said that she had severed ties with Wei Qiang, and now she only had me in her eyes, but she told her classmates that I was She already has a wife, and her classmates were surprised and said: "Are you stupid? He already has a wife, and you are still with him, aren't you Zuo?"

Ye Qian didn't know what to say to her classmates. I suddenly heard her classmates laughing and saying: "You really have a way, but it depends on whether they are willing."

After they said something, Ye Qian came to me and said to her classmate: "From now on, brother Ashin is my brother who is better than my own brother."

Her classmate said in surprise, "Xiaoqian, your savior doesn't seem to talk a lot!"

As soon as I heard it, I stepped forward and said, "Who says I won't speak anymore? I'm not dumb!"

Seeing how nervous I was, Ye Qian's classmate stepped forward and said, "What are you doing to make Ye Qian worship you so wholeheartedly?"

Hearing what she said, I didn't know how to answer, and said, "I'm just a bank employee, and even if I have learned some kung fu, it's not that great!"

I suddenly felt a little inflated, so I said modestly: "You students are not easy. You have learned how to manage your own company at a young age, and you must be the pillars of your family in the future."

Seeing me say this, they replied: 'How is it possible!We will not work in our own company after graduation. We all have our own ideals. "

I didn't expect them to say this, and I was a little caught off guard.Looking at them, I knew that Ye Qian's life in school was still very happy, so I decided to leave by myself. Now there must be masters arranged by Ye Lao in school to protect Ye Qian.

 I wanted to do a new one today, but I decided to do it again...

(End of this chapter)

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