My wife can buy it

Chapter 71 Who Are the Dependents?

Chapter 71 Who Are the Dependents?

"That's right! We heard what seemed to be your scream just now, so we followed all the way. Guizhen, you have to be cured if you are sick. If the doctor says you need an injection, you have to listen obediently and give it a shot." old."

The doctor directly threw the contract into Zhao Youqiang's hands again, wanting to get rid of the relationship immediately.

Zhao Youqiang also understands quite well that if such a thing can be avoided, it is better not to get involved for that little money. This is a wise move.

Zhao Youqiang picked up the document and said to the three aunts and six wives:

"Which one of you will sign this document?"

The mother-in-law hurriedly said, "Hurry up and sign, you can't let him sign."

"What's the situation? Uncle, you are not filial. Don't tell me your mother-in-law's medical expenses need to be signed by us. How can this work?"

Zhao Youqiang sneered and said:
"Who cares about those few dollars? She has all the money for medical treatment. This is just a family member's signature."

Aunt Biao grabbed the document first, and pretended to read it carefully if she couldn't understand it.

"Then what is this for? What do we need to do after we sign it?"

The doctor said: "The simple thing is to accompany the patient's family members in normal affairs, and you can cooperate with the doctor to assist in the subsequent operations."

"Then why don't you come to sign this uncle? Are there any more?"

"Also, if the patient has self-harm behavior, eats by mistake, jumps off a building, kills, etc., he can be accompanied and controlled for easy transfer. In case of excessive stress, someone will contact him to handle the funeral affairs, etc.."

As soon as the doctor finished speaking, the cousin immediately stuffed the documents into the hands of another sister, and the other sister stuffed them into the hands of others in a panic, one after the other.

The mother-in-law started to worry, and Zhao Youqiang's temperament was about to be worn out. Looking at the sun outside the window, the sun had almost set, and he had to finish the day's affairs within 3 minutes.

Li Tianqing was still waiting for him downstairs, wondering if he would run around alone.

"Grandpa, you have to sign it. I just said it downstairs. We all have our own families. The baby is not easy to take care of. We are crying and making trouble. We are already half crazy. , and one more neurotic to take care of, I really don’t have that spare time.”

"We are all old bones, our energy is limited, and we don't know how to take care of neurosis at all. If we do this, we will have to follow the neurosis. If we are sent in together, this signature will not be invalidated. .”

A group of people began to respond to each other again and again, saying to the air: Yes, yes.

Aunt Biao handed the document back to Zhao Youqiang, and Zhao Youqiang took it.

He glanced at the document very calmly, and then looked back at his mother-in-law, who was looking at the doctor with scrutiny and suspicion.

The doctor stood upright with a slight smile on his face, holding his hands behind his back lightly, not caring or thinking about the weird eyes his mother-in-law looked at him at all.

Zhao Youqiang lowered his voice, and said helplessly to the sisters in front of him at a volume that only they could hear clearly:
"Okay, if you don't sign it, I really have to sign it. Among them is the beneficiary of the insurance form, whoever the family member fills in, and anyone can get half of the money in it. It’s really unnecessary to take 50.”

The crowd began to whisper again, and the aunt was still cursing secretly in her heart: "So this insurance policy has such a meaning!" '

To Zhao Youqiang, the 50 was a burden, but in their eyes, it was money that could be used for a moment of vanity, or for half a lifetime.

"Uncle, don't you want this money at all?" A sister asked, swallowing her saliva.

"What do I want this money for? This money is completely free. It's not a lot. In the morning, I paid millions for a car alone. This insurance also saved me a lot of money."

Zhao Youqiang continued to fan the flames, then turned his face away, and said secretly:
"The main reason is that the mother-in-law seems to be really sick. The doctor also said that it is not very serious. It is just to verify the condition. Besides, you all know her. Maybe it is for the 100 million. Please come It's easy to take half a favor for yourself."

After Zhao Youqiang tried his best to lure him, he sighed pretendingly, opened the pen and prepared to write directly on the line in the column of relatives.

As soon as the ink was tapped, the contract was snatched away by several hands at the same time.

"Come on! I'll sign! I think you, You Qiang, are the ones who do big things. If you have something to do, you won't be too busy. Remember, this is a favor for you."

"No! I've always known Guizhen's eating habits. It's better for me to sign it. I'm better at taking care of people!"

"Huh! Do you have me who can take care of people? I brought up the fat babies in my family! Every time you see them, you say that looking at them is a treasure of health, I will come!"

"That's not necessarily true. My two eldest sons have been raised into adults! Your two are still the same, and you don't know what will happen in the future!"

"Can you speak human words! Who are you cursing!" The two sisters had already started to quarrel.

"Hmph, I just want to talk about you! You take two babies out to pee in the street every day and show off. I've been disgusted with you for a long time! We all think the urine smells there! You don't know yet!"

The vegetable market mode has successfully advanced to a hooligan fighting mode, the kind that directly makes trouble in the street.

The contract is still in the hands of another wave of people competing with each other.

"Oh, I'm coming, I'm her sister!"

"I am her actual relative!"

"I might be her lover in the previous life! She still owes me money!"

Zhao Youqiang looked back at the doctor, and left a group of nurses on the scene to take care of the rest of the matter. He probably didn't have time to watch, and he didn't want to make this troublesome situation.

Some of the nurses seem to have seen too much, but some are dazed and dazed. When will this battle end?

The sisters began to compete to be the family members of the mother-in-law. Anyway, no matter who it is, there will be someone who will be settled in the end, and there is no need to worry about it.

The person has also been delivered to the door, and a group of sisters followed her, as well as professional nurses. Zhao Youqiang has been a good person to the end.

Everything is also for the peace of mind of his wife.

For the sisters of the mother-in-law, it is relatively polite enough. If it is replaced by other places or other people, the security guards have been asked to drive them out long ago.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Zhao Youqiang directly opened the door of the safe passage and went down the stairs to the lower floor to take the elevator.

He returned to the corridor by the doctor's door, and saw Li Tianqing leaning on the chair and falling asleep from a distance.

Zhao Youqiang walked over gently, looked at her distressedly, hugged her sleeping soundly into his arms, and leaned against him.

Her body was cold, and she could vaguely see the tears on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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