My wife can buy it

Chapter 31 Abuse

Chapter 31 Abuse
"You should be worthy of such a rag. Look at yourself in the mirror after you go home. Are you still a human?"

Li Tianqing's tears had already flowed out, and Zhao Youqiang saw only a moment of sadness in his eyes. After so many years, this old woman's skill really hasn't faded at all.

He didn't want to hear those ugly words, and he couldn't hear them. He didn't want to be trapped by such words like everyone else.

Because if he got into the logic of his mother-in-law, he was afraid that he would plan to use money to buy a group of people to get rid of this woman in the future.

After getting along for such a long time, he has heard even worse words. Those violent storms hit him, it's nothing, just treat it as singing.

But if you put it on everyone you like, the effect will be different, that is, it will be more profound than attacking yourself.

Sometimes he couldn't help wondering whether Li Tianqing was her biological daughter. He couldn't imagine how someone could treat his biological daughter like this.

Some people may say that this is nothing to the people in the past. Some people have to obey all the arrangements of their parents when they are born, and even work for them as slaves.

Not every parent's natural mission is to love their children. Zhao Youqiang has never recognized or understood this point of view.

He feels that this is not a problem of 'some people', but a problem of not people at all.

Later, he even secretly investigated the blood relationship between Li Tianqing and his mother-in-law. To his disappointment, they were indeed biological mother and daughter.

On the contrary, Zhao Youqiang questioned his life even more, and couldn't understand the various ways his mother-in-law treated her daughter.

He could only think as if to comfort himself, what kind of oppression in life has he experienced, which made her able to express such cruel words to her daughter.

Zhao Youqiang threw all this incomprehension and disagreement to the various pressures and desires for survival in this real society.

How cruel you are to your family can reflect how much dissatisfaction you have with this society in many cases.

Seeing the astonishment on the faces of his mother-in-law and everyone in front of him, Zhao Youqiang still didn't speak, and his mind automatically blocked the sound of his mother-in-law's non-stop mouth.

He gently hugged Li Tianqing's shoulders, wanting to hint in his heart and say to her, 'Don't be afraid, I'm here. '

During this movement, the policemen who stayed in place seemed to have suddenly regained their senses, and they suddenly moved more and more quickly to solve this single matter.

Everyone's eyes began to look anxious and hurried, probably as if the review of this case had been completed as soon as possible, and the aunt and Zhao Youqiang couple in front of them should be sent away.

The hospital report has not yet come out. The most important thing is that there is a blind spot in the corridor monitoring. It is impossible to see who made the move first.

These two most important pieces of evidence are not in hand, so the solution can only be submitted to the superior for approval. It will take a lot of time, and the case will definitely not be closed in one night.

The only thing that can be clearly seen is the image in the camera inside Yaoyao's Bie Su. It is very obvious that Bai Fumei grabbed the money in the bag and ran away.

But it can also be seen that Zhao Youqiang hit someone first, which is also a crime of intentional wounding, which is also very disadvantageous to him.

Although a group of people were on Zhao Youqiang's side, and he himself swore that he did not hurt anyone with a righteous face, but the police station had no choice but to talk about the evidence.

What's more, there is also a Mr. Bai in it, his god-given ability to spread rumors and his ability to direct and act on his own is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

One of the policemen came over anxiously, wanting Li Tianqing's mother to calm down for a while, so he changed the subject and told her what happened.

And the words are more tactful, implying that Zhao Youqiang really helped catch a robber as if he was acting bravely at the moment.

I thought this would make my mother-in-law calm down for a while, and realize that I was wrong, but I didn't expect my mother-in-law to sneer again.

"Mr. Police, with his appearance, do you think he is a hero who helps others catch robbers? Let me tell you, this man is lazy by nature. There, waiting for my daughter to serve him, will not be a hero at all."

"Auntie, it's not very good for you to say that, so your family has a criminal who intentionally hurt others?"

The young policeman seemed to find his mother-in-law disliked, and wanted to find a chance to take her into the army. He thought that his words would make her suddenly wake up, but he didn't expect it. .

"Ha, if you say that, it's just you guys spreading rumors, what? Don't you see others living better than you? Anyway, our family Zhao is also a big boss, and he still has time to catch thieves, and you are busy every day You still have to serve us here after running around, don’t you?”

The logical relationship of the mother-in-law made the young policeman gasp. Just a moment ago, he was talking about how bad and shameful his daughter and son-in-law were, but the next second he could overturn his logic.

Either way, she was right.

"Mom, don't say any more..." Li Tianqing closed her eyes in despair.

She was very worried that if her mother continued like this, they were destined not to come out tonight, and one more person would probably be locked in.

If that was the case and they were going to lock her up all night, then her spirit would really be broken.

It is quite possible to age ten years overnight.

"What do you want to do, you, are you going to rebel again? You haven't cleared up your own affairs yet and you want to intervene in the conversation between me and others? I think you are born to be shameless, just like your father."

"Don't think that everyone should listen to you because you look coquettish. Do you take your parents seriously? You don't have any respect at all, you only insert other people's words to show your existence. You think you are still two A three-year-old child? Everyone revolves around you?"

The young policeman left without looking back, and continued to deal with the matter, while Li Tianqing closed her eyes as if resigned to her fate, thinking that as long as she could leave this place tonight, it would be fine.

Zhao Youqiang really wanted to do something, he wanted to change the target of his mother-in-law's attack.

He was also a little puzzled and strange. According to common sense, it should be him who kept scolding her at this time, why did she keep holding on to Li Tianqing.

But soon he figured it out, because his mother-in-law knew that scolding Li Tianqing would be more uncomfortable for her than scolding herself. She knew that Zhao Youqiang could hit him without pain or itching.

"It's really a snake and a scorpion", Zhao Youqiang cursed viciously in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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