My wife can buy it

Chapter 223 223 [Extra: Wedding March, the second chapter]

Chapter 223 Chapter 223 [Extra: Wedding March, Part [-]]

If this public enemy struggled and protested, they would have a legitimate reason to vent their emotions on her.

Something to do with her, or nothing to do with her at all.

factual, or fictional.

After that, each other was exhausted with different meanings. Li Tianqing was exhausted from mental torture, while the other group of people were sour and exhausted as if they had just had a hard fight with constipation and emptied their excrement.

The opponent's group will unite for a whole time, and after a while, they will find something to attack again.

Zhao Youqiang laughed coldly, looking at the non-aggressive but kind face of the other party, and said that the whole family loved Li Tianqing very much.

I suddenly felt an urge to wave my hand and strike at him.

At this time, he didn't care about the truth, he only cared about Li Tianqing's cleanliness and the crimes he had suffered.

He is fully qualified to stand in front of everyone and say, "Among you people, I am the only one who truly loves her and treats her as my family."

Zhao Youqiang listened to his aunt's words without a smile on his face, and on the basis of completely slowing down the pace and not replying, the atmosphere became more and more awkward.

Li Tianqing came down from upstairs and saw her aunt's face as if she hadn't fully finished her work. She asked, "How is it? Are you done talking? I've put everything away here."

The aunt nodded, her eyes focused on Zhao Youqiang.

"Well, I have explained everything that needs to be explained, and I know everything." Zhao Youqiang responded.

The aunt walked to Li Tianqing's side kindly, "Oh, your boyfriend is so kind, you have to listen to him carefully from now on, you know?"

Li Tianqing felt that this sounded very disobedient, but he didn't think too much, just smiled lightly.

"When are you planning to have a baby?" My aunt instantly glanced at Li Tianqing's belly to see if there were any ups and downs.

Zhao Youqiang said: "It should not be so fast, it would be better to wait for two more years, and finish the matter at hand first this year."

"It's better to have a baby earlier. When you get older, you will suffer from all kinds of problems like me, and it will be troublesome in the future."

Li Tianqing just listened, and took out a big chocolate egg from the car, which was for a child of her aunt, because she remembered that her child liked this toy very much, just like she liked it very much when she was a child.

The two finally waved goodbye, but inexplicably, they felt that many words were still lingering in the air.

Zhao Youqiang was driving the car, Li Tianqing was also silent, both of them were thinking about today's difficulties.

The complex mood was different, and the atmosphere derived from the tired moment made the air in the car feel uncomfortable.

"Wife, why don't you talk? If you have something in your heart, if you want to say it, just say it."

"It's nothing, I think you should drive seriously first."

"But I'm very worried about you. Not only you, I also feel uncomfortable."

"Well, yes, then tell me what you are uncomfortable with first."

"To be honest, I have really come into contact with your family today. It can be said that everything makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Hehe, this is still skin-to-fur contact."

"Even if it's just a superficial contact, there's a deep feeling that I don't want to have contact with again."

"Then just say it, it's more comfortable to say it, and you won't be bored in your heart. If there is anything, we can solve it together."

"Let's talk about the morning first, a large group of people who came uninvited, actually I can understand this. I thought it was happy to want to take the oath of sovereignty. If this is the case, it represents your parents. I value you, but what I said afterwards seems to have no nutritional value at all, it’s not talking about a blind date at all, but talking about my desires and desires, but it’s a pity that the problem of cultural level is exposed in just one word.”

"Let's explain a factual issue. No matter what is in front of them, face is the most important thing, and they will not worry about the so-called emotional issues."

"I can see that, in fact, you really want to know what your aunt said to me."

"Well, I'd like to know."

"Most of them wanted to talk about themselves, how tired and hard they were, how they couldn't leave their current environment, and only a very small part of them mentioned you. And I found that your family has a deep misunderstanding of you. Or maybe I don’t understand it at all.”

"Because I don't want to understand it at all. Calculated, the time I really lived with them at home is not too long. Everyone's concept of me still stays in the character of the long time in the past, and I also I don’t want to take the time to understand it again now.”

"Because it's not necessary, you are a veritable married daughter, the water you poured out."

"It doesn't matter. I'm not afraid of being a villain. The so-called heartless things have already been marked. Compared with what they want to see, the truth is not important."

"I'll just say it directly. Your aunt said that you were taken care of by a nanny when you were a child. That nanny treated her very badly, so your personality also caused some problems."

"Really? I don't have much influence on this paragraph, haha."

"I don't know, so I asked her how old it was. She said it was before she was two years old, and I wanted to laugh a little. How many things can I remember before I was two years old? After that, your family brought them by yourself. That’s the key to the problem of impact, right? Really, taking all responsibility for yourself.”

"It's normal."

"Your aunt also said that you are lazy at home. You don't do housework or anything, and you don't care too much about others. I completely retorted these words. To be honest, I really want to say, what really matters to you? I spend more time with you than your family, so you really don’t have the qualifications to make unfounded statements to my wife and make them sound true.”

"Hehe, it's like this. I'm used to it. My family members will take what they think in their hearts as true, so that they won't look so bad. There is always someone who is at the bottom, and I feel comfortable in my heart." gone."

Zhao Youqiang couldn't help turning his head, and touched Li Tianqing's hair distressedly, the fire in his heart became more and more intense, and he bravely came out with a strong feeling of fighting against injustice and unwillingness.

"Maybe these words are also fighting against me. I want to say that once the product is sold, it will not be returned."

"You're all talking about this, don't you want to explain what you need to bring next time?"

"Oh! I don't want to mention it if you don't talk about it. Important things, just talk about it for one minute. It's like playing. I've been bringing the topic back to the right track, otherwise you might not even finish cleaning up. Things have not been discussed yet.”

"It's rare to meet someone who can vent and listen obediently. How could it be so easy to let go?"

"Also, the way your family puts forward the conditions is also very disgusting. You have to elevate your own status first, or you should first improve yourself by stepping on others, implying what you need for your explanation."

"I didn't hear that, but it's normal. Especially for a family like mine that cares about relationships, the marriage of two families is a deal."

"Yes, what you said is not wrong, it can be regarded as a transaction, and it will save a lot of trouble. If others don't say it, your parents are really not worth it. I don't see how much love they say. You, if you really love you, then I think I might really give everything I have, buy them a car or a house, but what I see is just relying on one mouth, which is really disgusting."

"It's not disgusting, is it? People are like this. You have to rely on your mouth to explain your image."

"I don't agree with this. The image is judged by others after getting to know it. It's not what you say. Just now your aunt asked about the house."

"Well, what did you say?"

"I told her very directly. She asked whose name was written on the house, which area it was in, and whether she would buy it again in the future. She also asked if she would buy anything here."

Li Tianqing didn't speak, but felt that the level of people who asked such questions was really low.

Now that they have just got a house, they are actually preparing for marriage, and the two have been working together for a long time.

It’s just that smart people can understand it. This shows that the house must be written in the name of the wife alone. If you have the ability, you must continue to buy houses in the future. To put it more directly, it is best to have a set of people.

Demonic thoughts, said softly in my heart: 'What do you think you are based on? '

It takes about two hours to drive all the way back to my home.

Zhao Youqiang usually loses his temper after losing his temper. He didn't expect a series of bombings to follow in the evening.

Li Tianqing's father sent a message, saying that their meeting gifts were too casual, and such things can be given away. Your mother disliked them and asked Li Tianqing to take them away when she came home next time.

He also explained that his aunt came back today and said that Zhao Youqiang promised to buy a house in his city in the future, which made them happy.

After Zhao Youqiang found out, his sneer turned into complete contempt.

Do you think they are acting like this because they, as the older generation, say what they have heard and thought, so as the younger generation, you are too embarrassed to refuse?
The two things made people fall into speechlessness and silence again, and Li Tianqing didn't want to say anything more, but just explained the time when she expected to go home next time.

Both of them endured a nausea, they didn't even eat dinner and went to bed directly.

The next day, Li Tianqing was still asleep and Zhao Youqiang went to work normally, but was woken up by three messages at the same time.

One is Zhao Youqiang sent a message, saying: Just now your family sent a message, saying that your mother has something to ask me later.

One was a message from my father, saying: Your mother rushed to your aunt's house early in the morning and said she wanted to discuss something with your boyfriend.

There is another one from my aunt: Your mother is rushing to me and said that she has something to ask your boyfriend later, so you remind your boyfriend to be better later.

I can't sleep even if I want to. Although I'm not nervous, I just need to be honest about everything.

My mother is actually a paper tiger. In this respect, after all, it's just for a house.

The house is not written in my name, so I want to fight for the right to own it. In addition, according to Zhao Youqiang's temper, when he is at work, he follows his reason relatively more, and he will not worry about affecting his temper.

But many of the pictures after that are also particularly understandable.

After waiting until the afternoon, two more phone calls came in succession. The first was from my father, who hadn't had a call in so many years, and immediately came up and scolded Li Tianqing, saying that he had said something behind his back.

Then there was a burst of venting, saying that he was scolded by his mother.

Li Tianqing was inexplicable for a while.

Afterwards, my aunt called to explain that she asked Zhao Youqiang a question, and the other party's answer made her very angry.

"We just asked a question, whose name was written on the real estate certificate, and then your boyfriend came and responded directly that his name was written, and he broke all the questions in a single-handed manner, which is very frustrating. face."

After that, there was a series of explanations, saying that it was already embarrassing for him to live in someone else's home back then, and then he said that everything they did today was for your own good, etc.

After listening to the declaration all afternoon, Li Tianqing was exhausted both physically and mentally.

In fact, from the very beginning, she knew very well that marriage itself is not a romantic thing, and it can even be said that she is about to enter a new long-term war with the person she chooses.

What’s more funny is that in this, my own family of origin also plays a disturbing role.

Zhao Youqiang did not want to know more about the people and things in this family, and the upcoming wedding will be conducted in a business-like manner.

After that day, the points of anger on both sides were still rising steadily, but none of this was so important anymore.

On one side are paper tigers who want to swear sovereignty, but no one wants to charge forward, but wants to use mutual excuses to hope that others will stand up and speak out.

No one wants to be a villain, and no one wants to be a clown.

On the other hand, Zhao Youqiang's most clear attitude is that he is the only person in the world who is qualified to truly think from Li Tianqing's perspective and love her.

After having such a firm heart, all difficulties and difficulties afterwards are like a thin layer of paper that cannot be thinner.

It is so powerful that no one can defeat it.

There was no plan to hold a wedding, and the number of people invited was quite small.

But in the end, a simple wedding was held. Li Tianqing had almost no family there, but he invited many former friends.

Zhao Youqiang simply invited his own family, and many people present almost thought that the family from Zhao Youqiang was Li Tianqing's family.

Because to outsiders, it seemed that Zhao Youqiang's family was actually more kind and closer than the people from her own side.

(End of this chapter)

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