My wife can buy it

Chapter 202 202【Agreement】

Chapter 202 202【Agreement】

As soon as Li Tianqing stepped out of the office building, a phone call followed.

"Hey honey, you got the things, I still want to remind you about some things." Just after picking up the phone, Zhao Youqiang played on the opposite side in a very calm tone.

"Well, you said, I'm ready to go now."

"So fast, have you eaten yet?"

"I ate a piece of bread."

"What, you are willing to wrong yourself for such a little thing, so why not just eat a piece of bread."

"No, I'm full of energy now, and I'll just watch the signing of the agreement later, it should be soon."

"Is there no one following you around you? Where's the lawyer?"

"I didn't mention it, so he probably didn't mention it either. I'll go alone. There shouldn't be any problem."

"What do you mean, there's no problem. Anyway, I'm telling you this. It's best to find out the details of the other party's boss. If you want to acquire a company, you must know clearly his debt situation. Who knows who the other party owes? No matter how much debt you have, it is still a trivial matter to pay for it, or you may go to jail if you encounter something dirty."

"I don't have that great ability to acquire a company. It's just a store, which is bigger than a small store. I've also done a little research on who the other party is."

"A little investigation doesn't mean a thorough investigation. I'm just curious. If it's not a small store, why would someone hand over their store to you for no reason."

"Mr. Zhao, I have heard the deep doubts in your words, and they are aimed at me."

"...Indeed, think about it, it only took one morning, and people are willing to sell the store? Killing pigs is not so fast."

"Of course there are conditions."

"Conditional? That's even more strange. I think the most you can spend is 1500 million."

"Because what I like is not the store, but the people in the store. After I buy it, everything will still be the same as before, and the people can't move."

"What! Who are you looking at? Tell me, I'll go to the meeting first."

"Oh, what I like is not one person, but a group of people, the employees inside. I need the talents inside."

"Oh, that's right, that doesn't work either, then tell me it's a man or a woman."

"This... the man..."

"What else do you need to say! No way!"

"Oh man, don't do this, you just trust me this time, okay?"

"It's not that I don't trust you, it's that I don't trust those people, well, well, forget it, I'll go find you later, and I'm almost done with the things at hand."

"Okay, okay, don't worry about it."

After Li Tianqing finished speaking, she hung up the phone in a hurry. She was worried that if she said more, Zhao Youqiang would rush to stop her, and the plan after that would be futile.

In fact, she understood Zhao Youqiang's desire to protect her very well, and she didn't hate her, but she knew that if she didn't take this opportunity to make some achievements, Zhao Youqiang would always protect her like today.

To put it bluntly, I just can't believe that she can handle these things well.

Even if he knew she could handle it well, he tried his best not to touch her.

Regarding this, Li Tianqing could only sigh knowingly.

She lifted her spirits and started the car, heading back towards the gym.

From a long distance, I saw that there were already employees and those coaches who had met in the morning and those who hadn't seen before, waiting at the door. I didn't know if they were welcoming her.

Li Tianqing got out of the car and locked the door calmly.

" come and pull." A coach who went up to him could only greet Li Tianqing simply because he didn't know what Li Tianqing's name was.

Li Tianqing didn't say anything, but simply said: "No need to be so polite, you can just get along as normal as usual."

While talking, he went straight into the door without looking back.

"Where's your boss?"

"Oh... The boss is waiting for you in the conference room on the second floor." The counter lady in the morning responded with a little trepidation.

Everyone has already looked at Li Tianqing with the eyes of their future boss.

Li Tianqing didn't care about this at all.

When I went up to the second floor, I saw Boss Zhao rushing out of the meeting room with a glass of water.

Li Tianqing walked forward with a smile on his face, the boss hurriedly braked when he saw Li Tianqing, and immediately adjusted his posture and image.

In fact, when Li Tianqing saw Boss Zhao for the first time in the morning, it should be said that he was entering the door, and when the boss didn't look back at her, she knew what kind of person he was.

Deliberately pretending to be a sophisticated look to outsiders, so as to show his majesty as the owner of this shop.

But in fact, when Li Tianqing looked at the glass through him, the panic, curiosity, and joy reflected in his reflection, although he may not be a wretched man, he must be a person who likes to pretend his appearance.

It's just that this is also very short-lived, he can't completely pack himself, but he can't help but relax his treasures for those around him.

With this, Li Tianqing can fully use this personality and greed.

Originally, within Li Tianqing's plan, it might cost 1500 yuan to buy it at a price that exceeded expectations without any ideological struggle.

But if you can draw 500 million from it to buy a useful condition, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone for your identity that you haven't revealed yet.

Li Tianqing didn't know at first that the other party was one of the people who owed Zhao Youqiang money, but when he saw him, he immediately remembered it.

He was an old classmate of her husband, and they started a business together when they graduated from university. She had heard what Zhao Youqiang said, but the ending was not good.

I heard that the other party still cheated him a lot, but in the end he opened a shop or a company or something, whether it was this gym, Li Tianqing didn't know.

I remember that at that time Li Tianqing and Zhao Youqiang had just fallen in love, and she was relatively shy, and she was very low-key when she was with Zhao Youqiang.

So when she met Boss Zhao for the first time, she saw him, but the other party didn't see herself.

Zhao Youqiang originally thought that it would be good to have a good career with this person who has the same surname as Zhao, but unfortunately, the good times did not last long.

From then on, he quickly separated himself from this person, and came out to do everything by himself to establish contacts, but he would never trust anyone easily again.

Zhao Youqiang doesn't have many friends, as long as he has an established relationship with him, he is just a usable trading partner.

And this kind of psychological construction is the price of Zhao Youqiang's growth. He never feels lonely, but feels at ease.

Li Tianqing often thinks of the words he said to himself, "It is enough to have your pure heart by your side in this world, why do I need more."

These words were spoken from the bottom of his heart.

People's hearts are unpredictable. From the perspective of sincerity, Zhao Youqiang didn't want to guess at all. He rejected all of them and only kept himself.

That's why, Li Tianqing is very clear why Zhao Youqiang doesn't want her to go out to work, and doesn't want her to enter the society to start a career, because once he gets involved with these things, his heart may change.

It is no longer so simple, there are many thoughts, and pressure will follow.

Li Tianqing also understands this in her heart, but occasionally she is a little bit unwilling.

Because she thinks that she can be like him, even if there are a lot of transactions now, more and more gimmicks are put on top of his head, and the money is increasing day by day, but he can still love her as he always did .

She can too.

Thinking of this, Li Tianqing pinched himself, quickly regained consciousness, and was about to talk to Boss Zhao.

Having said that, I only saw his name yesterday when I was studying the debt book carefully.

I wasn't sure at first, so I slapped my thighs and sat on the stool and muttered to myself: "I didn't expect this person to still owe my husband money! I have to come back, I have to come back."

And when I went to inspect the gym today, it was not purely a coincidence. It was indeed worth noting when considering the geographical location and the quality of people in the area.

I also completely forgot that the office location of the company written by that person is this gym, and I didn't recognize it until I saw Boss Zhao in the face.

"Come on, little one. Please come in. Everything is ready now." Boss Zhao stood at the door and actively motioned for Li Tianqing to enter first.

As soon as I stepped in, a fresh fragrance of flowers came over my face. It was obvious that this meeting room was carefully cleaned just now, and there was no dust on the glass table.

"My name is Li Tianqing. From now on, I don't need to address you as Miss, and I seem to be extravagant and polite."

Li Tianqing sat down directly with a smile.

"Li Tianqing..."

"What, do you remember this name?" Li Tianqing asked nonchalantly.

"No, I just think this name sounds nice, and it matches your cool and beautiful image very well."

"Oh, I still have a habit. I don't like to say these polite words. Please cooperate more in the future."

"Okay, okay, I will definitely explain it in the future. Are you here alone?"

"Don't be so nervous. It's enough for everyone to get along normally. One person is enough for me. Of course, if you have any worries, you can also ask someone who understands the law or someone you can trust to advise you."

"No, I'm quite relieved, and I'm enough alone. I'll ask someone to prepare coffee for you."

"No, just give me water. If there is no problem, let's start."

"Okay." Boss Zhao, who was sitting opposite, had been hiding his nervousness and couldn't help swallowing.

Li Tianqing took out the prepared documents from the bag and put the last signed page at the end.

"First, the acquisition of the ownership of this store has legal effect. You can read it first."

Boss Zhao took out about ten pages of copywriting and began to read it.

Li Tianqing looked at Boss Zhao, whose eyes were slightly trembling, and really wondered how much he could concentrate on looking at all the details.

But it doesn't matter to Li Tianqing, she has studied the copy a little bit, and it is indeed like the lawyer said, it is a very reasonable contract for both parties.

The most important thing is just on the last page, which is the additional terms and conditions promised by Li Tianqing.

This should be the point that Boss Zhao is most concerned about, whether he will call himself 500 million as agreed.

What's more, what Li Tianqing said is that the talented employees will still be on the job after the need, and cooperate with the tasks and work orders issued by him in a timely manner.

But this is not what Li Tianqing cares most about. What she cares about most is to make Boss Zhao also have to pay off Zhao Youqiang's debts, and everything else is trivial.

Li Tianqing waited, and looked back casually, and saw a lot of store employees staring inside nervously.

As soon as he saw Li Tianqing, he flashed in a hurry, but he didn't mind, instead he smiled sweetly.

"Miss Li, I've taken care of it here, but I just have a few questions I want to answer."

"Well, you said."

"The last line 'Debts to be paid off in due time to ensure new companies start financially.' This. . . "

"Is there any difficulty?"

"Yes, we just agreed to pay back to Zhao Youqiang first, which is enough to give you face. If my debts are quickly turned around, it will only be enough to pay off this, which is also the largest amount."

"Yes, so what I wrote is to pay it off in due course, and I don't care about other people. As for Mr. Zhao Youqiang, I hope you can use your revolving cash to pay off the debt of the client later."

"No problem.. but the ones after that, no.. hehe."

Boss Zhao seemed obviously embarrassed to continue, and it would be embarrassing if he said it bluntly.

"Boss Zhao, you don't have to worry, of course you don't have to believe me, but this is a document with legal effect, you believe in the law, since I said 'in due time' you have reason to control your time freely. "

"Of course not, of course I believe you, then the 500 million you promised just now..."

"I think this is the beginning of mutual trust between us. I hope we all have a good start is the best."

"Of course."

The transaction has reached a fever pitch, and it is reasonable for you to proceed step by step.

Li Tianqing first signed his name, and then Boss Zhao transferred the money owed to Zhao Youqiang in front of Li Tianqing.

Originally, repaying the debt was something that should be done, and sooner or later, Boss Zhao made a gamble with a mentality of betting.

She wanted to show Li Tianqing her transfer certificate, but Li Tianqing gently declined, because even if she didn't read anything, she would know whether Boss Zhao had transferred according to the agreement or not.

(End of this chapter)

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