My wife can buy it

Chapter 187 Chapter 187 [Extra: Workaholic Li Tianqing]

Chapter 187 Chapter 187 [Extra: Workaholic Li Tianqing]

"Mr. Zhao, today's business negotiations went well! I'm really happy for you."

After a trading meeting ended, Boss Yi, the middle negotiating partner, stretched out his hand, held Zhao Youqiang's hand deeply and said this sentence.

Zhao Youqiang responded calmly, just smiling without expressing too much.

Boss Yi went on to say: "I heard that the copy of this regular meeting is the final suggestion and adjustment given by Mrs. Ling who participated in it, so that the whole plan can be reversed. Is it true?"

"Hehe, Boss Yi's news is really well-informed, indeed."

"If it were someone else, it would indeed be a trivial matter, but for Mr. Zhao, it is always worthy of attention."

"How do you say that, is there any inconvenience?"

"No, please don't get me wrong, it's because the president is young, and it's rare for people at this age to handle both family and career well. Know what you're thinking."

"Don't say that. Generally, young people need a little time before they really grow up. They will definitely accumulate a lot of money."

"Haha, Mr. Zhao can really talk, but I thought, your wife is so smart, I don't know which industry she is working in now?"

"Just a curious question."

"Her job is to be my wife."

Boss Yi seemed a little surprised, "No way, this treasure is hidden at home. It can be seen that Mr. Zhao is really a rare treasure, haha."

"Hehe, I was joking, I was joking."

With a wry smile in Zhao Youqiang's heart, he sent Boss Yi away from his office building.

Following what Boss Yi said just now, Zhao Youqiang sighed deeply in his heart. Although he didn’t know the more specific meaning of Boss Yi, he seemed to want to dig a corner, but unfortunately, there was no corner for him to dig. .

After all, Li Tianqing is really a housewife, so to speak, and he doesn't want her to go out to work.

Standing downstairs in the office building, I looked up at the sky, wanting to be dazed for a while.

He recalled Li Tianqing when he was working, and felt a chill in his heart. ,

Zhao Youqiang didn't want Li Tianqing to go to work, not entirely because of his own selfish thoughts, but also for a reason.

I remember the days when Li Tianqing and Zhao Youqiang were still living together, both of them had the personality that they never wanted to ask the housekeeper for money.

If you go out to live your own life, you must be responsible for your own life.

But at that time, Zhao Youqiang graduated first and found a job. For the next six months, he lived alone. At that time, Li Tianqing had not yet graduated.

During this time, Zhao Youqiang quickly trained himself and adapted to his working environment.

Later, after Li Tianqing graduated, he took her over and kept her by his side.

When Zhao Youqiang lived alone, he still felt that there was no burden, and his life was quite simple.

After Li Tianqing came, there have been great changes in life, not only in the running-in of each other's personalities, but also in living habits.

Li Tianqing looked for interviews from the very beginning, all of them were art and photographers or the nature of the work related to design.

But in that small town that is not very developed, Li Tianqing's talent can be said to be quite out of place.

It's not that Li Tianqing thinks arrogantly, but even Zhao Youqiang can feel it very clearly.

In the end, Li Tianqing still didn't formally join any company to work, but started to create her own family atmosphere at home for half a year.

One night, unable to sleep late at night, Li Tianqing suddenly had the idea to put her favorite clothes on a trading website for sale.

In the beginning, it was just hanging up casually, and it was just putting on a favorite style as a thought.

Unexpectedly, on the second day there, someone actually went online.

Li Tianqing didn't take it to heart at first, but in the afternoon, more and more people asked, and the amount of attention increased all the way.

It was originally an unintentional thing, but it opened a door for Li Tianqing like a stepping stone.

With the idea of ​​doing business online, this can be regarded as a colleague like Zhao Youqiang, and it just allows him to work when he is at home.

More importantly, instead of the rhythm of life that Li Tianqing hates most like clocking in at work, she has absolute freedom of work.

Anyone who is familiar with Li Tianqing also knows that she is born with the foundation of a wild cat, she is used to not being able to sleep well at night, but she can sleep deeply during the day.

In order to find a job after graduation, Li Tianqing has repeatedly tried to adjust her life and sleep state, but all failed.

This was a good opportunity, and soon, the first online store in Li Tianqing's life opened, and she began to carefully purchase the products she liked in the shopping mall, and put them on the shelves bit by bit on her online store. business.

Fumbled for traces, found courier cooperation, and shipped.

Of course, Zhao Youqiang was also the first to know about Li Tianqing's plan to open a store, and he also supported her.

It's just that I also saw Li Tianqing's appearance when he was devoting himself to work.

It wasn't a comfortable road. As the boss, I did all the work along the way.

From product selection, to shooting, to post-editing, copywriting, uploading, pricing, customer service, one-stop, busy in and out every day, and many things have to be taken into account when shopping on the street, cooking, etc.

Even a person who has a job himself feels distressed when he sees it.

Li Tianqing doesn't have her own time, or in other words, it's all her own time,
Often in the middle of the night when she can't see her fingers, her mobile phone will suddenly ring with a 'ding dong', which means someone is asking about her product.

While having dinner one day, someone knocked on the door on the computer, and immediately put down the bowls and chopsticks and rushed over.

In addition to the little brother who had to personally deliver the items to the door for pick-up, Li Tianqing's income was not as crazy as imagined in that whole year, but he lost a lot of weight.

What Zhao Youqiang admired was that she never complained a word.

Zhao Youqiang has never done business that is not comparable to his own energy, so when he saw Li Tianqing working so hard for a job, he really wanted to help her take all the things out of the cabinet and let her stop doing it .

After that, to the end, he still insisted on respecting her.

A year and a half later, a very happy event happened to Zhao Youqiang.

When Li Tianqing was selling a bag with the logo of a certain famous brand, someone reported it maliciously, and the online store was immediately noticed by the operator. Immediately, the store’s products were even taken off the shelves, and the store was also closed. .

Li Tianqing was very angry and sad for a month, but he didn't know that Zhao Youqiang was in his heart for a month.

(End of this chapter)

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