My wife can buy it

Chapter 175 175 [Friends]

Chapter 175 175 [Friends]

A bright room was opened, and there were still people guarding the door. Li Tianqing felt that the door was pulled open with unusually heavy hand strength.

The room was very big, Zhao Youqiang pulled Li Tianqing to sit beside him.

The man in the suit deliberately observed the two people across from him with interest, and the waiter immediately brought in three cups of coffee.

"Little bastard, you just brought coffee in without asking what you want."

With a serious and joking tone, the man in the suit patted the waiter who came over to serve the coffee.

Both Zhao Youqiang and Li Tianqing were taken aback immediately, feeling that the speed of this face-changing was suddenly a little strange.

The waiter didn't panic, but responded to the man in the suit with a coquettish tone: "I'm sorry I was wrong, I was wrong, I forgot it when I was happy."

The man in the suit continued angrily and amusedly, "It must be the beauty who loses her head when she sees it! Really."

Turning his head with a mischievous smile, he looked at Zhao Youqiang and Li Tianqing and said:

"Just tell me what you want to drink, red wine, water, or whatever, just tell him, and he can help the best."

Both of them were stunned, and they didn't react for a second.

"No, I'll just drink coffee..."

" doesn't matter if I do whatever I want." Li Tianqing replied with her eyes wide open.

"Hey! Don't, no one has come to my place for a long time. Don't take offense when you are happy for a while. Girls will definitely like drinking milk tea or something. I will ask my assistant to make it. He used to work in a milk tea shop. Yes, that skill."

Li Tianqing was taken aback for a while, and forgot to answer.

The man in the suit directly told the standing waiter to go quickly, and the waiter was also in high spirits, with an optimistic "Yes!" and went out.

"Isn't that the waiter here?"

"If you're a waiter, can't you be an assistant? It's just a matter of changing into a suit, haha." The man in the suit laughed generously.

"You, this looks very different from just now." Zhao Youqiang said very directly.

Li Tianqing quickly pinched Zhao Youqiang's thigh, signaling him not to talk nonsense.

The man in the suit is also very straightforward, with a generous and unrestrained expression, and a smile on his face.

"The two of you should not be constrained to see each other. We will be regarded as people on the same boat in the future. I don't like to be too serious and polite in private. I have this opportunity to let you know the real me."

Zhao Youqiang relaxed even more, and spread his legs apart, his head was the same, his hands propped his face wide, "That's fine, but I really can't see that you are like this, it's really good to pretend."

The man in the suit waved his hand: "Zhao Youqiang, I think you are also a straightforward person. You don't need to call me the boss in private, just call me Yiheng or Hengheng."

Li Tianqing couldn't help but hold back a smile.

"Then why did Heng Heng ask us to come here?" Zhao Youqiang was very blunt, and casually called out the man in the suit's trumpet.

"Let's improve our relationship. You all know that I have been abroad for a long time, and I also want to know what kind of person is in China who helps me manage the company."

"This is indeed necessary, but I have been in business for so many years, and it is really the first time I have seen someone be so direct. Will I trust it too soon?"

"Don't say that, I know you have some business traces in the past, and I know that you must be very human if you can make a comeback. From this point of view, I admire it very much, but believe it or not, this is another matter. Trust needs to be built slowly with action and time, and I won't be polite."

Zhao Youqiang raised a good-looking smile and nodded, "So are we here just to chat today? By the way, let's talk about the basic operating conditions here?"

"Operation is just like this, and it's not a big deal, and I know that with your ability, as long as you want, my assistant will walk you through the complete process, and you can easily imitate me, maybe you can do better than me." better."

"Then you are exaggerating and praising, I can't bear it."

"As for me, when I saw you for the first time, I felt that you were actually a fellow, so even if I wasn't a partner, I wanted to get to know you as a friend."

"It sounds like you are a lonely child. However, people who know how to do business generally don't have many friends."

Li Tianqing didn't understand all of a sudden, people who are in business, the reason why they can do business and do business, isn't it because they have many friends?
Yiheng smiled faintly, "Yeah, I really feel the same way, especially when I'm in China, I really have very few true friends, and I also need to disguise my appearance from time to time in order to match my identity."

"It's nothing. The lonely are king. Although we are lonely, we have more than ordinary people."

Yiheng sat up, with a look of relief and sadness, "You are better than me, you seem to have a wife who loves you very much, who is with you all the time, who is with you and understands you."

"Children, I believe you will definitely meet in the future."

"Oh, yes, I should be a few years younger than you. I read your information carefully that day, so I can call you brother now."

"Don't recognize relatives indiscriminately, and don't trust people casually."

"I believe in my vision, but it doesn't matter, the future will be long, I believe we will be very happy whether we cooperate or as friends in the future."

Zhao Youqiang nodded, and Li Tianqing could see his eyes. Although he didn't like or trust him, at least he didn't reject this new friend in front of him, Yiheng.

It turned out that the friends they mentioned were bosom friends.

It seems that Zhao Youqiang has never had any friends, and once quite firmly believed that friends are the existence of interests.

Getting along is to make better use of each other.

Although they think so, everyone still believes that there are still people with the same state of mind in this world.

Being able to get along well, even if it is a mutually profitable relationship, there can still be true friendship.

It's just that he still doesn't know the Yiheng in front of him, does he?

Li Tianqing could see the truth, at least the loneliness flashed in Yiheng's eyes just now was exactly the same as the loneliness in Zhao Youqiang's eyes.

In fact, most people, although they have already lived under the illusion and packaging, and change the way of life of different roles every day, they still like more real people.

At least from Li Tianqing's current perspective, this Yiheng is true.

Yiheng's assistant pushed open the door again with a confident face, and put the milk tea that he made himself in front of Li Tianqing.

There was a milky white heart hanging on it, and the expectant assistant looked at Li Tianqing, as if hoping that she would take the first sip quickly and express her thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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