My wife can buy it

Chapter 151 151 [Measurement]

Chapter 151 151 [Measurement]

But when he thought about it, he was also infected by his mother-in-law's childishness, so he said angrily:

"Hmph! If you can pay for the toilet, I will write my last name upside down! I will also work as a toilet worker for Miss Qing for free for a whole month!"

Of course, the mother-in-law didn't care about the free toilet worker he said, all she wanted was to see how they respected her, and she walked out of the toilet shop proudly.

What's more, she didn't have a so-called mansion waiting for this toilet, and she couldn't show her richer side.

The mother-in-law was just thinking about it, and she wanted to clean it before she said it. She didn't care about the consequences at all. At worst, she tried her best to say that there was a problem with the toilet before returning it.

The counter lady hesitated a little, and took the credit card from her mother-in-law tremblingly.

"You're here! I've been looking for you for a long time!"

The third aunt's voice came from behind the mother-in-law, and she rushed to her side in a hurry and snatched the credit card.

The mother-in-law looked puzzled, and she glanced at the whole body of the third aunt, and she didn't look like she had changed her mind because of today's task.

Wearing a baggy aunt's outfit, it looks cheap at first glance.

Holding a handbag in his hand, although there is no obvious old shopping, but no matter how you look at it, it is an outfit who is planning to go to the market to buy vegetables.

The mother-in-law looked disgusted for no reason.

"Let's go, come with me." Without saying a word, the third aunt pulled her mother-in-law and wanted to leave directly.

"What are you doing, I'm still shopping."

"You're still shopping! Don't pretend, you're all in your teens! Zhao Youqiang is looking for you."

The mother-in-law was a little bit embarrassed when she heard it, and she was speechless for a while and didn't know what to do. People who are older in life really talk more directly to each other.

Don't look at the occasion and appearance at all.

The third aunt was also very strong and directly pulled her mother-in-law out of the door.

The waiter's more arrogant voice came from behind, and with a mocking smile, he said to the backs of the two:

"Hmph! What did I say! Sure enough, the aunts nowadays like to pretend to be rich, and it's okay to waste their time. It's really sick to pull us as extras for free."

The mother-in-law was very unwilling and shouted back: "I will be back! Just wait for me! Then I will ask the boss to fire you!"

"Yo! I'm so scared! I'm just waiting for you. If you like our air conditioner, just tell me directly! Why bother to make excuses and say you want to buy a toilet, and just donate to you for a few more minutes! It's a waste of time."

The mother-in-law turned her head and left when she saw that the waiter was very proud, she couldn't help herself.

The third aunt dragged the angry mother-in-law to the highest floor of the shopping mall.

There is a protruding sharp corner in the cafe with bar seats. Zhao Youqiang has always been watching everyone's movements from that position.

At this time, the mother-in-law was not far away, looking at the icy Zhao Youqiang facing her, and she walked towards him. She really needed to find someone to vent her unwillingness and entanglement in her heart at this moment.

"Why are you looking for me!"

"Why are you looking for you? Don't you have any idea in your heart? Don't forget your mission."

"I'm in charge of your tasks. I can buy whatever I want! As my son-in-law, you must satisfy me and pay for me."

"Heh, it's really funny. You don't know your own situation as soon as you get involved, right, acting school? Do you want me to send you to the art academy to have a chance to become an actor after that?"

"Just because you don't have the ability!"

"I can warn you, you don't know me at all, and I won't talk about any feelings with you if I lose my interests."

The third aunt interrupted and said, "Oh! It's all gone, it's not a big deal, it's not like I didn't buy it in the end."

As soon as the third aunt spoke, the mother-in-law lost her temper on her.

"You still say! Why did you come to me dressed like this? Don't you have nothing to do to dress yourself up? How embarrassing! Did you see the way they looked at us just now!"

The third aunt looked confused, "What's wrong? I feel comfortable wearing it like this. I've just enjoyed the prosperity in this life. Why bother to be so devoted? I don't care what others think of you."

Zhao Youqiang actually felt that people can only be compared when they stand together.

Originally he thought this third aunt was a very annoying and unreasonable character, but as expected, compared to his mother-in-law, she was really much more rational and lovely.

"Didn't Zhao Youqiang also give you money to buy things! Why don't you buy yourself an outfit!"

"I've already gone shopping. Buying these things is far less important than buying these external things. Having enough food and drink is the most important thing."

"That's your business, why do you drag me here!"

"Because you're doing something stupid, do you have that much money to buy that one million toilet? I've seen it all."

"I'll swipe my own card and don't care about your business."

"Then I will stop you even more!"

Zhao Youqiang took a sip of coffee, then said calmly and disdainfully:
"I don't want to go to the police station to catch you later, and I have to take a person who is suspicious of fraud. This will hurt Tianqing. In the end, I'm not the one who paid you the toilet money."

In fact, Zhao Youqiang really didn't want to take care of this mother-in-law, no matter whether she bought herself into bankruptcy or jail, it had nothing to do with him.

But because of today's special situation, he still needed such a powerful purchase assistant present, so when he had to, he asked his third aunt to stop him immediately.

In case it gets messed up later, today's mission is estimated to go to waste, and that would be miserable.

"No, it's your business that you don't want to lose face. The waiter just now was completely challenging the bottom line of my lady. I have to prove that I am a lady."

Zhao Youqiang glanced indifferently at his mother-in-law who was dressed like a golden rooster and a green peacock tail. That unsightly figure was completely lacking in maintenance.

To say that she is a noble lady is completely joking, maybe people have noticed it a long time ago, but it is just a gamble for people who think she is a nouveau riche.

What Zhao Youqiang dislikes most about his mother-in-law is that she has no self-knowledge at all.

"Do you want a toilet or a car?" Zhao Youqiang asked abruptly.

"I..." Mother-in-law hesitated.

It can be said that Zhao Youqiang's words are full of threats and failure.

The tangled point can be imagined, she wants a car, but more importantly, she wants dignity and being a noble lady in the eyes of others.

But after buying this car back, it will be considered her own. She has no doubt that Zhao Youqiang might cheat her, and agreed to complete the task and buy a car, but in the end she didn't buy it.

The toilet is completely a decoration, even if I am a real lady, the feeling of sitting on it is actually just an empty head, waiting for the excess substances in my body to be freed from the sourness.

(End of this chapter)

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