My wife can buy it

Chapter 147 147 [Before the move]

Chapter 147 147 [Before the move]

Li Tianqing has already moved two couriers home one after another.

With a whoosh, he collapsed directly on the small sofa in the entrance garden, in a splayed posture, with his body hanging on the sofa and his legs hanging in the air.

She had to take all of today's couriers before Zhao Youqiang came home.

Last night, and the night before last, Zhao Youqiang helped her go downstairs to pick up the courier, and almost everyone who walked past was a little shocked.

The lady at the counter also looked embarrassed, and yesterday she couldn't help but smiled and said: "My God..."

The young lady next to her smiled with an inexplicable sourness on her face and said, "Your delivery speed can't keep up with your delivery speed."

Zhao Youqiang became angry all of a sudden, "It's no problem, it's none of your business."

The young lady with a sour face immediately got angry, "Why are you so fierce! Isn't this cleaning for you? What's wrong with you talking about you with so many things every day?"

"Ha! It's so funny! We have a lot of things to tell you! You are so sour here! Your mouth is so broken!"

Before the summer passed, Zhao Youqiang and Li Tianqing moved for the first time in their lives.

From the first rented house to the big villa to be bought, Li Tianqing happily buys items that can be used in the new house online every day.

As big as an air conditioner washing machine, as small as scissors tape.

When I wake up every morning, the dense text messages that pop up on my mobile phone are that you have dozens of express delivery packages that have been shipped.

From the excitement at the beginning to the nightmare afterwards, there were so many things that Li Tianqing couldn't move them all by himself, so he could only ask Zhao Youqiang to help.

This time, it also became Zhao Youqiang's nightmare.

It has been four or five days in a row like this, and every night when I go home, I follow Li Tianqing to the courier storage point in the community to move the courier together.

At that time, the environment they rented was just a simple and clean residential floor, and it was said that there was no certificate.

So the relative conditions are a bit worse.

I lived in that place for three years, and I remember that when I first moved in, although the floors were high and dense, there were not so many people.

Even when it rains, you can hear the sound of the dragonfly splashing on the water.

But I don't know when, their area quickly became popular, and people became noisy and disputed.

Every day, you can hear aunts gathering and dancing square dances in a large area downstairs, and children running around.

They live on the eleventh floor, but they can hear various echoes clearly every night.

The stairwell is often crowded with faces that I can't remember who I can't recognize. Sometimes when I go out to buy vegetables, I will meet wretched people and strike up a conversation with me.

I don't know who is very unqualified, smoking in the elevator, and letting his dog pee in the corner.

On Saturdays and Sundays, the uneducated neighbor next door got up early in the morning to renovate.

Li Tianqing still clearly remembered that in the early morning of that day, he was irritated, and his consciousness was not clear, so he opened the door and knocked on the door of the neighbor's house next door.

As soon as his face darkened, he asked directly: "Is the decoration of your house suitable at this time? Don't say it early in the morning, today is Saturday!"

The other party was a 26, seven-year-old young girl with a face and upper body clothes, and she responded with a bewildered expression:
"It's nine o'clock in the morning."

"Didn't you understand me? Today is Saturday, and it is stipulated that decoration is not allowed on weekends."

But the other party was still in a state of fugue, and replied: "It's nine o'clock in the morning, and it can be renovated."

Zhao Youqiang walked over at this time, and Li Tianqing also gave up talking to people whose IQs were not online at all.

The two of them were very depressed, so they could only go out for a stroll early in the morning on a rare Saturday.

That place has completely changed from what it was when we moved in.

Li Tianqing also realized and awakened for the first time in her life that people's cultural literacy is not at the same level, and there is really no way to survive together, even if they are only people in the same circle.

The thing that finally broke Li Tianqing's tolerance limit was that some people in the community did not know what kind of custom they set off firecrackers at four o'clock in the middle of the night.

The kind of loud noise, I don't remember how many times, Li Tianqing and Zhao Youqiang were suddenly woken up by fright in their sleep.

After sitting up and covering his frightened heart, he once felt that his primordial spirit was still outside his body and had not returned to his body.

At that time, Zhao Youqiang was already looking at the house secretly, and he wanted to change the house at the end of the year.

But the plan can't keep up with the changes.

One day, Li Tianqing yelled loudly while cooking, and Zhao Youqiang felt that this was the loudest she had yelled in a long time. Normally, she would not even be afraid of cockroaches, but would only feel disgusted.

Zhao Youqiang rushed into the small kitchen in a hurry, asking what happened with a nervous expression.

Li Tianqing looked at the same small window sill with horror on his face, a mouse was standing arrogantly in front of the window, staring at the two of them covetously.

Zhao Youqiang roared, and the mouse immediately ran away following the pipes and air-conditioning units in front of him. It was as light as a swallow and had no fear of heights.

Enraged by this, the next day Zhao Youqiang dragged Li Tianqing directly to the villa area in Jing'an to choose a house.

Although three years was a short period of time, the process of living together for the first time in their lives was sweet and fully passed the running-in period.

But there is no way to live in that place anymore.

Zhao Youqiang quickly bought a house. As a young man who just started his business, what he just got was a little bit of generous capital, and he directly handed it over to the new house.

But also because the money was not as sufficient in the later stage, the purchase was directly paid by the mortgage, and there was no one-time payment.

When she got the real estate certificate, Li Tianqing was happy but a little reluctant. However, the circumstances made her completely give up on the small rental house she had lived in for three years.

Faced with the doubts and cynicism of the delivery lady, Zhao Youqiang was already irritable with too many things and the hot weather.

All the dissatisfaction and atmosphere broke out directly.

The sour-faced lady doesn't seem to be a fuel-efficient lamp on the road of quarreling.

"I have some money to buy things for myself, what is there to be proud of?"

"If you have time to talk about it, you might as well think of ways to earn more money for yourself, maybe one day you can buy whatever you want like us."

"Even if I had money, I wouldn't buy things like you do."

"If you can't get it, you can't do it, so you are here to hurt others, so some people are destined to be this kind of service industry all their lives, but I think you are not even worthy of being in the service industry. You have to be a little self-aware."

(End of this chapter)

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