My wife can buy it

Chapter 100 The Treatment of the Boss

Chapter 100 The Treatment of the Boss

"Mr. Police, this matter is very simple, that is, we have been feared by others."

"Mr. Zhao, I think you are very energetic. The last case was just closed, and a new case was opened immediately."

"It's normal for people who do great things to make many enemies." Zhao Youqiang replied indifferently, as long as he doesn't get angry with the other party, it's okay to wander around the edge for a while.

"People who do great things still have time to uphold justice on the street. It really doesn't rule out that you are a good city name."

It can be heard that this leisurely tone must be in a good mood. Although he is presiding over official business, it is also good to have the opportunity to stand in this forest clubhouse for a while to enjoy the scenery.

The most important thing is that this situation is obviously not very serious, and everyone can relax relatively.

"I see you here, there is no murder or robbery, so don't waste the police force."

"Of course I don't want to, but this person who was caught couldn't report his identity at all, and he still secretly took pictures of me. I still have reason to suspect that he came in illegally and brought dangerous people."

"Who are you talking about?"

The policemen began to look around, only one security guard, already looking desperate and nervous, completely ignored the domineering unknown lady standing behind Li Tianqing.

The policeman went directly to the security guard, turned his back to Zhao Youqiang and asked him:

"Is it him? The one who is afraid."

Zhao Youqiang said something that no one expected: "It's not him."

The policeman turned his head to look at Zhao Youqiang, Zhao Youqiang pointed to the lady next to Li Tianqing with his thumb, and said, "It's this one who secretly took pictures of me, and then kept scolding me, saying that he knew me but couldn't say his name." , I think it is necessary to take it back for investigation.”

With doubts, the policeman left the security guard and walked over. The security guard's eyes widened at Lao Yuan, but he didn't speak.

"But no matter how I look at this little brother, he looks even more nervous."

"It's nothing, it's just one of my younger brothers. I scolded him for doing something wrong just now, so he looks aggrieved."

"Oh, that's right, but it turns out that you are with the boss, and you still have the right to be unhappy if you do something wrong? It's quite ignorant."

Zhao Youqiang was a little speechless all of a sudden, why did he feel that the tone and style of this policeman suddenly became a bit like a gangster.

The policeman noticed Li Tianqing's existence, and said with great interest, "Hey, you brought your wife out to cause trouble again."

"No, okay, my wife and I just come out to play normally."

"Hehe, I'm just joking, the one from your family... isn't here."

Zhao Youqiang knew that he was talking about his earth-shattering mother-in-law.

"She is not here, and she is not needed."

"It's good that she's not here, so as not to make things more complicated."

"May I ask if this lady is carrying an ID card with her?"

The policeman walked up to the unknown lady and began to question her.

"I didn't bring it."

"Then may I ask if you intend to secretly photograph this Mr. Zhao Youqiang?"


"The answer is straightforward, so what is your purpose?"

"You are not a judge, do I need to tell you?"

The policeman was a little speechless, looking at him quietly, Zhao Youqiang helped and said, "She said she knew me, but she didn't say who she is, so I always feel that I am living in danger."

"It's okay, you don't talk here, just tell us back to the police station, our people are still very patient and grind your temper one by one."

The lady stopped talking, and walked away with them very hard-tempered to save face.

The police originally thought that both Zhao Youqiang and Li Tianqing would have to follow him to make a statement, but Zhao Youqiang refused.

After all, they are still on vacation, no matter what, they want to sleep in this place for another night, and they will go directly to talk about it tomorrow.

Originally, this was against the rules, but fortunately, this unknown lady had a rather stubborn temper, which gave her a chance to let them slowly find out their identity for one night.

The police took away the camera used to commit crimes at the scene, and Zhao Youqiang and the rest of the people went out in a car to see them off.

Although this matter seems to have passed tonight, but he has to watch people leave him before he can feel at ease.

Li Tianqing wanted to say something, but couldn't get in for a moment and couldn't stop it.

She hasn't seen any wonderful photos secretly taken in the camera yet.

She became more and more angry with Zhao Youqiang, and completely ignored her.

The last supervisors and security guards passed the lobby when they followed Zhao Youqiang back.

The few employees I saw were very surprised, and the lady at the counter was even more nervous. She saw the police coming in and out, and she was very worried about what happened inside, and it was hard to explain.

This will also damage the reputation of the Forest Club.

"What's the matter, what happened, has something happened to this guest?" The front desk lady grabbed the supervisor's arm and asked in a panic.

"Don't talk nonsense! Not a guest!"

The lady at the counter was stunned for a moment, and looked at Zhao Youqiang and the security guard at the door silently following behind them.

Everyone is calm and composed.

The lady at the counter didn't know what to say for a while, and she didn't fully understand the meaning of the supervisor's answer.

So he went forward with speculation, and said to Zhao Youqiang:

"Mr. Zhao, Ms. Li, good evening, as you pass by here, I will inform you that your check-out time is 13 o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"Oh, I still want to leave at 11 o'clock, I see."

"In addition, there are additional expenses incurred during your journey, please trouble you to pay at the counter when you leave tomorrow."

"Enn, okay, you can do whatever you want, we'll talk about it tomorrow, I'm tired and I'm going back to sleep."

After Zhao Youqiang finished speaking, he dragged Li Tianqing away in a mighty manner.

The lady at the counter was full of doubts. She wanted to find out something, but she couldn't hear or see anything.

The supervisor walked up to the lady at the counter angrily, and said sternly in a restrained voice:

"You are a pig! How dare you count the boss's money!"

"What! He's the boss?!"

"You still don't believe me when I say you're a pig! Hurry up and clear all Mr. Zhao's fees, including the two-day check-in fee, and refund them all!"

"This is my first time meeting the boss. I didn't expect him to be quite handsome." The counter lady forgot for a moment and looked at Zhao Youqiang's leaving figure again.

And silently added a sentence at the end: "It's a pity that I already have a wife."

"Don't be a nympho, hurry up and do something, or you will probably leave next month, let alone a handsome guy."

"Oh!" The counter lady came back to her senses, ran back to the front desk in a panic and started to deal with all Zhao Youqiang's bills and procedures, and deleted everything inside.

It was as if Zhao Youqiang and Li Tianqing had never been here at all.

(End of this chapter)

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