God-level teacher of the beautiful president

Chapter 184 It's Not Scientific

Chapter 184 It's Not Scientific
Three days later, Shangguan Fei stepped on the train to go out.

His goal this time is very clear, a small mountain village located in the southwestern border.

After a whole week on the road, Shangguan Fei finally found the small village surrounded by mountains.

The surrounding mountains are continuous, and there is a small village in the center of the basin. Standing on the mountain, you can see that there are only a few dozen families in the mountain village. Most of the houses are made of wood, which looks very dilapidated.

The village is only connected to the outside by a rugged mountain road, and people from the outside have to walk the mountain road for at least a day to get in.

If it weren't for the clear and clear words on the reward order, Shangguan Fei would not have thought that in this seemingly ordinary mountain village, there would be a hidden master who had reached the innate realm.

Shangguan Fei did not enter the village hastily. After all, the village is isolated from the outside world. As long as he enters, it is difficult not to attract attention.

For the next few days, Shangguan Fei was in the surrounding mountains, paying close attention to the situation in this mountain village.From time to time, in the dead of night, Shangguan Fei would go into the village to check the situation.

After a few days, Shangguan Fei discovered the unusualness of this village.

Although smoke can be seen curling up from the kitchen in the whole village, none of them are young people, all of them are old people.Moreover, the biggest puzzle in this village is that although these old people come out to do activities during the day, there is no agricultural work, but their homes are full of food.

In a few days, Shangguan Fei had already walked the surrounding mountains, but he didn't see the place where the farmer planted.Moreover, even if there is a place to plant, these old people are probably powerless.

So, where did so much food come from?

If it was shipped from outside, it would be even more impossible.

The night is like water, quietly sprinkled on the earth.

Today is fifteen, and the moonlight is exceptionally bright.

Shangguan Fei came out of his hiding place and entered the village like a civet cat.

The village is very quiet, there is no sound at all, there is no sound at all, the whole village is like an uninhabited village.

From time to time, Shangguan Fei would enter the village. Naturally, he was very familiar with this situation, so he didn't stay too long, and came directly to the center of the village.

In the center of the village is an open space, and behind the open space is a large manor.Almost all other houses were built in these four weeks.

In that manor, the gates are usually locked, as if it is a long-abandoned yard.But today, the place was brightly lit, and there were faint voices coming from the place.

At a corner, Shangguan Fei saw the situation in the square. He saw a huge bonfire on the square, and a group of people in black knelt on the ground, motionless.

In front of the bonfire, an old man in white was holding a white jade stick in his hand, and he was chanting words, his voice fluctuating, as if several people were talking.

It may look like nothing to outsiders, but from Shangguan Fei's point of view, while the old man was speaking, wisps of moonlight shot straight out from the moon, covering the figure of the old man directly. Dusty breath.

And the old man's aura also became stronger and stronger in the moonlight, and even in the end, it was like an abyss, like a ravine.

After a long while, the door of the manor behind the old man was opened, and two hunched figures came out from inside.

What's a little weird is that the inside of the manor was pitch black, as if it was a black hole, absorbing all the light.

The old man entered the manor, and then those kneeling people also walked in one after another.

The gate was closed, and only the huge bonfire was still burning on the open space, but there were no people.

Shangguan Fei frowned slightly, and wanted to go in, but was afraid of being besieged.

He could tell that the strength of the old man just now was not weak, and he should be at the cultivation level of the Golden Core Stage.And that manor is very weird, maybe there are even more terrifying characters in it.

If I went in so hastily, I might be besieged, and I might die inside at that time, that would be a really wronged death.

But if you don't go in, you will have to accept this task.

After pondering over and over again, Shangguan Fei still couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart, and decided to go in and have a look. If he found something wrong, he should flee directly at that time, and he should be able to escape.

When he got to the gate of the manor, Shangguan Fei didn't go in through the gate, but directly climbed over the wall and entered without making a sound.

The inside of the manor was pitch black, and the moonlight shone inside as if it had been absorbed by something, giving people a feeling of weakness.

The yard is not big, and there are three tiled houses directly opposite the gate, which looks a bit dilapidated.

Shangguan Fei quietly walked to the front of the house and looked in through the window, but there was nothing in the room, it was empty, not even a single piece of furniture, let alone a living person.

Shangguan Fei quickly looked over the entire yard, there was nothing in the entire yard, not to mention the big living people who came in just now.

Even though he saw someone coming in with his own eyes just now, Shangguan Fei now wondered if he was dazzled just now.

He checked carefully again, not only the whole yard, but even the back of the yard, but there was nothing, as if those people who came in just now disappeared out of thin air.

If it wasn't for Shangguan Feiyi's boldness, he would have peed his pants in fright.

Standing in front of the door, Shangguan Fei was a little nervous for no reason, and this kind of nervousness made him laugh a little bit.

After settling his mind, Shangguan Fei pushed the door open and walked inside.

After looking around, his eyes finally fell on a black cloth on the wall next to the door.

The black cloth is hung next to the door. If you don't go inside the door, you can't see it.

Walk over, lift the black cloth, and a white light shoots out from behind the black cloth.

Before Shangguan Fei could react, he just felt his world spinning for a while.

When he opened his eyes again, the scene in front of him surprised him.

I saw that he was standing on a piece of wilderness, which was a grassland, a huge and boundless grassland, and standing there, he looked like an ant.

Even Shangguan Fei was stunned. He froze in place for a long time before slowly regaining consciousness.

He never imagined that he just lifted a black cloth and came to this mysterious place.

This seems a bit unscientific.

(End of this chapter)

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