Chapter 113 Wood Carving
These two people are An Keer and her secretary Liu Jiangxue. The two walked out of the villa talking and laughing, and they looked like they were kidnapped.

Needless to say, the surprise on An Dai'er's face, even Shangguan Fei was very surprised.You know, this kind of joke can't be taken.

Suddenly seeing An Dai'er and Shangguan Fei appearing in front of her, An Ke'er was very surprised: "You...why did you come here? You still came together."

"Sister, are you okay?" Andaier said hesitantly.

Judging from Anke'er's current state, it doesn't look like something happened at all, but what about the call she received.

"It's okay, we've been fine all along. How do you know we're here." An Keer asked very puzzled.

Hearing that An Ke'er said it was fine, An Dai'er finally showed a bright smile on her face.

"Someone said they kidnapped you and sent us this address." Shangguan Fei said with a serious face, and then he briefly explained the matter.

Hearing Shangguan Fei finish his story, An Ke'er and Liu Jiangxue were equally surprised.

"My mobile phone fell into the water, and there is no mobile phone seller here, so of course you can't get through. Jiang Xue's mobile phone is lost. The person who picked up Jiang Xue's mobile phone must have made a little joke for you , I didn’t expect you to take it seriously. It’s just right that you are here, and we are preparing to go back, please give us a ride.” An Keer said with a light smile.

"I'm sorry, if my phone hadn't been lost, things would not have been like this." Liu Jiangxue also said with a guilty face.

"It's okay, as long as nothing happens." Andaier waved her hand and said with a smile on her face.

Shangguan Fei naturally smiled and didn't say much.

The four of them returned to the manor. The manor covers a large area, and the layout inside is also very exquisite, with master handwriting everywhere.But there is no road coming up from this place, which is very puzzling.

"There lives a very powerful old man here. He has a very good secret whitening formula in his hand. As long as we get this secret formula, we can enter the ranks of cosmetics. The old man has promised to give us the secret formula. As long as we get the secret formula, We can leave right away. Jiang Xue and I have tried those products just now, and they are really good. The address of this old man was provided by Jiang Xue. After returning, we must reward Jiang Xue well." Enke As he walked, he explained with a smile.

Liu Jiangxue smiled modestly: "It was the president's ability to speak eloquently to convince that old gentleman, and I'm just a trivial effort."

There are many rooms in this villa, but it is a little strange that the four of them walked all the way, but they didn't see a single figure, as if there was no one in the manor.

"Is there no one here?" Shangguan Fei asked.

"On normal days here, only the old man lives alone, no one else." Liu Jiangxue explained with a smile.

Shangguan Fei didn't show his expression, but he didn't think so in his heart.If he still can't see any abnormalities by now, then he has died for countless times, and how can he still live until now.

This Liu Jiangxue has a problem, definitely has a problem.

Walking into a hall, Shangguan Fei finally saw the mysterious old man.

Originally, he thought that the old man would be a man, but he did not expect that the old man turned out to be a woman, an old man who looked to be in his fifties.Her skin is fair and tender, and it can be broken by blowing bombs. She doesn't look like a woman in her 50s. If it weren't for the white hair in her hair, no one would doubt that she is in her 50s.

"Mother-in-law, this is my sister and my company's employees. They are here to pick us up. Please forgive me for disturbing you." An Keer said with a smile.

The granny looked up at Shangguan Fei and the two, then lowered her head.

She was playing with something, some toys.

But Shangguan Fei felt that the mother-in-law's eyes seemed to stay on him for a longer time, and there was some inexplicable meaning in that sight.

"Mother-in-law, hello, you look really kind, I wonder if we've met before." Shangguan Fei said with a smile.

"I haven't walked out of this mountain villa for ten years. Do you think we have met?" the mother-in-law asked back, her voice was cold, as if without a trace of emotion.

Shangguan Fei laughed, found a seat and sat down.

Suddenly, his eyes stopped on something in front of the mother-in-law. It was a wood carving, a very rough wood carving.

Wooden carving of a woman in a school uniform with long flowing hair and a smiling face
The tears couldn't stop flowing down, really couldn't stop.

Even if he broke his hand, he never shed a tear.He always thought that his tears were all shed ten years ago.But today he discovered that his heart has never truly forgotten, and he has not yet fulfilled his wish.
"Where did you get this wood carving?" Shangguan Fei walked over excitedly, and directly took the wood carving in his hand.

Hands trembling, tears streaming down my face.
Looking at the back, a name suddenly appeared in his sight, it was a name he would never forget, it was the eternal pain in his heart.

His thoughts suddenly returned to that era, back to that scene.
"Shangguan Fei, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?" An Keer said a little confused.

Tears streamed down his face, his hands trembled, and a look of pain flashed across his face. Everyone could see that something was wrong with Shangguan Fei now.

"This is a relic of a person. Why, you know the person who died." The mother-in-law said in a low voice.

Shangguan Fei nodded again and again: "Grandma, I don't know if I can give this wood carving to me. It is very important to me. As long as you are willing to give me this wood carving, no matter what the conditions are, I can promise you."

"Do you think there is anything I need you to do for me?" The mother-in-law said coldly.

Shangguan Fei sneered again and again, and a tyrannical aura suddenly rose in his heart.He really had the urge to smash this villa and take this wood carving away.

But when his eyes fell on the wood carving in his hand, his mood calmed down inexplicably.

Seeing this wood carving in my hand is like going back to the past, back to the youthful years.

"Grandma, this wood carving is really important to me, I don't know how you can give it to me." Shangguan Fei said in a low voice.

There was a trace of sarcasm on the corner of the mother-in-law's mouth: "If you want it, it's not impossible. As long as you kneel down and give me three bangs, I will give you this wood carving. Anyway, this thing is useless to me , and it takes up a lot of space.”

Shangguan Fei's face changed slightly. He was about to speak when he felt a numbness in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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