Chapter 26

Ye Kai drove the Maserati all the way.

Fortunately, there were no surprises along the way.


Maserati stopped along the way, looking ahead, Ye Kai opened his eyes wide.

This old road has been paralyzed.

"It's on fire over there!"


"A lot of smoke..."

Noise came from around.

I saw billowing black smoke billowing from behind the building in front, and many people ran towards it. The two fire trucks driving wildly in front were obviously blocked by vehicles that were seriously blocked on the road.

So, where does Police Officer Zhao want me to go to save people?

Ye Kai took out a vibrating phone.

"Have you been to the old town yet?" Zhao Feiwu asked excitedly.

"Here, where are you?"

"Did you see the burning building? I'm here, come quickly." Zhao Feiwu said seriously.

"I'll be right there!" Ye Kai could vaguely hear a lot of noisy voices coming from the phone.

No, the car can only be parked here!

Ye Kai drove the Maserati to the side of the road and stopped, took a box, got out of the car and rushed into an alley.

When he rushed out from another alley, he had already changed into a black shadow suit all over his body.

In the building in front, the fire was raging, black smoke filled the air, and several people screamed faintly from the building.

There were hundreds of people standing outside the building, one of them was Zhao Feiwu in police uniform.

Zhao Feiwu looked nervously outside, and when he saw him, his pretty face beamed with joy.

Ye Kai flashed forward.

"Heiying, the fire inside is too big, the rescuers can't get in for a while, and the surrounding space is too small, the fire truck can't get in for a while, can you save them?"

Ye Kai looked up and saw that someone stretched out his hands in a window, calling for help in the almost completely sealed window.


"Ah!" At this moment, there was a sudden big explosion on the first floor, and the six men who were rushing inside with fire extinguishers and water hoses at the gate were blown to the ground.

Inside the building, the fire suddenly burned more fiercely.

"Quick!" Zhao Feiwu yelled urgently.

Ye Kai knew that there was not much time left for him to save others.

But he was on the third floor, and there was a sea of ​​flames inside, so he couldn't get in at all.

Moreover, there were dangerous items inside, even if he ventured in, he might be directly injured by the blast, and when he went to them, these people might have been choked to death by the thick smoke.

"Leave it on me!" Ye Kai also knew that he was the only one who could save people at this time, otherwise everyone could just watch the people above being burned to death by the fire.

Ye Kaichong jumped to the half-meter stone steps under the tree in front, raised his hands, concentrated all his strength, and controlled a force to surge upwards.

come on!On the side, Zhao Feiwu looked at him and shouted in his heart.

Many people around who were talking about it also noticed Ye Kai's strangeness at the moment, and many men and women who used their mobile phones to record videos of the fire building immediately moved the camera to Ye Kai.

"Baba~" The windows on the third floor were sealed, and there was a strange sound suddenly.

Ye Kai gritted his teeth and tried his best.

"Ah~" He shouted loudly inside the hood.

Above "Ba Ba~", the walls around the sealed windows suddenly burst into gaps.

"Ah, what's going on?"

"Is that building going to collapse?"

"how come……"

In an instant, hundreds of people at the scene all turned their eyes to the window and fell silent.

Ye Kai's powerful cry reached the ears of everyone present.

"Boom~" above, the entire window was suddenly pulled out, and it fell on the empty space in front of it.

Everyone at the scene was shocked again.



There was an explosion in the upper room, accompanied by two screams, and a woman and a little girl fell from the broken window above.

"Ah~" The audience was shocked.

The height of the third floor, falling like this, it's no wonder they didn't die.

In Ye Kai's eyes, the speed at which the two fell was not that fast.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he manipulated the power.


With a whistling wind, the bodies of the two girls, one big and one young, who were about to fall to the ground, suddenly stopped.

Ye Kai clenched his teeth, and slowly lowered his raised hands.

In front, the two women who were suspended at a low altitude slowly fell to the ground.

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

There were quite a few people in front who guessed that the man in black was a fool, but now everyone didn't think so.

"Daughter~ My eldest daughter is still up there, please save my eldest daughter..." The dying woman paralyzed on the ground suddenly convulsed, got up on her knees, and cried loudly to the audience.

She obviously didn't know that it was Ye Kai who saved them just now.

Ye Kai looked up.

"Huhu~" The fire was raging inside the building, and no one could be heard for a while.

In the room above where they had just stayed, black smoke billowed out, indicating that the fire had already burned in that room.

Ye Kai's head tightened, her eldest daughter might have been burned to death by the fire.

Ye Kai's body gradually bent, and his eyes under the two blindfolds became extremely bright.

He jumped up suddenly.


Under his feet, the hard stone steps were cracked.

Jumping into the air, Ye Kai's body was unbelievably suspended outside the window.

"Ah~" Seeing this scene, many girls screamed.

Ye Kai gritted his teeth, controlled his body to prop up his body with all his strength, and slowly moved towards the front window opening.

In the eyes of everyone, the man in black just floated in.

The fire burned wildly in the building, and most of the rooms were filled with thick smoke.

At this moment, Ye Kai, who was looking for a while, saw a ten-year-old girl lying on the ground, her wet eyes were half-opened, her eyes were tired, her face was full of pain, and she silently shouted for help. A bloody wound on one thigh.

"Ba Ba~" Above her, the violently burning ceiling was cracked and was about to fall down.


On the left and right sides, cracks also appeared in the corners of the door.

Ye Kai was startled, and rushed forward.


At this moment, the entire flowering board collapsed, making a loud bang.

Below, including Zhao Feiwu, everyone looking up at the top was shocked.

"Huhu~" The fire burned more violently now, and many flames burst out from the open windows in front.

"Ah~ my eldest daughter...Xiaoyu..." The woman who had just been rescued immediately sat down on the ground and wailed loudly.

Zhao Feiwu frowned, boy, hold on!
"Huh~" At this moment, a figure shot out from the fire window.

"Ah!" In an instant, the audience was shocked.

"Peng~" Ye Kai fell to the ground, kneeling on one foot, trembling all over.

I saw that he was still hugging a young girl tightly in his arms.


"He's out!"

"He rescued her daughter..."

The audience was pleasantly surprised.

"Xiaoyu~" the woman let out a cry of joy and ran away.

Several men and women who were close to Ye Kai also rushed forward.

The girl Biyu stared straight at Ye Kai with her half-opened eyes, tears gleaming.

Ye Kai's eyes fell on her bloody thigh, and he put one hand on it, concentrating.

The rushing men and women stopped one after another, looking at Ye Kai strangely.

The woman running wildly fell in the middle and was supported by several men and women, she also looked at him strangely for a moment.

Everyone gathered around to watch, and many mobile phones were directed at Ye Kai, broadcasting live on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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