God level canteen

Chapter 57 The Shadow

Chapter 57 The Shadow
In the evening, two masters from the shop called.

Shen Yi ran over in a hurry, and saw that the shop was cleaned inside and out.

Although I dare not say that it looks brand new, it is much more beautiful than the smoky breakfast shop before.

Although these two masters only did chores, they had to say that they put in a lot of effort.

Xu Shi took the money and didn't do anything, so he felt very sorry, but when Shen Yi entered the shop, he found that in the corners and corners, what could be repaired was also repaired, and what could be repaired was also repaired.

I don't know where the two masters got the cement, but they made it refreshing.

Shen Yi didn't know that two steps forward was a construction site.

When the two masters went to take out the trash, they just asked for some materials.

It's really not a problem to say something nice with a shovel and a bag.

It's just that the two masters are good people, and I feel that I feel a little bit sorry for not doing things after taking the money, and it is considered cheap for Shen Yi.

Although these are dispensable, Shen Yi still thanked her repeatedly.

Three hundred yuan for one person, 600 yuan for two people, and it will be settled if you are in a hurry.

The two masters raised their feet and planned to leave. They didn't say much, but they didn't plan to come over the next day.

Then Shen Yi yelled at the two behind them.

"Master Yuan, Master Zhao, come here at this time tomorrow."

The two masters were stunned for a moment.

"There's nothing to do in this store..."

It's not that I don't want to make money, but I always feel that it's not good to just dawdle like this.

Even if it's only a day.

Shen Yi laughed.

"Don't worry, you will have work to do tomorrow!"

The speed of the system is very fast. How long does it take to decorate the shop?

But it's too fast, and it's eye-catching.

The system discussed with Shen Yi and arranged three days for decoration.

This is still fast, but it's not too eye-catching.

Shen Yi's purpose for letting the two masters come is also simple.

Although the system is responsible for the decoration, the store itself must have produced a lot of garbage.

Anyway, I've already invited them for one day, and these two masters are diligent and persistent in their work, so why not invite them for another day, and then they will help clean up the garbage.

The system is not responsible for these rubbish.

You know, the system only collects money, not garbage.

If there is no one to help, Shen Yi may have to do it himself.

On such a hot day, he still has to look at the canteen, how can he toss himself, he might as well spend some money and forget it.

On the other hand, the two masters would definitely be depressed if they knew about Shen Yi's plan.

Shen Yi really regards the two dignified technicians who are decorating as doing odd jobs...

It was already dark, and after seeing off the two masters, Shen Yi pulled down the shutter and stayed in the shop by himself, then said to the system.

"Let's start the system."

The money has already been deducted, and the system will definitely not be ambiguous in doing things.

Immediately before Shen Yi's eyes, various materials that could be used for decoration appeared in Shen Yi's eyes the next moment.

Then, the whole store seemed to be full of life, all kinds of things were flying around, and the sound of chainsaws and knocking could be heard endlessly.

In vain there was a layer of white putty on the wall, shining brightly.

The light bulb on the top of the head changed in the next moment, and there was even an extra row.

The floor beneath my feet did not move.

The system said that the floor can still be used, just repair it, and the replacement of the floor is too bumpy, so it will be adjusted on the last day.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Shen Yi was given less money...

However, in any case, it can only be attributed to the four words 'unbelievable'.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, even Shen Yi wouldn't have believed it, all these things were formed under his nose.

The system does things silently.

What about a chainsaw? Beating.

It's just that they are released on purpose for the left and right neighbors to listen to.

Sure enough, it had an effect, and the neighbors on the left and right frowned.

Fortunately, I felt that the time was almost up, but the voice stopped.

Bored, Shen Yi found a clean place to work and watched the store change little by little.

Of course, what he cared more about was his remodeled bedroom that would be used to live in.

Shen Yi was very curious, how would such a small space be remodeled, even the bathroom and kitchen are there!

"Could it be possible to knock down the wall and put it forward?"

Shen Yi thought about it, and felt a little unlikely.

If this wall is knocked, it will affect the space of the shop outside, not to mention that the wall is not easy to move, it is a load-bearing wall.

Knock it off?Shen Yi didn't want to live in danger all the time.

This load-bearing wall, that's the key to a house.

However, Shen Yi still felt that he had underestimated the system.

In the hands of the system, the walls and the like have not been changed at all, but a small room has been separated by the window.

This small room can barely move around, and then a small kitchen room is visible to the naked eye.

Shen Yi froze for a moment.

The system is such a good means.

The layout is well-organized and clean.

I'm afraid most people can't think of doing this.

It's a pity that there is one less bathroom promised by the system.There is only a little space left, so if I put a bed, I'm afraid there won't be much space left, and I don't know how the system will arrange it.

With a grin, Shen Yi said.

"System, you still miss me a bathroom!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a glass room that barely accommodated the next person appeared in front of him.

The shower is installed inside, and the reserved water pipe is hung on the high wall.

This small shower, turned out to be.

Then outside the glass room, the washstand and toilet were also formed.

Shen Yi was stunned.

The system is arranged in this way, but it has almost occupied the space. Where should this bed be placed?
However, before Shen Yi could be puzzled, a high bed with bunk beds appeared in front of him.

This bunk bed is missing the bed board below, and the sink and toilet are just placed inside.

Shen Yi grinned, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

I didn't expect that after leaving the school, I would still sleep in this kind of bed in the end.

But if you want to say that the system is unreliable... There is such a large space in front of you, but it is completely organized.

It is really admirable!
In the end, Shen Yi had to shake his head.

"Forget it, let's go to the upper bunk, I'll sleep by myself anyway."

What the system had to do today had been completed, but Shen Yi turned around and planned to go back to the community.

It was already late when we arrived in the community.

I wanted to go straight home, but I was a little hungry.

Although instant noodles are disgusting, Shen Yi thinks it's better to fill his stomach with a pack.

It was too late, and there were no activities in the community.

It happened that several street lights in the community were broken, so Shen Yi walked towards the canteen fumblingly.

However, when he came to the entrance of the canteen, he saw a figure standing in front of the canteen.

If you look closely, you can see that it is lying on the window of the canteen, sticking out its buttocks.

Shen Yi's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help cursing.

"Your mother!"

PS: Please, be merciful!
Group: 230089040
(End of this chapter)

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