God level canteen

Chapter 54 Can Libai Clean His Teeth?

Chapter 54 Can Libai Clean His Teeth?

Although the store is very close to the community, it would be great if you could live in the store.

For one thing, this will make you feel more at ease and save you a lot of trouble.

Secondly, and more importantly, it can save another rent.

But Shen Yi still had doubts.

If it's just adding a bathroom, you can clean it up yourself.

Shen Yi asked the system.

"Send me a bed?"


"Is there any bedding?"


It's nice and satisfying.

Shen Yi asked again.

"Are the toiletries complete?"


Shen Yi licked his lips, it really didn't hurt him to calculate this way.

"What about the decoration of the storefront? Not too much, at least it should be comparable to ordinary stores, right?"

This time the system didn't make a sound, and it took a long time before it said.

"Add a kitchen!"

Shen Yi was stunned for a moment, then said directly the next moment.

"make a deal!"

It costs 2 yuan, the storefront is renovated, and it can accommodate people, as well as bathrooms and kitchens. It would be foolish not to agree to such a good thing.

As for such a large space, how to get out of the kitchen?

It's not Shen Yi's business.

Shen Yi happily expressed that he would help the system to get the money.

However, the system said that when Shen Yi agreed, the 2 yuan had already been taken away.

Speechless, really speechless!

The money is locked up at home to prevent thieves, who would have thought that the biggest thief is the system.

The speed at which he took the money was absolutely unrelenting.

But it also saved Shen Yi's business, and he walked into the community very satisfied. Taking advantage of this time, Shen Yi planned to do business again.

Even if you don't sell enhanced products, you might still be able to sell some ordinary ones.

Before Shen Yi could take a step, the system voice came again.

"Remind the host that the system decoration is too shocking. If the host store has no trace of decoration, it will easily arouse others' suspicion. It is recommended that the host do a good job on the surface."

To put it bluntly, it is to let Shen Yi make some decorations to make sense.

In case others don't see the decoration, the shop is finished, and I can't explain it at that time.

After all, there are shops on the left and right of the breakfast shop.

It cannot be said that all decorations are done at night.

Although it is not a big trouble, it is safe to be prepared if you are more prepared.

Shen Yi was speechless.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Even if it's a show, it costs money.

The system remained silent, and Shen Yi was worried again.

"Forget it, let's find two masters."

After hesitating for a while, Shen Yi walked out of the community. He planned to call one or two masters casually, and wait for tomorrow to do something casually in the store, or let them pretend casually.

It doesn't cost much to find two masters, which Shen Yi can still pay.

Of course, the premise is that you can find a master.

There is no such thing as an overpass near the Panhua community, where to look for it, Shen Yi has no way at the moment.

However, a series of numbers soon appeared in Shen Yi's mind.

"what is this?"

Shen Yi asked the system in surprise.

"Phone number! It's from the decorator."

"Where is it?"

"On the way back from the host just now, the system recorded it on the electric pole beside the road."


Shen Yihao couldn't spit out a mouthful of blood.

The co-author system has long been prepared for him.

Shen Yi couldn't help giving a thumbs up, and said to the system.

"I'm convinced, you're still taller!"


Shen Yi called the phone number, and the person on the other side was actually doing renovations.

Shen Yi told the other party to find two masters, but the other party agreed without any reason.

Of course, although the key to the breakfast shop is now in Shen Yi's hand, the items in the breakfast shop have not been moved yet, and the earliest construction will not start until tomorrow.

There was no rush, Shen Yi asked the opposite party to bring the person over tomorrow, and then returned to the commissary.

However, looking at the commissary now, Shen Yi couldn't help feeling a little melancholy.

It's just such a small house wrapped in iron sheets, who would have thought that he would be moaning a month ago.

Now it has become the beginning of his own start?
And it's about to become a thing of the past...


After thinking about it, Shen Yi felt that the commissary was transferred from 8000 yuan, even if it was closed, it couldn't be idle.

No matter what you say, you have to find a next home.

At least, we have to get that capital back.

The closed message on the notice board was erased and a new one added.

"The canteen is for sale, if you are interested, please contact the owner directly."

There were acquaintances passing by in the community, and they couldn't help being surprised when they saw this information.

"Boss Shen, your business is doing well, why don't you want to do it?"

Shen Yi waved his hands hurriedly.

"How can I not do it! It's just that the shop is too small. I rented a new shop outside, so I won't use the commissary in the future, and I will do business outside."

Fearing that people would lose a potential customer if they didn't know where the shop was, Shen Yi hurriedly said.

"Do you know the store that sells breakfast? That's the one you transferred to. When I open, I have to take care of the business."

The others laughed and nodded.

"Good to say, good to say..."

It's obviously perfunctory. I don't know if I will buy it when it really opens.

But it doesn't matter, Shen Yi didn't expect him to go.

Just to spread the word.

What's more, not everyone has the spending power of small shops.

After all, although there are many rich people, many more are poor.

Like Shen Yi before, if there is only [-], or [-] salary a month.

Unless you can't wait and have to, you let him buy a bottle of more than 3000 shampoos, except that he has so much money?What's more, even if there is, is he willing to do it?
At least Shen Yi was reluctant.

I'm afraid that the soap that costs hundreds of dollars a piece has a good effect, but it needs to be complemented.

After all, spending power is based on having enough food and clothing.

At the same time, Shen Yi opened the door.

Gradually someone came to the door.

Many people wanted to buy shampoo and the like. Although the notice stated that it was sold out, seeing Shen Yi opened the door, they still came up to ask with some reluctance.

Finally disappointed.

But the toothpaste and washing powder that are still in stock, no one cares about.

To ask why?
Maybe everyone didn't put their minds on it.

Shen Yi is not in a hurry, although things are not in the public eye, they are still necessities.

When the time comes, it will be necessary.

And soon, someone came to the door.


Fu Bohan's name is elegant.

In his early 20s, but without a diploma or culture, he was not allowed to do hard physical work on the construction site near Panhua Community.

In fact, Fu Bohan didn't think there was anything wrong with this point. He didn't go to school well and didn't have knowledge. Now he can't blame others for falling into this situation.

What's more, others are real, unlike others who are not as active as others. Even if they don't have a diploma in knowledge, they can still do other jobs.

He didn't feel anything against selling his strength either.

However, he is not afraid of getting rich, but Fu Bohan has a knot in his heart.

A young man in his 20s is the time to look cool and handsome to save face. Although he is tired at work, no one can tell when he changes his clothes after work.

But this mouthful of yellow teeth made him ashamed to see others.

This yellow tooth, natural, is still there even if I don't smoke or drink.

It's not that I haven't been to a dental clinic or other places to get my teeth cleaned, but within three days it became the same again.

After a long time, Fo Bohan even felt a little inferior.

Talking to people is always pursed mouth.

I originally thought that would be it, and it might be difficult to find a wife in the future.

However, when he was at work today, a few people from the construction company came, and he overheard the inadvertent conversation.

Those people talked with great interest, but also complained.

Said that there is a small store in the next door, and the things in it are very expensive.

But very easy to use!
Among them, there is something called Libai Whitening Agent, which can help people whiten, and it works on the spot, which is very useful.


Fu Bohan couldn't help but be moved.

In order to make his teeth whiter, he did everything possible.

Since Na Libai is so powerful...

"Can that be used to clean your teeth?"

(End of this chapter)

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