Chapter 435

The shelves for displaying medicinal materials are different from the usual ones. When the mall was decorated before, they didn't think so much, and the space for displaying them was limited, so Shen Yi didn't put ginseng on the shelves.

Just because it wasn't on the shelf didn't mean it wasn't there. He quickly found a white film bag.

There are heavy things in this bag. If you look closely, they are all ginseng.

These were all strengthened when they were brought over, but they hadn't had time to take care of them.

Shen Yi casually brought the bag over, dropped it on the counter, and presented it in front of the two of them.

"It's really ginseng!"

Tang Yongzhen was taken aback for a moment, and then he didn't care.

Other people's family ginseng, that one is not packed in a single box, and it is neatly arranged.

Shen Yi sometimes, let alone the ginseng itself, the box containing the ginseng alone is worth a lot.

That's good for Shen Yi, like a fresh cabbage from the vegetable market, he randomly pulled out a piece of cabbage from it.

The roots of the ginseng were scratched off several times.

"Even if it's ginseng, it's just ordinary stuff! It's worthless."

Tang Yongzhen shook his head.

However, he heard Shen Yi say.

"Here, this is Wannian's, you can give me the palm of your hand."

This is still the worst quality of all ginseng, so it is released casually, and there are some that look better, Shen Yi put it a little better.

Shen Yi placed the ginseng on the fruit and spread it out.

Tang Yongzhen smiled sassyly, and then walked over with strides.

He lowered his head and looked at the ginseng indifferently. The young man didn't know how to fool him with some rubbish, so he thought about how to be ironic.

However, suddenly his eyes couldn't help but freeze.

"This is impossible!"

Then he rubbed his eyes suddenly, and then looked at the somewhat yellowed ginseng.

Ginseng is dry, and it is known that there will definitely be some wrinkles from the loss of moisture.However, what is surprising is that although the ginseng in front of me is dry, it looks plump and abnormal. The most important thing is that the image is lifelike, as if it has just been thrown out of the soil.

Speaking of this alone, this ginseng is not comparable to ordinary products.

However, Tang Yongzhen, an old Chinese doctor, was stunned by more than this point, ginseng, as its name suggests.

The reason why ginseng is called ginseng is because of its appearance, it looks like a human figure at a glance.

They have hands and feet, hence the name.

But that's just ordinary ginseng.

There is a legend that ginseng is like a child, with a green leaf on its head, timid and cautious, capable of breaking ground and jumping to contain the essence of life.

This kind of ginseng can prolong your life for a hundred years, and even rank among immortals.

Legends are just legends.

But the ginseng put out by Shen Yi suddenly looked white and tender, with distinct limbs.

Although there are no green leaves on the top, it looks like a big-headed child when you look at it suddenly, and even the facial features are clear when you look closely.

If it is said that ordinary ginseng is only shaped like a human being, then this ginseng in front of him can be regarded as the same.

Lifelike is eye-catching.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this product is the king of ginseng.

No wonder Tang Yongzhen was dumbfounded, he was not young, but when had he seen such a thing?

Ren Qiang spat out subconsciously.

"Why does this ginseng look like a child?"

Tang Yongzhen's complexion changed drastically, and she muttered to herself.

"He whose roots are like a human being, has hands and feet, and whose face is like a human being is a god..."

Tang Yongzhen read it out. This paragraph is the record of ginseng in "Compendium of Materia Medica".

This is a description of the appearance of ginseng.

Ordinary ginseng can only achieve a section of 'human-like roots', but the ginseng in front of me has achieved 'human-like appearance'.

Good and bad can be seen at a glance. If the ginseng in front of me is real, it is simply a miracle.

"This this……"

After two murmurs, Tang Yongzhen was speechless.

As a Chinese medicine doctor, he did not practice medicine in one place. In his early years, he traveled all over the world to treat people, and he had a lot of knowledge.

Although the medicinal materials earlier looked exciting, they were still acceptable, but he didn't know what to say about the ginseng in front of him.

Tang Yongzhen's eyes slowly changed, and her hands and feet involuntarily rushed towards the ginseng. It could be seen that there was enthusiasm in those eyes.

Shen Yi didn't stop him, but watched him stroke the ginseng with trembling hands like a demon, making people shiver in shock, his expression is really easy to make people think wrong.

Ren Qiang was at a loss, he didn't understand why Mr. Tang seemed to have a stroke.

Just ask.

"Mr. Tang, how about this ginseng?"

Who knew that Tang Yongzhen would ignore him at all, and kept aiming at that ginseng.

Ren Qiang frowned and was about to speak, but he didn't expect a sudden change.

That Tang Yongzhen gritted her teeth and became ruthless, and pinched the ginseng fiercely.

Shen Yi frowned. Fortunately, although Tang Yongzhen looked like a madman, she was still somewhat rational.

The place where he attacked was just a root hair sticking out of the person's body, Shen Yi didn't care about the tiny one.

As soon as the root was cut off, Tang Yongzhen didn't care about it, and threw a two-centimeter root into his mouth.

It was just such a little thing, but he chewed it vigorously, and then swallowed it mixed with saliva.

After everything went into her stomach, Tang Yongzhen's complexion turned rosy, and her eyes glistened a little.

He muttered to himself blankly.

"When I was young, I studied medicine with my master. The old man told me that real ginseng, ginseng that has really aged, no matter how much it enters the stomach, it is a great tonic! Real ginseng is in front of you, and it is not inferior to children. Difficult to tell! If you cut the whole root, it will fill the room with fragrance! If you smell it, you can prolong your life for three years..."

"Is this old man crazy?"

Shen Yi couldn't help but a thought popped up in his heart, he regretted taking out this ginseng.

Ren Qiang looked anxiously, he shook Tang Yongzhen's shoulder.

"Mr. Tang, Mr...."

Tang Yongzhen's eyes were a little blurred, and then he realized it.

Seeing that he was getting better, Ren Qiang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't get too excited, let's see if this ginseng is real or not."

Tang Yongzhen stared without hesitation and asserted.

"Really! Priceless!"

He still has eyesight, and the little roots have entered his stomach, and he is very clear about any changes in his body.

Let's talk about the authenticity of this ginseng?What else is there to say?

Wannian ginseng?Tang Yongzhen suddenly felt that even if the ginseng of Wannian was taken out, it might not dare to say that it is better than this, right?

Unfortunately, this was the only one he had ever seen.

Suddenly remembered, Shen Yi seemed to be carrying a bag just now, which was full of ginseng, Tang Yongzhen was startled!

"Is this ginseng useful to my father?"

Ren Qiang asked anxiously.

"It's useful! Thousands of years can only hang people's lives, but those of ten thousand years can live!"

Ren Qiang's eyes were red, and he immediately looked at the ginseng and said with jealousy.

"Is this for sale? I'll buy it all!"

How long has he been looking for ginseng?Unexpectedly, the thousand-year-old ginseng was not seen, but the ten-thousand-year-old ginseng appeared in front of me.

If Shen Yi said he wouldn't sell it, Ren Qiang would definitely grab it without saying a word, and get it in his hands.

Tang Yongzhen shook her head with a sore throat.

"You can't afford it!"

Ren Qiang's expression stopped abruptly, he is rich and can't afford this ginseng?
Shen Yi didn't even speak, but Tang Yongzhen gave a definition.

"Thousand-year ginseng, even if it is a grass that has grown for ten thousand years, it is still a treasure! Have the ancient emperors seen the ten-thousand-year ginseng? How can I buy it?"

The value is high, this is Tang Yongzhen's subconscious thought.

Suddenly he made a move, and the old man of the Ren family still had to be saved.

He reached out and pinched off a not too long root from the ginseng, which was thin and inconspicuous.

But he cherished and held it in his hand carefully, and said to Shen Yi.

"Please tell me, look at how much these are!"

Tang Yongzhen is still thinking about Ren Qiang, these life-savings are enough.

He remembered what he swallowed just now, and his expression changed.

"And the bit I ate just now..."

Tang Yongzhen thought secretly.

"That's all, I'm afraid I'm going to lose my fortune!"

(End of this chapter)

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