Chapter 421

Uninvited visitors came to the supermarket, Shen Yi thought that the old man of the Feng family would definitely see him again, but what he didn't expect was that the old man came to Nanzhou with Feng Songshi without any news beforehand.

Shen Yi didn't even see these two until they reached the second floor.

Feng Songshi is mentally strong, and it can be seen that there is really no problem at all.

Shen Yi said it.


Let the two sit down on the second floor.

Compared with the same scene the first time, the atmosphere in this scene is much more soothing.

Last time the old man didn't speak much, Feng Songshi did the talking, but this time, the old man said more, Feng Songshi didn't speak, but kept staring at Shen Yi.

The fragrance of the tea was faint, and the old man couldn't help moving his index finger when he smelled the tea. He took a sip from time to time, and then hurriedly said.

“Good tea!”

Mr. Feng also likes to drink tea, how many elderly people don't like it?What's more, this is a habit he has cultivated all along!

What he didn't expect was that this tea was better than any kind of tea he had drunk before.

Obviously looking at the brown color is not very good, but this tea gives people a different taste.

The old man couldn't help but said.

"What kind of tea is this?"

Shen Yi smiled.

"It's Tieguanyin!"

Could it be Tieguanyin?It is still the kind of crude tea made from large branches and leaves that are dried and fried in the sun. The authentic way to drink it is to grab a handful in a big porcelain jar, rinse it with hot water, and cut it quickly and easily.

However, Shen Yi doesn't make much distinction between the so-called good and bad. For him, the definition of good and bad is whether it has been strengthened or not.

Without strengthening, no matter how good it is, it is not good!In the same way, no matter how bad the enhanced is, it is still good.

Otherwise, how could this carelessness make the old man fall in love?
Mr. Feng couldn't help but said.

"This tea, can I take some with me when I leave?"

Shen Yi sipped his tea and smiled.

"There are plenty of them in the store, you can bring as much as you like."

The old man took a deep breath, then said with a smile.

"How did you sell it?"

Shen Yi said calmly.

"As many as a million, as little as tens of thousands! See which one you like."

"What are we drinking now?"

"One hundred thousand."

The old man slapped his thigh and said.


10 yuan may be unbelievable in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of truly knowledgeable people, such tea is really worth it. The old man even thinks that 10 yuan is too low, because sometimes there are You can't buy it with money.

Otherwise, why would Feng Songshi, who doesn’t understand tea, nod his head?
That's because even if he doesn't understand, he has nothing to say.

As for why it costs money?

On the one hand, Shen Yi knew that Mr. Feng would definitely not want his things in vain, otherwise he would not have made such a trip; on the other hand, he owns a supermarket.

"You have a lot of good things in this supermarket!"

There were a dazzling array of products, some of which looked very strange. Although he didn't lean over to take a closer look, Mr. Feng's eyes were full of curiosity.

It's fine if he doesn't say it, but when he said Feng Songshi couldn't help it, he looked directly at Shen Yi and said.

"Mr. Shen, I want to know if it's because of you that I can wake up."

Shen Yi shook his head, what could it have to do with him?He is neither a doctor nor a doctor who saves lives!If he really had that skill, what kind of supermarket would he have opened earlier?Just practice medicine directly, and it won't be by the current system.

Shen Yi shook his head, making both the old man and Feng Songshi stunned.

The old man even felt a little confused. Did he really think wrong after thinking about it for so long?

How could Shen Yi not know what the two of them were thinking?He just said that on purpose and then laughed.

"It has nothing to do with me, but it has something to do with it!"

Shen Yi copied it with his hand, and at some point there was an extra bottle in his hand, and there was no mark on the bottle, but the old man knew that this was the so-called Naobaijin he had received.

The old man collected himself, glanced at Feng Songshi and then smiled.

"Is this for sale?"

Shen Yi nodded.

"how much is it?"

The old man opened his mouth and asked the price, like a curious customer.

Shen Yi hesitated a little after hearing this, then said.

"One hundred thousand!"

He originally wanted to say less, but after thinking about it, he felt it was not necessary.

As expected, he saw Mr. Feng nodded heavily and said.

"This is a good thing, 10 yuan is really worth it!"

After speaking, he looked at Shen Yi's reaction.

Shen Yi smiled.

"I think so too, so it's not so expensive. After all, more people can afford it, which is a good thing after all."

"Blessing others?"

Shen Yi shook his head.

"No, small profits but quick turnover..."

The old man grinned and said to Feng Songshi.

"Song Shi, pay."

Feng Songshi handed over a bank card without saying a word, Shen Yi swiped [-] according to the previous procedure, and returned the card to Feng Songshi.

Feng Songshi took the card and said.

"Although I want to thank you, I still feel that my ability to wake up is not dependent on others."

His tone was like that of a child playing an online game, finding himself hacking a boss to death with great effort, and finally realized that it was not his own good play, but someone else's role that was powerful...

That state of mind is simply indescribable.

Shen Yi glanced at him indifferently, just coaxing the child, he said.

"It is true that you are working hard on your own!"

Feng Songshi was satisfied now, but Mr. Feng frowned.

During the conversation, Mr. Feng wanted to experience the magic of supermarket items.

Naturally, Shen Yi doesn't mind either. Maybe they will buy something when they are happy?In an instant, he returned to his role as the supermarket owner!

"Old man, you can try this. This is medicinal wine! Although the price is a bit expensive, it has great benefits. If you have any problems or discomforts, I guarantee you will never feel it again after using this."

"There is also this, which is also a health product, but it has miraculous effects on the elderly, so you can't miss it."

"This one is better! See, this dress will ensure that you won't feel cold or hot in any weather."

Shen Yi introduced vigorously, Mr. Feng smiled lightly and nodded along without saying much, but Feng Songshi kept curling his lips, he felt that what Shen Yi said was amazing.

And he also thinks the prices of things in supermarkets are amazing.

The key is that there are a few pairs of underwear on the shelf, Boss Shen introduced... Sterilization!
"Don't just introduce it, can you let me see the effect?"

Feng Songshi couldn't help curling her lips and shouting at Shen Yi.

Shen Yi then took a bag of spicy sticks, and at the same time wrote it down in the small notebook in his hand, and handed it to Feng Songshidao.

"Come on, try it!"

Feng Songshi took the spicy strips suspiciously, frowning!

He never ate this food, but under the curious eyes of Shen Yi and his grandfather, he couldn't help tearing open the packaging bag and throwing one in his mouth.

Seeing him eating, Shen Yi laughed.

"Does it taste good?"

(End of this chapter)

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