Chapter 412

The meal was quite warm, it was delivered by Tang Siyun when Shen Yi left.

She originally planned to drive the car back, but when she got to the door, she saw a car parked there. Shen Yi pressed the key in his hand, and the car lights flickered.

Tang Siyun understood that the car belonged to him.

Although I don't know when it came here, or it was delivered by someone else, but she doesn't need to deliver it anyway.

Although easy, it is inevitable that people will be a little disappointed.

Shen Yi said.

"Thank you for your hospitality. I didn't expect this meal to come to your house today. I'm really flattered."

Tang Siyun covered his mouth and smiled lightly.

"I'm scared."

Shen Yi was startled, then smiled.He was a little scared!When I first knew it was someone else's house, I felt uncomfortable no matter what.

A gust of wind blew up a few fallen leaves, Tang Siyun hesitated a little and said.

"I invited you to my house today and didn't say it outright because I was afraid that you wouldn't come. There's no way my grandparents ordered you to come... Also, don't take what they said at the dinner table seriously! This meal is mainly Thank you for your."

Tang Siyun said this sincerely, she agreed to treat Shen Yi to dinner, it was nothing more than a thank you.

Shen Yi smiled when he heard this, and didn't say much. It wasn't the first time Tang Siyun said this.Don't take it seriously!

This is serious, because you can't really think how much help you have to others, not because you don't take Tang Siyun's thanks as real.

"By the way, the oral liquid you sold me last time is very useful! I recommended it to several friends, and they might go to your place to buy something some other day!"

As soon as the topic changed, the conversation became much more relaxed and pleasant.

The oral liquid that Tang Siyun mentioned was the wife's oral liquid!This thing actually belongs to the category of health care products.

After the strengthening of the system, in terms of beauty and beauty alone, it is simply above Libai and other things like that.

Looking at Tang Siyun's current complexion, it exudes a woman's unique smell from the inside to the outside. It is no wonder that she was very happy when this was mentioned.

"Help me attract customers? Then I have to thank you very much!"

Shen Yi smiled and said sincerely.


The customers introduced by Tang Siyun really came, a bunch of chattering girls.

Driven by them, the oral liquid has become a hot-selling product, which is no different from the Libai that just came out before.

Boss Shen was being bombarded by a group of female friends while being happy!

This made him a little depressed. For some reason, he felt a headache when he saw groups of girls.

A girl is okay, even a girl is okay... But if you really know each other, in groups, and they can talk endlessly, it will really test people's mental endurance.

"You still think people are annoying, and you don't know who you are selling these things to."

Facing Shen Yi's complaints, Fu Xiangning couldn't help but smile as if she finally came to the supermarket.

Shen Yi shook his head and smiled wryly.

"No, I don't think people are annoying! I just want to be quiet for a while."

It's also rare, Shen Yi feels like an old man recently, always thinking about self-cultivation!
Fu Xiangning covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"How old are you? Just thinking about self-cultivation? Then if I resign and leave the company to you, won't you collapse?"

Shen Yi was taken aback and quickly waved his hands.

"Don't, don't! Without you, I think the company will go bankrupt."

Fu Xiangning sounded a little smug, but she still said what she said.


She was able to run the company well, and she was very happy to hear this from Shen Yi. At the same time, she couldn't help but feel that Shen Yi valued her so much, and she was also happy.

"Just, simply because I can manage the company well?"

Fu Xiangning was a little disappointed, and she couldn't explain why she was disappointed.

"Our car laboratory has been completed, and we can officially start using it in two days! Both we and Yiqi have participated in it! There is an event held over there, and I want to invite you over there."

Putting her thoughts away, Fu Xiangning got down to business.

It's not a big deal, she could have just called Shen Yi directly to ask Shen Yi what he meant and just reply to Yiqi, but she didn't know why before, so she really wanted to come and see for herself.

Listening to Fu Xiangning's words, Shen Yi shook his head like a rattle!
He hates this kind of entertainment and activities the most?I don't know what else to do!In other words, it was only held for outsiders to see.

In fact, Shen Yi knew very well that the research on the engine had been started a long time ago, and now there might be some results.

Then what kind of activity is it? It doesn't matter!

Without even thinking about it, Shen Yi refused.

Fu Xiangning understood Shen Yi's attitude very well, so she smiled and didn't say much.

Originally, it was enough to answer the other person, but before Fu Xiangning left, Shen Yi's cell phone rang.

"Brother Shen, it's me, Wang Minqiang..."

What Wang Minqiang called on the phone was kind, but his voice was loud.Shen Yi was quite speechless!

But after all, they are considered partners now, Shen Yi said with a smile.

"Mr. Wang, why did you remember to call me?"

"Have you received your invitation?"

Wang Minqiang asked with a smile on the phone.


Shen Yi nodded and said.

"But I'm not interested in this event, so I won't go. If we need to hire someone, our company can send a representative."

Shen Yi didn't expect that Wang Minqiang specially called to ask about this matter, but he still told the truth.

Unexpectedly, Wang Minqiang smiled on the other end of the phone.

"I knew you would definitely refuse, so I called you..."

"What? There is still something to do with this event? Do I have to go there?"

Hearing what Wang Minqiang meant, Shen Yi frowned.

Wang Minqiang laughed on the other end of the phone.

"That's not true. I don't plan to participate in this event! It's not interesting at all, but it's just a formality!"

"Then what do you mean by that?"

Shen Yi asked curiously.

"I miss you..."

Wang Minqiang seemed to be in a good mood, and he was able to joke with Shen Yi.

"Don't make trouble."

Shen Yi also couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, Wang Minqiang said seriously.

"Honestly, come here while the event is on, I have something to ask you! Let me introduce you to someone..."

"Introduce someone to me? Who?"

"You'll know when you come."

Shen Yi frowned again.

"Can't you not go?"

He didn't know who was worth introducing to him. Shen Yi had never thought about such things as gaining power.

"Come here...give me some face. People want to get to know you!"

Shen Yi frowned and thought about it.

"OK then."

(End of this chapter)

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