God level canteen

Chapter 371 Stone

Chapter 371 Stone
Qiu Xiandong was joking, he wasn't trying to tear down Shen Yi's situation.

In fact, although it was a pity that he didn't get anything from Shen Yi, at least he knew that what he wanted would still be there in the future.

Now, Qiu Xiandong only thinks about building a good relationship with Shen Yi.

And the basis for a further relationship is to be able to crack jokes.

Although jokes have little effect, they can quickly bring the relationship between two people closer.

However, it was true that Qiu Xiandong was joking, but Shen Yi was not joking with him.

"It's a good thing."

Shen Yi nodded.

Did you nod?
Qiu Xiandong was stunned for a moment, no matter how he looked at the stone, he didn't think there was anything good about it.

"Could it be that the stone is still some kind of treasure?"

Qiu Xiandong said to Shen Yi curiously.

"I'll tell you when you buy it."

Shen Yi grinned at him.

This moment aroused Qiu Xiandong's curiosity even more, he stopped drinking tea and yelled.

"Then I'll have to take a closer look."

However, he hadn't seen whether the stone was good or bad, but the price on the stone made Qiu Xiandong stunned.

"2000 million..."

Qiu Xiandong took a breath.

Although 2000 million is not a lot to him, he can afford it personally, but is this price for a stone?This is really too unimaginable.

Looking at the other things in Shen Yi's store, there are really not many tens of millions, but this stone can stand in it?

Seeing Qiu Xiandong's reaction, Shen Yi was confident. In fact, it was not surprising to him at all.

Qiu Xiandong doesn't care about other things, the 2000 million stones need to be studied carefully.

However, no matter how hard he researched, Qiu Xiandong finally found out that this seemed to be an ordinary stone. No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't find out where it was worth 2000 million yuan.

It can even be said that this stone is not even a well-known stone.

Seriously speaking, maybe it is just like the rocks that can be seen everywhere outside, at most it is a little more regular, the size of a handful.

"I don't understand, I don't understand..."

Qiu Xiandong shook his head while talking.

He went back to Shen Yi, and Shen Yi didn't say that he didn't find anything, on the contrary, he was very tickled.

"Mr. Shen, tell me exactly. How precious is this stone?"

He asked Shen Yi directly.

However, Shen Yi still said the same sentence and said directly.

"If you buy it, I'll tell you."

After speaking, he looked at Qiu Xiandong with a smile, as if waiting for a hooked fish.

Sure enough, when Shen Yi said this, Qiu Xiandong became entangled immediately.

He struggled for a long time before he was relieved, he couldn't get the answer he wanted from Shen Yi, he could only comfort himself.

"It's just a stone, even if it's a good thing, it's of little value to me."

He shook his head.

"Not always."

But he heard what Shen Yi said.

"This stone is really valuable, and it's worth the price. If you buy it, you might be able to make some money."

Qiu Xiandong instantly understood what the words meant.

"Could it be that there is something in this stone?"

What can be in a stone?Nothing more than jade and the like.If so, this stone is really worth some money.

Of course, 2000 million is out of the question. Currently, there are not many jades worth 2000 million.

Compared to this, Qiu Xiandong was more curious about how Shen Yi was so sure that there was something in the stone.

You know, it's not detectable.

If scientific and technological means can detect whether there is jade in the stone, then there is no such thing as gambling on stones.

How did he know that Shen Yi is really clear about this stone.

Nothing else, just because the system has been strengthened, and he even knows exactly the size of the jade inside.

Shen Yi couldn't laugh or cry.

When he had nothing to do in the morning, he picked up the stone at the door, and it was supposed to be placed next to the tea table as a decoration.

It can also be regarded as embellishment.

But I didn't expect that the system really strengthened the stone just by casually strengthening it.

Directly from ordinary stones to something with quality.

This made Shen Yi discover one thing, the level of enhancement that the stone itself needs to be strengthened is not high.

Of course, more importantly, the strengthened stone contains jade.

Which means if he needs money...

"If I knew that even stones can be strengthened to this level, what kind of business would I do? Just pick up two stones to strengthen them, open them and sell them, wouldn't I be rich?"

Boss Shen is helpless, but it's a pity that he is not short of money now, and he has no idea about money.

This discovery was a bit late.

For now, as long as Shen Yi is willing, his room can be filled with these things.

Of course, Shen Yi originally planned to open the stone, carve something, and put it directly in the house.

But think about it in the end.He really has no time to toss this!

To say that even after the ordinary stone is strengthened, the jade inside is not very brilliant.

It's a little bit worse than 2000 million.

But there is another main reason why Boss Shen randomly priced this stone at 2000 million.

That is, compared to ordinary jade, the strengthened jade... nourishes people.

There is a saying that a person raises jade for three years, and raises a person for a lifetime.

It means that if a person wears jade on his body, for three years, it will be of great benefit to the person himself.

Of course, this is just a saying, although it is true that wearing jade on the body is good, but the effect is not that exaggerated.

But the current system strengthening jade is different.

The efficacy of the stone is clearly written on the real efficacy of jade, which is the value it contains.

"There is jade! You don't have to doubt that. If not, I wouldn't ask for 2000 million! And it's worth it."

Shen Yi said with certainty.

Qiu Xiandong opened his mouth, wanting to question why Shen Yi was so sure.

But he couldn't say it.

He didn't speak, but Shen Yi smiled, he said.

"President Qiu really doesn't think about buying this stone?"

Qiu Xiandong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, although he also wanted to have a relationship with Shen Yi, but 2000 million, that's not a bit of a star.

"Mr. Shen really wants to sell this stone to me?"

"you are wrong."

Shen Yi shook his head.

"It's not that I want to sell you the stone, but it's for your own good. If you buy this stone, you won't suffer a loss. This is an opportunity. If you don't buy it, you may not be able to buy it next time."

As Shen Yi said, he glanced at Qiu Xiandong.

In fact, he wanted to laugh himself, but what he said was a lie.If you really want this stone, just move a piece here, strengthen it, and then it will come out.

This is the most enjoyable time for Boss Shen to do business, and it is simply a no-cost business.



Qiu Xiandong gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay, I bought this stone!"

(End of this chapter)

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