God level canteen

Chapter 36 Efficacy 10%

Chapter 36 Efficacy 10%
Shen Yi was only focused on posting photos, and hadn't had time to answer other people's questions.

But take that Sun Tao as an example, @沉义 who keeps pushing hard behind.

Shen Yi's broken phone vibrated non-stop.

Fortunately, there were not too many pictures, and Shen Yi quickly responded to everyone's questions.

"The above items are all in stock, and the quantity is not much, so hurry up if you want to buy."

As soon as this message was sent out, Sun Tao didn't reply.

Others didn't know, after Sun Tao saw Shen Yi's message, he rushed towards Shen Yi's shop without saying a word.

The driver didn't even call, and the downstairs and the car were all done in one go.

This movement is probably no faster than him.

At the same time, the group is still in chaos.

Some who were not familiar with other things were asking about the results, while some who were familiar with them begged Shen Yi to leave one for them.

However, in order to prevent them from making this trip in vain, Shen Yi kindly reminded them in the group.

"If you bought it today, don't come here again. In the future, the rule will be changed to a limit of one item per person per day!"

These words were aimed at Deng Guxiang's colleagues.

But these people, after all, don't know the magic of Shen Yi's other items.

Knowing Shen Yi's rules, seeing that he can't buy it today, let it be.

Of course, if they tried other things themselves and knew the effects of Li Bai, etc., they might not think so.

Just like Xiaoya.

"Boss Shen, why! I walked away from you, and you made so many things, what do you mean?"

Shen Yi shrugged, and could only say that Xiaoya had bad luck.

But still replied.

"Just be content with it. You bought the last piece of soap. What else do you want? I can tell you clearly that soap will be gone within ten days and half a month."

That Xiaoya returned.

"But I still want Liby."


Shen Yi didn't know how to reply her.

You want it all, and the key point is that I want to sell them too, but the rules of the system are there, so there is nothing I can do.

At this time, Shen Fengchun jumped out at the right time.

"Boss Shen, I'm busy now and I can't leave. Please leave me a bag of shampoo."

"It depends on your luck. If it's not sold out when you come, I'll keep it for you."

Shen Fengchun was depressed.

"Don't...for the sake of our friendship."

However, Shen Yi's answer at the next moment made Shen Fengchun vomit blood.

"Do we have friendship? Why don't I remember?"

"Your mother!"

Shen Fengchun looked at the phone screen and gritted his teeth angrily.

However, he had to ask for shampoo. Recently, Shen Fengchun discovered a problem. Since he stopped shampoo, it was fine on the first day of use.

Aside from the fact that the hair grows back very quickly, the first day results are remarkable.

But at the back, after two or three days, there was no movement at the top of the head.

When Shen Yi washed his hair, he lost two or three.

This frightened Shen Fengchun, and finally his hair grew back.He didn't want to be bald again.

However, Shen Fengchun, who had doubts about this, couldn't help asking in the group.

"Boss Shen, there is something wrong with the shampoo. The lasting effect is only one day, and the hair will not grow back."

Not to mention him, other people also have some doubts about it.

For example, Yuan Li felt that Libai's lasting effect was not long.

In one day, the skin will slowly return to its original state.

Although it may be stronger than before, the effect is not very satisfactory after all.

And what Deng Guxiang said, although soap can cover up body odor, if you don't use it again after a day or so, the effect will be weakened.

Deng Guxiang was so scared that she took a bath twice a day.

Having said this, everyone immediately began to crusade against Shen Yi.

Shen Yi looked at the words of the crowd and felt a little astonished.

Looking back at my palms, I found that although the skin looked a little fairer than before, it was not as white and tender as before.

Smell the body again, yes, the previous fragrance is already faint.

There was something wrong with the product, which made Shen Yi a little panicked.

Quickly asked the system what was going on.

Only then did the system give an answer.

"Because the store level of the host itself is too low, currently enhanced products have limited efficacy. Currently, the effects of all products account for 10% of the total efficacy. If you want to fully utilize the effect, please work hard to upgrade the store level!"

Listening to the system's reply, Shen Yi was a little stunned.

Didn't realize there was such a restriction?

This makes sense.

However, this is good news for Shen Yi, if the product itself is once and for all.

How about this business?
Use soap once, smell good forever?If you use Libai once, you will be useless for a lifetime?

As long as there is no problem with the product itself.

Although the system did not remind Shen Yi, Shen Yi still had to say that the system was treacherous.

But this treachery was just what he liked.

It was clear in his heart, it was easy for Shen Yi to explain it to the people in the group.

Then typed.

"Because I am a small shop, and my previous shop disliked that the shop was too small, so the goods I bought were not the best. Currently, the efficacy of all the products is only [-]% of the original efficacy. So if you want to maintain the effect, you can only continue to use it. gone."

When he said this, a group of people suddenly started shouting.

"Boss Shen, the co-author, are you trying to kidnap us to consume at your place? You are deceiving consumers by selling defective products."

In the group, Shen Fengchun screamed the loudest.

After Shen Yi saw it, he couldn't help but sneered.

"@死木重春 You don't have to buy it!"

Not buying?

Just kidding, can Shen Fengchun watch as he slowly becomes bald again?

Leaving aside himself, can he watch Xiaoli change from Bai Xiaoli to Hei Xiaoli again?

Even if Shen Yi's product functions are not the most complete, is there anyone in the group who is willing to say that he won't use it in the future?
Faced with Shen Yi's answer, Shen Fengchun was completely honest.

He no longer dared to raise his head and make a sound.

Others have nothing to say.

Although the functions of Shen Yi's products are not complete, the price of each product coupled with its functions is really hard to say.

Dare I ask, who has ever seen a soap that can match its own temperament and emit a fragrance?

Who has ever seen Libai who can instantly whiten the skin?

Even if the effect is a little weak, but spending 500 yuan to buy a bottle is more cost-effective than cosmetics and the like.

Shampoo, that's even more amazing.

It doesn't matter how much hair grows, it's incredible to have hair on your head.

At the same time, Shen Fengchun couldn't help but secretly said something bad.

He gave the shampoo to Mr. Zhao before. If Mr. Zhao finds out that his hair is not growing, will he become angry and make his business go bad?

Don't look at signing a contract, but the binding nature of the contract is really limited these days. If others don't want it, there are a hundred ways to make you want to cry.

This time, Shen Fengchun couldn't sit still.

His own head can wait, but he also has to think about Mr. Zhao's head.

Really heartbroken.

PS: Please recommend, the canteen group: 230089040 has beautiful and handsome guys
(End of this chapter)

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