God level canteen

Chapter 359 I don't want it anymore

Chapter 359 I don't want it anymore
Listening to Shen Yi's words, Feng Shikun laughed and said on the phone.

"Okay, that's a good relationship! If this is with me, it will be very convenient for me to buy things."

Shen Yi rolled his eyes speechlessly. He felt that Feng Shikun was becoming more and more shameless.

Think about how long it's been. Cook Feng from the restaurant next door, Boss Feng, is such a teacher and honest person, where has he gone?

The current Feng Shikun is simply glib, really out of tune.

It vaguely made Boss Shen feel a little regretful, whether it was good or wrong to let Feng Shikun torment himself.

Of course, this idea is just to think about it. In fact, Shen Yi knew the main reason why Feng Shikun became what he is now. It can even be said that he knew that this seemed to be inseparable from himself.

To be honest, it was Shen Yi who pulled Lao Feng up.

But seriously in the future, in fact, the two of them didn't have any friendship, even Shen Yi knew Shen Fengchun earlier than he knew him.

Shen Yi didn't have any other ideas, but Feng Shikun urged Shen Yi inside and out with a glib tongue, maybe he was a little worried about gains and losses.

It's like hanging in mid-air, this person is pulling you, and you can live if he keeps pulling you, but you don't know if he will suddenly let go the next moment.

Both the left and right are not happy.

What Lao Feng said was good, Shen Yi thought about it and said something to him.

"The shop in Shanghai, hurry up! If I go there that day, I still have to go to eat... By the way, you should also hurry up in other big cities. Let's make an agreement, I will have food there in the future .”

Feng Shikun grinned when he heard this, he nodded repeatedly and promised to be good.

And promised on the phone.

"Don't worry, let alone that city! Give me some more time, and I'll let you eat even if you go abroad!"

Well, this guy is just for reassurance, this guy has become more ambitious.

How many stores are there now?
Before he got there, Feng Shikun's ambitions had already crossed the ocean.

After hanging up the phone, Boss Shen stretched his muscles.

However, it didn't take long before he heard a voice coming from his ear.

"The task has been completed, please ask the host to receive the reward item."

Hearing the system's voice, Shen Yi grinned.

The 500 million has already been paid for, and maybe it has been overfulfilled, otherwise the system would not be so active.

Of course, this positivity is a good thing.

It means that Boss Shen can get his reward faster!
It's just that the system didn't say what the reward was, which made Shen Yi a little curious.

"Tell me, what is the reward this time?"

He couldn't wait to ask the system, while walking quickly towards his bedroom.

There are still people on the second floor, even if he is receiving the reward, he has to avoid people's eyes and ears.

"a heart!"

However, the system's answer made Shen Yi involuntarily stunned.

"a heart?"

What does it mean?heart?human?Or animal?
"No, you rewarded me with a heart?"

Boss Shen was dumbfounded. His first thought was, can this thing also be a commodity?The second thought is, if it is really a heart, what is the use of it?

Could it be that he dug out his heart and replaced it?

Or sell it to others for others to exchange?Don't be ridiculous, whoever runs around the street has no heart?
Those without a heart are dead.

The system didn't speak, which made Boss Shen tremble.

Originally, he wanted to choose to receive the reward immediately, but after hearing this, he dared not make a move.

He was afraid that the things would still be warm when he took them out, and he would splash his own blood when the time came.

Fortunately, Shen Yi quickly gritted his teeth.

"Never mind it, it's a reward anyway, so it has some use! Even if it's really a heart, the finger might still be useful!"

It's not that there are no heart-changing people these days. How advanced is the medical technology now?Boss Shen saw the news two days ago, saying that someone was planning to change his head.

Tsk tsk, let's not say whether it will be successful or not, it's scary to think about it.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Yi said to the system.

"Okay, get the reward!"

After saying this sentence, a ray of light appeared the next moment, which meant that what the system wanted to give would come out immediately.

Sure enough, with a bang, something fell directly to the floor.

The voice was a little dull, and the prize was a little heavy.

Whose heart can be so heavy?
There was no blood splattered on his face as expected, and there was no need to roast the heart and liver.

Shen Yi looked at the reward item, was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

"Oh, this is what you mean..."

The prize is indeed a heart, but it's not a bloody heart. To put it bluntly, it's an engine!

In other words, this is the heart of the car!

Without the excitement of getting the prize, looking at the engine Shen was a little speechless, but instead babbled.

"The system is becoming more and more unreliable. Just say the engine is the engine? What else is there to say about the heart..."

Well, although there is no problem with the words, it is really easy to misinterpret, and Boss Shen doesn't bother with the system anymore.

The next moment he looked curiously at the heart of the car.

Shen Yi is not very familiar with things like engines. He has a car and listens to it outside, but the hood has not been opened so far.

However, I have never eaten pork but I have seen pigs run away. The things that come out of the system prizes must be good things. Let’s not talk about the performance of the engine. In Shen Yi’s own eyes, it is perfect.

It's not like a machine, but more like a work of art.

In other words, this is a work of art cast out of steel.

Boss Shen was amazed, the engine!
So far this is a big thing, but in terms of size, all the strengthening items are not more advanced than this.

Of course, only in terms of size!

Not to mention other things, after all, if you want to talk about advanced, there is still a fighter jet hidden in Boss Shen's shop.

But Shen Yi's focus is not here, he is more curious about how the system can reward an engine?

And how many levels can this engine be strengthened, and how many levels can this engine be strengthened in front of it.

Exhaling a breath, Boss Shen didn't intend to ask the system any more, and he directly focused on the engine.

"Enhance the X-1 engine (internal combustion engine), the enhancement level requires level 7.

The current enhancement level is level 1. "

However, at first glance, this made Boss Shen depressed. He thought it was such a good thing.

The level of enhancement required by the co-author is high, but this thing is actually only a first-level enhancement level?

"Hey, at most it's a little stronger than an ordinary engine, right?"

Shaking his head, Boss Shen was disappointed.

In the past, the rewards were all high-level enhancement levels plus full-level enhancements. Now it's better. Level seven is not low, but this level of enhancement is disappointing.

However, I didn't expect the system to say otherwise.

"High-level items cannot be enhanced to the full level at will! The engine belongs to the seventh level of enhancement, and the current level-one enhancement is the highest level accepted by the host!"

"What do you mean? You mean, I can only give you this good one? And, even if my overall level goes up in the future, I can't just enhance the product to the full level?"

Boss Shen was dumbfounded!

What about the promised reward?Is this a reward?

Well, it's a reward, but it sounds like it's going to be over!

He used to be able to strengthen it at will as long as he opened the category. For example, now he can strengthen the product from level [-] to level [-] in the level [-] category.

However, it will be restricted in the future?
Boss Shen thought for a while and said seriously to the system.

"System, why are you spending so much money? Why don't you take back this reward? I don't want it anymore..."

 Mr. Huang Yi has passed away... It's a pity, I remember that every book I read in the past has Huang Yi's name written on it. At that time, I didn't know who Huang Yi was, but I knew he was very busy. He wrote so much by himself...

(End of this chapter)

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