God level canteen

Chapter 346 Fertilizer (for subscription)

Chapter 346 Fertilizer (for subscription)

: Hitting the street, hitting the street, dying, please subscribe.

There is a word called "pull the seedlings to encourage growth", or "pull the seedlings to encourage growth".

It is said that in ancient times, there was a man who saw that his crops did not grow as well as those of his neighbors.

So in order to help his crops look the same as those of his neighbors, he pulled them up.

Of course, all of these things ended up dead.

Let's not talk about the wisdom of the ancients, but these days farmers will definitely not use this method for the growth of crops.

They have other other things.

For example, pesticides, weed control and pest control.

In this way, the crops will not be damaged and can grow well.

Another example is another very important thing called fertilizer.

Fertilizer is spread on fields to provide energy for crops to grow.

Otherwise, if the land is too poor, no matter how good the seeds are, they will not be able to produce good results.

Shen Yi still remembered an advertisement, which was almost familiar.

"Stanley Compound Fertilizer..."

Well, the average person in this kind of advertisement really doesn't know.

But one thing is right, Shen Yi was pleasantly surprised, he felt that the fertilizer would undoubtedly be useful after strengthening.

It's just that the fertilizer in front of you is not a compound fertilizer, but the simplest 'urea'!
Cough, is it pleasant to hear the name?
In fact, the mechanism of this thing is originally the same as the metabolites eliminated in mammals.

It's just that this thing is chemically synthesized.

Chemical fertilizers also have a very pungent smell, but it is slightly lighter than pesticides.

Looking at the fertilizer, Shen Yi couldn't help laughing.

He remembered an interesting thing the old man at home told him when he was a child.

It is said that when his uncle was young, he mistook the urea for white sugar, and then grabbed a handful of it and stuffed it into his mouth...

At this moment, Shen Yi couldn't help thinking about it.

"My uncle is a little taller than the old man, even taller than me. Could it be because of the chemical fertilizers he ate when he was a child?"

This thought made Shen Yi's expression not so exciting. In fact, isn't the chemical fertilizer just to promote growth?

It's the same even if it's strengthened in front of you.

"Promote the secondary development of the body and increase the size! Strengthen the body."

The red light on the urea bag fully revealed the effect of the entire enhancement.

"Chemical fertilizers that can increase your size are still for people to eat! Anyone who is not satisfied with his size can come and weigh two catties! Well, I just don't know how it tastes."

While Boss Shen murmured to himself, he couldn't help but grin.

He wanted to try it himself first, but looking at the snow-white fertilizer was a little bit hard to swallow.

Leaving aside the rest, just mentioning this name is enough to make people feel disgusted.

What's more, even if it is strengthened, it is estimated that the taste will not be flattering.

"Hey, just try it! Anyway, it's been strengthened, so there's nothing wrong with eating it! I want to see how tall it can make people grow!"

Shen Yi is 178cm tall, which is pretty good for his height.

But compared to the 1.8-meter height of some people, it is still a bit short.

Boss Shen felt that if he ate this chemical fertilizer, he might become a so-called male god.

I dare not say too much, but at least I have long legs, right?
With this thought, Shen Yi couldn't help but feel agitated.

He grabbed a handful of chemical fertilizer and tried to stuff it into his mouth, but the smell was so unpleasant that it was really unbearable.

This was not a good thing, but he still had a solution. After his eyes lit up, he found a cup and came over. He had a good idea. Soaking the water directly with chemical fertilizer might also help digestion.

What relieved Shen Yi was that even after soaking in water, the effect of the chemical fertilizer did not disappear.

At the same time mixed in water, the taste is gone.

This can make people feel swallowed.

Boss Shen gritted his teeth and drank all the water in the cup in order to test the efficacy.

Wait until your stomach is full, then savor it carefully.

"Hey, it's not that bad, it's a little sweet."

This made him breathe a sigh of relief. Anyway, the taste is acceptable, not only for himself, but if this chemical fertilizer is really sold, at least it will be acceptable for others.

"The next step is to see how much height I can gain!"

Boss Shen is looking forward to this very much.

According to the procedure of strengthening items, the effect should be very fast. Shen Yi thought, he might be able to see the effect after a while, but what was disappointing was that he had been measuring his height.

But there was no movement for more than an hour!
"What's going on here? It's impossible for products with enhanced systems to be fake!"

Shen Yi didn't understand, it was the first time he saw such a situation.

"Could it be a process?"

He guessed right, a person's height affects the whole body!Every part of the whole body needs to be adjusted.

It is unbelievable to grow taller in an instant.

On the contrary, there may be problems!

After another period of time, Shen Yi went to measure again, and finally found something.

"It's grown, it's really grown! I was 178 before, and now I'm 180, a full two centimeters..."

Boss Shen's mouth was full of joy. Although two centimeters may not seem obvious, it is also a very scary thing.

At least Boss Shen can now proudly say that he is also a 1.8-meter male god.

Of course, this is his own idea, maybe others may not recognize his so-called male god.

"It's only increased by two centimeters. Will it still work if I do it again?"

Shen Yi couldn't wait to get himself another drink.

Of course, when soaking in water, he deliberately ignored the words on the fertilizer bag and couldn't read it. It looked really annoying.

After the same amount of time had elapsed between this cup, Shen Yi went to measure it again, and found something different this time.

"A few millimeters, less than a centimeter..."

If it wasn't for the actual measurement, Shen Yi would really think that his eyes were dazzled when he looked at the data.

The increase of a few millimeters is really hard to notice.

"It seems that the effect is the best for the first time, and I'm afraid it will gradually lose its effect after that! But also, if this thing can really increase the height of a person infinitely, isn't that nonsense?"

Although a little disappointed, Shen Yi still let out a breath.

The efficacy of this fertilizer has been tested, and Shen Yi feels that it may become a killer among the products in his store!

After all, as he said earlier, although it is not necessary, how many men and women don't care about their height?
There are many people out there who despise themselves for being short!
But if you want to say that you despise yourself for being tall, there are probably very few, right?

Boss Shen grinned and even wrote the advertisement.

"One catty of chemical fertilizer can fulfill your dream of growth!"

There is nothing wrong with it. If you want to grow taller, you have to fertilize.

(End of this chapter)

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