God level canteen

Chapter 334 33 Years

Chapter 334 Three Years 30.00%

"This is not good..."

"No way!"

“It better be free!”

These are what the bosses and responsible persons of these companies are thinking after listening to Shen Yi's words.

They know that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

If you really think you can eat for nothing, you must be an idiot.

Well now, the Fox Tail of Strengthening Company has leaked out, right?
People give you things with their front feet, and they wait for your resources to take the bait, but what can you do if you don’t take the bait?
In the past, the technology was not good enough and was severely suppressed. Many companies are considering transformation.

But when they turned around, they got to strengthen the company's technology. Although they were not the only ones, it gave people a little hope.

We are not afraid of competition, but we are afraid of being crushed.

But I thought it was time to start competing... Strengthening the company played this game again.

People say it well, it’s up to you whether you want additives, if you want it, you can auction it, if you don’t, the technology will not be taken back.

But the technology is all in hand, so the additives are no longer needed?
You don't have to, but what are the rest to compete with others?
Fortunately, it was said before that if there is no technology, there will be no dispute.

But given the technology, there is no dispute...

Reinforcing the company's good game, giving you hope, and then letting you go forward.

Those who can start a company are smart people, and those who can be in charge are not stupid.

In an instant, everyone figured out what this meant.

Seeing Shen Yi standing on the stage smiling, someone cursed inwardly.



"Excuse me...Mr. Shen, what is the method of this auction? Are the additives available for all products?"

Shen Yi shook his head.

"No, the additives of each product are independent! The way of auction is to auction the qualifications of individual product additives, and the additives are only sold to one family, that is to say, no matter how much you spend on the auction, the The additives are only sold to you! The contract is three years..."

The crowd suddenly turned up again.

Auction, and only a three-year contract...

Well, fortified companies are strong, making many people frown.

"Of course, there is one more thing to say. The auction is for the qualification of additives! It is not the price for purchasing additives. After you have the qualifications, you still need money to buy additives!"

"What? Want more money?"

"Mr. Shen, this is too much. Let's forget about the auction, but you still need to pay for the additive?"

"My concern now is, how much will the additive cost?"

"Two expenditures... Hehe, strengthening the company is too deceitful."

"It's not a lot of money, and it's not a fixed price. Your product costs 30.00% of the selling price! This is the cost of additives!"

Shen Yi paused and continued.

"A scam?"

He grinned.

"Enhancing the company's withdrawal from the product market means that after you get the authorization to purchase a certain additive, you can produce the same product as the enhanced product! Needless to say, the enhanced product? What does this mean?
It means that while you have good products, there are no competitors!To put it simply, as long as you are willing to spend the capital, let alone the domestic market, you can even win the foreign market. At that time, I don’t need to say how much a certain product can earn, right?
Under such circumstances, do you still feel cheated? "

30.00%!There is even an auction.

It means spending money to buy a seat, and giving the [-]% profit to others.

However, what we are facing is a powerful market!

It goes without saying how durable the company's products are, and many people only buy such products now.

Although the conditions seem to be poor, everyone here is smart, and they immediately understand what this means.

"Such conditions are acceptable! This way you can make more money!"

"You can earn it, but no...you have to get the right to purchase an additive. The enhanced product is unique. You can't miss it!"

They understood in an instant, but none of them spoke with gloomy faces.

They still have some doubts.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that even if three years have passed, under the same conditions, early cooperation is the priority! Of course, it is also possible that you do well, and we will directly sign a contract with you and continue to cooperate."

This was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Some were short of breath.

If this is written into the contract, it means that his future interests are guaranteed.

Although the strengthening company said it lightly, they believe that as long as they do well, the strengthening company will continue to choose them.

Because, three years is enough to establish a brand, or open up a huge market!
With the market, there is no need for a strengthening company to abandon a powerful partner.

"Boss Shen! Give us some time!"

"Yes, give us some time and we have to think about it!"

"This matter is not for us to make a decision, I need to communicate!"

Shen Yi looked at the crowd in front of him and grinned.

"Okay, then I will give you a little time. Half an hour, half an hour later, the auction will start!"

After a pause, Shen Yi suddenly realized.

"Oh, by the way, the companies present here are all powerful. I believe that you can afford the money to buy the qualifications.

In this way, if you have insufficient liquidity, you can pay 50.00% of the money first, and the remaining 50.00% will be paid within one year after getting the additives and starting to produce your own products! "

With those words, Shen Yi made everyone's eyes straight!

Strengthening the company is not afraid that they will not give money. If you can't get the money, you won't be qualified.

If you don't pay for your qualifications, then I'm sorry...the qualifications will be voided, and you will be the one who will harm you at that time.

However, Shen Yi's last sentence is tantamount to giving them a huge overdraft limit!

But this overdraft limit will allow them to take in more.

But no one wants this. Some people have been worrying about not being able to compete just because they don't have enough funds.

But with follow-up payments...

"I want to call!"

"Half an hour, hurry up, contact the head office!"

"Hello, Mr. Li? Yes, it's me. Don't you want to invest in our company?"

"Hi Manager Shan, yes, I want a loan!"

For a while, do everything!

There is no need for a group of people to think about it, and they began to actively contact others in order to get more money from other places.

As for how to pay back the money when it is obtained?
With the qualification to strengthen the company, are you afraid that you can't afford it?

Money is useless if you are not qualified...

Shen Yi smiled slightly.

Then he said to Fu Xiangning.

"Keep an eye on them. If anyone has contact with the companies that cheated us, just kick them out. Also, write these things into the contract!"

After speaking, Shen Yi turned and left.

Knowing that he sneered at this moment, he didn't believe that such a method couldn't kill them.

(End of this chapter)

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