God level canteen

Chapter 332 Give it to you for free

Chapter 332 Give it to you for free

Shen Yi's approach was very forceful, but after speaking, everyone at the moment expressed their understanding.

Of course, it’s okay if they don’t understand, unless everyone wants to be kicked out.

To be honest, with so many people at present, Shen Yi doesn't care about many of them.

He has the technology in his hand. If the previous Minister Jia hadn't said a few words to him implicitly, the strengthened company could have developed its own products very strongly.

As for the rest of you?

Follow behind and eat ashes.

Of course, Shen Yi could completely ignore Minister Jia's words.

However, Shen Yi still agrees with Minister Jia's words.

Sometimes, the benefits really cannot be taken by one person. In that case, you can only bear all the pressure by yourself.

The reason why Shen Yi invited so many domestic companies over was to let them share the pressure.

Take them to make some money, and at the same time share your own pressure.

Shen Yi is confident, so what about those big companies?
He has the technology to support these small companies, and what about small companies?
The combination of several companies, led by the strengthening company, can completely counteract those big companies that are stumbling.

As time goes on, one thing will fade and the other will wax and wane. Shen Yi believes that even those big companies will eventually be doomed.

"I have such technology, so I'm afraid I can't deal with you? What is a brand? You only need to make a brand when the quality is not good! Really good things, even if they don't have a good reputation, they can still be promoted! "

Shen Yi seemed to hate the group of people who persecuted him.

I dare not say that they will be exterminated, at least maybe one day in the future, they will regret and be responsible for their actions after all.

"I took out the technology, and these small companies will rely on me at that time! It seems that I have suffered a disadvantage, but in fact, I have gathered a force for myself in disguise!"

Shen Yi was very open.

When Su Jing calmed down in the arena, he grinned and nodded, then looked at Fu Xiangning.

Those who should be expelled have left, and Fu Xiangning has a lot of documents in his hand.

Seeing Shen Yi's eyes, she nodded and asked the people around her to distribute the materials.

Strengthening the things issued by the company, the current group of people are still very curious.

After they took the file, they couldn't wait to read it.

It's just that the above content is a bit cloudy.

That was not an agreement of cooperation, but instead contained a professional term.

Looking at the questioning eyes of everyone, Shen Yi said to the people in front of him.

"What you are holding is to strengthen the production method of some of the company's products, as well as some of our research results."

Shen Yi grinned and said.

"In order to show everyone the sincerity of our cooperation, I will show you these things. It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you can contact your own personnel and take a look at the content above."

Hearing Shen Yi's words, everyone looked at each other and couldn't help being a little uproarious.

They have been thinking about what kind of cooperation will strengthen the company to cooperate with them.

But I never thought that I would be given such an unbelievable thing as soon as I came up.

Although, you don't need to think about it to know that these things are not the core content.

But even if it is not the core content, it is enough to move them.

This is equivalent to the fact that the leftovers from rich people's homes are better than the main dishes from poor people's homes.

Taking out the leftovers of the strengthening company is enough to make them pay attention.

Listening to Shen Yi's words, how dare they neglect each of them?

Someone asked Shen Yi eagerly.

"Mr. Shen, can this thing take pictures?"

They still don't know whether this thing is just for them to see, or what to do.


Shen Yi nodded. To be honest, those things are really irrelevant. If you are happy, you can give them to others. If you are not happy, you can keep them for yourself.

Shen Yi didn't care. The reason why he took it out was just to show how to strengthen the capital of the company and to strengthen the minds of these people.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is to make them jealous!
Only with jealousy can the strengthening company get more benefits from them.

Not one or two people come from every company, and some people are accompanied by secretaries.

There are also some people who follow important figures in their own companies.

Of course, there are also some people who have a heart and mind, and they bring the research institute.

It's good to bring the researcher. Take it over and read it immediately. Their boss can't understand it, but they can understand it.

But it's okay if you don't look at it, and when you look at it, you can't help but get excited.

As for the others who didn't bring anyone over, they didn't neglect them either.

"Secretary Wu, quickly take a picture of this thing and send it back to the company! Let them study it and give me the result in the shortest possible time."

"Old Chen, you call the people in our factory!"

"Excuse me, do you provide a fax machine here..."

For a moment, the entire auction hall was as noisy as a vegetable market.

Fu Xiangning frowned.

"Boss Shen, do you want to stop it?"

Does she think there is any cooperation between these people?This is just the surface of everything, so if the strengthening company really comes up with the technology, will they still be able to make a huge difference?

To be honest, Fu Xiangning didn't want to discuss cooperation with these people at first.

But this is what Shen Yi meant, and knowing the reason why Shen Yi did this, there is nothing he can do.

"Let them look at it for a while, wait until they figure it out. After all, this is about our own affairs."

Shen Yi grinned and said something to Fu Xiangning.

Fu Xiangning nodded, sat down and didn't bother to look at the ugliness of that group of people.

Fortunately, it didn't take long, and slowly, the entire auction hall gradually became quiet.

But after quieting down, someone looked at Shen Yi and couldn't help swallowing.

Shen Yi looked at the crowd with a smile and didn't speak, but it was just like this that some people couldn't help it.

A voice said to Shen Yi while suppressing the trembling in his heart.

"Mr. Shen, can you strengthen the company's technology for sale... No, I mean, can we use this patent?"

"If you follow the instructions above, the things you make will be at least a hundred times better than before...Mr. Shen, we can give you money!"

"Mr. Shen, make an offer, as long as it's not too much, we'll accept it!"

"Yes, you can make a price, or how to cooperate, you can just say..."

Just because they figured out the contents of the document, each of these people couldn't help but speak.

Hearing these words, Shen Yi couldn't help grinning.

he said.

"We have not applied for patents for these technologies, so patents cannot be used by you! But..."

Shen Yi said with an intriguing look in his eyes.

"But I can give you these things for free! In other words, all the content on it is now yours!"

His words immediately made everyone unable to sit still.

A few people fell off their chairs without noticing for a moment, but no one laughed at them because they didn't have so many shares.

"This is real?"


"Is this really true?"

"Really true!"

"It's really..."

Every time you say something, Shen Yi gets a little impatient with this group of people.

"I said you people, why are you talking so much nonsense, I mean it's true!"

However, no one was angry when they were scolded. They looked at each other and said in mourning.

"This is really good..."

(End of this chapter)

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