God level canteen

33 The Treasure of the Town Store

33 The Treasure of the Town Store
Wan Li came very late, and Shen Yi waited for a long time for her to come.

No way, Wanli also has her own business.Hurry up, it's good to be here in time.

Not to mention just coming to buy something.

Wan Li herself didn't know why, but she cared so much after receiving Shen Yi's message.

"Boss Shen, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

Wan Li looked at Shen Yi and said apologetically.

Shen Yi waved his hand.

"It's okay, I'm just doing business. Even if you don't come, my small shop has to be open."

Although she knew it was Shen Yi's words to comfort her, but for some reason, Wan Li always felt a little lost.

It seemed that he wished that Shen Yi's store was still open at such a late hour and was waiting for her specially.

But soon, Wan Li regained her composure.

Then asked.

"Where's your very fragrant soap? Take it out and have a look, first tell me that if it's not good, I won't buy it."

Wan Lijiao smiled.

"Don't worry, you will be absolutely satisfied."

In this regard, Shen Yi was very confident.

Produced by the system, if anything that has been enhanced cannot attract people, then there is no need to do this business.

Afterwards, Shen Yi held a piece of soap in front of Wan Li.

However, he has learned a lot. Since the persuasion of the product is stronger than his own words, he opened the package without saying a word.

Sure enough, Wan Li smelled the scent of the soap and exclaimed, "It smells so good."

And the smell is so special.

Shen Yi shrugged.

"The things I sell must be good. Don't look at this soap smells very good, but I tell you, if you use it, you will find that it is actually better! Taking a bath with it is better than what you Perfumes and stuff like that work well.

And make sure that after you take a bath, the fragrance that comes out of your body is definitely the most suitable for you. "


Wan Li held the soap and asked Shen Yi in disbelief.

"It must be true."

Shen Yi nodded without hesitation.

Hearing Shen Yi's affirmation, Wan Li believed it.

asked in his mouth.

"Well, I'll take it. How much?"

Just because of the scent of this soap, she recognized it even if it wasn't as magical as Shen Yi said.

Such a fragrant smell, if you open it and put it at home, how good will the smell in the room be?
Wanli herself likes fragrance, and there are a lot of things like perfume at home.However, although those perfumes were expensive, they were still far inferior to soaps.

Shen Yi smiled.

"Chenghui, 200 yuan!"

Wan Li didn't think 200 yuan was very expensive. You know, Libai was only [-] yuan before, and it turned out to be very worthwhile.

Without further ado, Wan Li took out 200 yuan.

However, after the transaction was completed, there was some embarrassment between the two.

Wan Li didn't leave, Shen Yi didn't know what to say.

As for Wan Li herself, she didn't know why and didn't want to just leave, but she didn't know why she stayed.

Fortunately, Wan Li finally spoke.

"Thank you, Boss Shen! Then I'll go back."

"Okay, okay. Then you go slowly!"

Shen Yi hastily opened his mouth.

However, after Wan Li left, Shen Yi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Why do you feel so embarrassed?"

Unable to figure it out, Shen Yi shook his head with a wry smile.

But then she stretched, since Wan Li was gone, it was time to go back to sleep.


The next day, Shen Yi received a wave of unexpected guests.

Deng Guxiang held hands with the most handsome boy in the company, which made other girls envious.

Of course, while envious, they were even more curious about how Deng Guxiang got rid of the body odor on her body.

You know, apart from surgery, there is probably no other solution for body odor.

Fortunately, Deng Guxiang not only had body odor gone.

Even they had to admit that Deng Guxiang's smell was indeed very attractive.

This moved them, and they caught Deng Guxiang one by one and asked them non-stop.

Deng Guxiang was originally not good at words, and she didn't have any bad intentions.

Asked this by a group of colleagues, how can I not say it.

Immediately, he told everyone about his 200 yuan to buy soap.

"You mean, just one piece of soap will cure your body odor?"

Although the mention of body odor made Deng Guxiang feel uncomfortable, she still nodded.

This moment made a group of girls feel incredible.

"According to what you said, this soap is so good, it's not much better than perfume?"

"That's right, if the perfume is sprayed on the body, it won't last long if it's too little, and it's pungent if it's too much! In my opinion, this kind of soap is better... No, I want to buy one too. Xiangxiang, you can take it with me during lunch break go?"

"Yes, I'm going to buy one too. The weather is so hot and I'm smelly of sweat. This soap is just right for bathing."

"I also want……"

A group of girls made an agreement, and at noon Deng Guxiang was dragged back to the community without any resistance.

Fortunately, Deng Guxiang's new boyfriend is really eye-catching.

He sent everyone over directly, making a group of girls envious.

Of course, it was Shen Yi who was happier.

The so-called smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, and our soap has no publicity or bragging. Isn't it still relying on word of mouth and efficacy to attract others?
At the same time as the group of Deng Guxiang in front of him, Shen Yi felt that they would be his potential customers in the future.

Looking at the group of girls, Shen Yi yelled.

"Don't rush to leave after buying something, you can add me on WeChat. If there are good things in the future, I will push them to you as soon as possible!"

Shen Yi was already thinking about whether to add all the people who have added WeChat to the WeChat group. When there are good things, he can just put them in the group. If there is something he likes, he can come and buy it himself.

It also saves him from sending WeChat messages one by one next time.

Although he didn't do that...

However, there are a few girls who are moved by saying this.

I actually added Shen Yi’s WeChat account.

Of course, the main reason is because of Shen Yi's broken rules, not only limited purchase but also limited time, what these girls want is to ask in advance next time they come to buy soap.

Even Shen Yi is happy, as long as you add me, I don't believe there will be good things in the future that you can bear.

After sending off Deng Guxiang's group, another customer came in not long after.

It's just that this customer is a little aggressive.

"Boss Shen, what do you mean? There are good things, but you tell Wan Li and don't tell me! What's the matter, I'm not as good-looking as Wan Li?"

Seeing Xiaoya who was a little angry, Shen Yi smiled wryly.

"It's you who said that you're not interested in anything other than Libai."

Xiaoya blushed, then said again.

"Who said that? I don't even remember... It doesn't matter, whether you still have soap or not, you will sell me a piece today."

After speaking, I was a little apprehensive.

She learned about the benefits of soap from Wan Li, and she was very envious.

Only then did he run over in a hurry.

Just now she saw Shen Yigang send away a group of customers.

According to her understanding, she knew that the soap in Shen Yi's hand might be the same as that of Li Bai, and there wouldn't be much of it.

When he said this, although it was sharp.

But I was afraid that I would not be able to buy it, and I was a little nervous.

Fortunately, Shen Yi really only has the last piece left.

Hearing Xiaoya's words, Shen Yi hurriedly said.

"Yes, yes."

Only then did the last piece of soap be taken out.

Xiaoya gave Shen Yi a white look, and threw 200 yuan over, only to be satisfied.

Shen Yi let out a sigh of relief.

However, before Xiaoya could be sent away, a voice rang in her mind.

"Hey, hello, is the host there?"


"Congratulations to the host for successfully selling three different enhanced products. The system upgrade is complete, and the host will be rewarded with a treasure in the town store. The enhancement of daily chemical products will be fully activated. Please let the host know."

PS: To tell you the truth, if you scold me badly, I can bear it.Call me stupid, I can bear it.But can you pay attention? 'sitting'?This word really bothers me.I changed it for you, it's the 'author'!Well, the book review section scolded the author for being stupid.

That's right, I'm brain-dead, I'm a badass!I'm really sorry for letting you read my book.

Yes, I am thick-skinned.

(End of this chapter)

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