Chapter 321
Every time a new product appears in the supermarket, it always attracts a bunch of people.

For things like mobile phones, some people may not understand performance and other issues, and the only thing they like to see is the brand that has been hyped up.

However, in fact, whether a mobile phone is good or not depends on its performance, not its brand.

People who really understand mobile phones can't help themselves after looking at the specific configuration written on Shen Yi's advertisement.

In this era, smartphones have to be charged whenever there is nothing to do, memory is still calculated in G, and ROM has just passed G.

The performance of Shen Yi's mobile phone is simply amazing.

Many dare not say, the real borderless is a technical problem, there is no such thing on the market, even if there is, it may only be in the laboratory.

The technology of wireless charging...

This is nothing new, but it has to be said that it is only a concept for the time being.

The only one that can be used maturely is Shen Yi's cell phone.

No one believes that the products sold in fortified supermarkets are fake.

For a while, there were quite a few people who came to the enhanced supermarket for their mobile phones.

"Boss Shen, is this phone really as exaggerated as you said?"

"What is exaggeration? What Boss Shen said must be true. What we need to care about is how much this phone sells for."

"Boss Shen took out the phone and showed it to us, at least let us see what it looks like!"

A group of people surrounded Shen Yi and shouted.

They have all been to the supermarket several times, and they know what is sold downstairs, so they can do it themselves.

Normally, Shen Yi would not appear downstairs, but when he came here, he rushed up to the second floor.

Shen Yi was in the canteen, and a group of people really surrounded him.

Mobile phones are actually sold here, even on the shelves behind them.

Hearing the discussion of a group of people, Shen Yi couldn't help but smile.

These are his regular customers.

"Is the item I'm selling worthless? You don't need to ask about it. The key is that you don't buy it if you just say it. If you buy it, don't I take out your phone?"

"Tell me how much this phone sells for first!"

"That's right, how do we buy it if you don't sell it for how much? You are notoriously black-hearted."

Hearing this, Shen Yi's expression dropped.

These people are all well-educated, and they all know that the things in Shen Yi's store are not cheap.

Things are definitely worth it, but I am afraid that I am more concerned about the price.

"Am I as black-hearted as you say?"

After saying a word, Shen Yi then grinned, and then said.

"Don't worry, this mobile phone is really not expensive this time. It costs 3 yuan a piece! You can pay for it if you want it."

The cost was more than 2000, and Shen Yi sold it for [-]!
To be honest, it's really not much.

According to the rigid regulations of the system, I am afraid that the price must be increased by a hundred times on the basis of two thousand to meet the price.

But fortunately, the mobile phone itself is custom-made, and there is no fixed price in the market for how much it sells, and he has the final say.

This is the price of 3 yuan.

Of course, it seems that Shen Yi may have set the price too low.

Compared with other products in the store, it is inferior.

However, Shen Yi had a purpose.

As a profiteer in the eyes of others, Shen Yi can be called a thieves. All the mobile phones he sells are first-class. He sells the first-class mobile phones first. of.

However, level three, level four, all the way to level five...

And so on.

It can firmly hold people's appetite, and this is why the current 3 yuan is worth it.

However, after listening to Shen Yi's words, some people still asked with uncertainty.

"Did I hear that right? Is it really 3 yuan?"

Shen Yi listened to what the man in front of him said, looked at him in surprise and said.

"What's the matter, do you still think I'm selling less? That's okay, just give more yourself!"

The man waved his hand quickly.

"Just kidding, kidding..."

No matter what, the price of Boss Shen's item is still beyond everyone's imagination. It is said that sometimes people are abnormal animals.

After getting used to the sales price of tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars in enhanced supermarkets, tens of thousands of dollars is actually lower than their psychological expectations.

Shaking his head, Shen Yi said.

"As I said, the things I sell are generally worth the money. The performance of this mobile phone is worth [-], and I will never sell it for [-]."

In fact, a first-level enhanced mobile phone looks very powerful, but it is only powerful.

Super powerful functions, some of which are not even used in the current smart age.

The price of 3 yuan was considered carefully by Shen Yi, not too high or too low, just enough for everyone in front of him to accept.

Maybe they felt that the price was low for a while, which was to strengthen the feeling given by other aspects of the supermarket. Thinking about it carefully, the price may be just right.

However, these people at the moment are all here to strengthen the new products of the supermarket. When they heard the price of [-], they suddenly became excited.

Lower than my own psychological expectations, is there anything better than this?
"Give me one of these phones to play with!"

"I want one too."

"Give me two, I'll give it away!"

The first-level enhanced mobile phone is still a fresh high-tech. In a short time, you have one and the other, and Shen Yi has sold a lot of them in a short time.

Of course, some people didn't want it. They are already satisfied with the mobile phone in their hands.

After all, the mobile phone is not irreplaceable like Libai, so the attitude doesn't matter.

Those who can buy them all have money, that's not the difference.

Make a fresh picture.

But there are also people with other thoughts.

Finally it was Wei Siguo's turn, and he asked Shen Yi for five mobile phones without saying a word.

Although the price of 10,000+ still made him feel distressed, Wei Siguo's heart became hot when he thought of the things contained in this phone.

Wei Siguo is high-tech, and he has dabbled in mobile phone technology.

No one knows better than him what it means to strengthen the configuration of a mobile phone.

Mobile phones bought by others are either used by oneself or given away.

His eyes flickered, and he bought these five sets for dismantling.

"There are many good things in the enhanced supermarket, such as the automatic machinery downstairs, and the light screen projection. But Boss Shen didn't give me a chance to study it... But this phone is different. I will buy a few more and go back and disassemble it. Take a look, maybe you can research something!"

"Anyway, it's for research, and I sent a report to the boss when I came here. He said that if he really wants such a mobile phone, he will be reimbursed when he buys it! I don't lose money."

Wei Siguo thought to himself, then paid the money and hurried towards his company with his cell phone in hand.

He is still waiting to ask his boss to pay the bill. 15 is not a small amount, and he can't feel at ease if he doesn't get it.

(End of this chapter)

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