God level canteen

Chapter 317 There is money

Chapter 317 There is money
The winery and seasoning factory purchased by Shen Yi at the beginning, except for changing the brand and packaging, the other places remained unchanged.

The little accountant grandson is an employee of these two venues.

People are still clever, so Shen Yi shook his hand and handed over the matter to them.

Although old man Yang is the director of the factory, he still has to brew liquor, so he doesn't have so much time to manage the brewery.

However, Shen Yi had agreed with them on the delivery time earlier, and the three of them came together.

Not too early, not too late, it happened to be the time for Shen Yi to reopen after the so-called renovation.

"This is our boss's shop? This is too sci-fi."

"It's not like a supermarket at all, and there are projections here. It feels like watching a science fiction movie."

"There's no one in the shop, where did the boss go?"

Old Man Yang looked at the situation in front of him in surprise.

When he came earlier, the store was not like this.

"Why is the second floor demolished?"

In his memory, the roof of the supermarket was not so high.

Hearing the discussion of the three people, Shen Yi came downstairs.

Before he could speak, three people saw his figure.

The little Zhang Xiaosun said hastily and earnestly.

"Boss, our factory has already produced the goods you want. I asked Level [-] to drive them all over, and the car was parked at the door."

Old man Yang also said.

"I just brewed a batch of baijiu two days ago, and it happened to be two days before I brought it over."

Shen Yi grinned.

"Waiting for you to deliver the goods!"

When the things were delivered, Shen Yi had completely replenished the goods in the store.

If this is in accordance with the requirements of the system, he can be regarded as completely freed from his dependence on others.

Following the three people to the outside of the supermarket, the truck pulling the goods opened.

At a glance, Shen Yi saw the products with the strengthening logo printed on them.

All these things, without exception, have strengthened brands.

Shen Yi then ordered a few people to unload the goods, and Xiao Zhang Xiaosun did it himself, and was about to move things into the supermarket in a hurry.

Shen Yi casually stopped them.

"Don't move it inside, there's nowhere to put it when you move in."

"Where do you put it?"

The two looked at Shen Yi suspiciously.

The transparent shelf inside is so high, it really doesn't look like a place to put things.

The two of them really didn't understand how it was put up.

"Here, put it here."

Shen Yi pointed to a hole in the wall of the supermarket.

After the hole was split open, a track was revealed.

This is the function of automatic loading and storage of goods in supermarkets after strengthening.

Shen Yi turned off many functions, but this one remained.

Not for anything else, just to not bother myself.

"Oh, that's easy."

Looking at the track, the two suddenly realized.

I thought the back of the track led straight to somewhere like a warehouse.

And there is someone on the other side to pick up the goods.

Without hesitation, he just put the thing on it.

They don't know that everything inside is automatic.

Just put something on it and it will be on the shelves in no time.

It's easy to throw things in there at once.

After sending the two away, Shen Yi chatted with Old Man Yang.

"It's not easy for you to make wine by yourself, but I'm sorry to trouble you."

Unlike condiments or beer, the supply of baijiu is a real boutique.

Every sip of wine was brewed by Old Man Yang himself.

Every pot of wine takes a long time and energy.

Old man Yang is not young, and to be honest, Shen Yi felt a little guilty for making him so tired.

"Hey, what are you talking about? I've been making wine all my life. To me, it's as simple as eating and sleeping. If I'm not allowed to do this anymore, I might still feel a little uncomfortable."

Although brewing wine is tiring, as the old man Yang Tieyang said, he himself is intoxicated in it.

However, this is not the point. The point is that Shen Yi has other arrangements.

"Don't be tired, let me tell you this. It's not for nothing that I let you be the director of the factory! Although the brewed wine is used in our own supermarket, now there is only one supermarket that can supply it. Don't you think it's a big deal? But, I have to tell you, I will open quite a few stores in the future.

At that time, it will not be easy for you to bear the burden of supply.

So I think, you have worked in a winery, how about you help me see if there is a suitable place?

For industrialization, we also need mass production, and it will save you from being tired. "

Although white beer belongs to the same category, they have to be separated.

There is a place for brewing beer, but liquor is not so simple.

When he was busy three days ago, Shen Yi planned to buy a liquor production place.

But after thinking about it for a while, there was no one that was suitable.

He doesn't understand these things.

Strengthening the company, Fu Xiangning was busy with other things.

Only then did Shen Yi think of old man Yang. After all, he had experience as a factory manager.

You should be clear about these things.

"Hey, I make a lot of wine. There is no need to set up another place. I dare not say that there are too many. If you open ten or eight stores, boss, the wine I brew will definitely be enough."

Old man Yang was very confident in this point, he patted his chest to Shen Yi to assure him.

Listening to his words, Shen Yi couldn't help but smile.

"Then if I open 35 to [-] stores, [-] to [-] stores, even if the scale is small, can you come here?"

In the past, Shen Yi only wanted to expand his business, and the money he spent was not a small amount.

But it's different now, he chose the product as a condition for upgrading.

Strengthen supermarket branches, it doesn’t matter how big they are.

Besides, what Shen Yi and Old Man Yang said was not a joke.

In another half a month, the money in the bank will come down.

There is a lot of surplus in itself, and it is impossible to say that the remaining money will be refunded to the bank.

There must always be a place for this money.

Shen Yi thought about it, with this money, no matter whether it is for production or opening a store, it must be useful.

According to the scale of the current supermarket, or according to the scale of the convenience store.

With hundreds of millions of funds, it is really no joke to open a hundred or eighty stores.

Turning the supermarket into a chain convenience store model is something Shen Yi has carefully considered.

"I don't have many products right now, but with their efficacy, even if it's a convenience store model, I won't make less money! And the investment is less, so it's a good deal."

Hearing Shen Yi's words, old man Yang couldn't help but froze.

He looked at Shen Yi and said with a smile.

"How much will it cost to open so many stores? Boss, are you kidding me?"

Shen Yi also laughed, he shook his head and said.

"I'm not joking with you. To tell you the truth, what I have now is money."

Even if the so-called money is just a bank loan.

But since the loan is out, it is your own.

(End of this chapter)

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