God level canteen

Chapter 300 Business is booming

Chapter 300 Business is booming
Unlike the previous two men, this time it was a girl.

It's just that the face is so tightly wrapped that people can't see the face clearly.

Thinking of this attire, Boss Shen couldn't help but think of the word star.

However, just thinking about it, he couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

"I really saw two stars dressed like this, everyone thought they were stars."

Shen Yi shook his head, feeling that he was thinking too much.

Compared with ordinary people, how many celebrities are there?

The things sold in the enhanced supermarket are unusual, but you can't be a star and just drill in the supermarket.

I dare not say that in the future, at least, strengthened supermarkets do not have this influence yet.

"Boss, did you buy Zhang Zhiyun's clothes?"

The voice of the question was crisp and clear, and Boss Shen was stunned when he heard it.

"How does this person know?"

But Shen Yi still replied.

"That's right, it's me!"

"I want to buy clothes too."

"They're all hanging on the wall, you can take down whichever one you like and have a look."

Shen Yi looked at her and said something casually.

The girl in front of her had noticed the clothes hanging on the wall a long time ago, but she didn't dare to confirm it.

After hearing Boss Shen's words, a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

"Such good clothes, did you really buy them here?"

She had no choice but to hang the clothes casually on the wall in front of her, which seemed too rubbish in her eyes.

"Zhang Zhiyun's clothes don't look good without them on her body. Forget it, I'll give it a try."

After she picked a piece of clothing at random, she asked Shen Yi to take it off.

Looking at it, Shen Yi originally wanted to persuade her to try it out, but he didn't expect to ask how much the clothes cost the next moment.


Shen Yi was stunned for a moment, but still replied.

20 for a piece of clothing, the price is considered high.

Shen Yi originally thought that there would be some doubts, but he didn't expect that the girl in front of him nodded and actually bought it directly.

After buying clothes, I left.

"Business is so easy to do? You don't even ask me what you bought before leaving? Since when are people so forthright these days?"

Shen Yi's eyes were full of doubts.

However, what he didn't know was that the next day, it was revealed that a certain actress was dressed in amazing clothes.

Boss Shen couldn't figure out what the reason was, anyway, the strengthened supermarket became inexplicably popular.

This popularity is based on the original business.

Now, it's even hotter.

"Boss, Li Bai..."

"On the shelves."

"Boss, this dress..."


"Boss, do you have clothes for sale?"


"Boss, your clothes..."

"It's sold out!"

In just two days, all the goods Shen Yi bought in the commodity market earlier were sold out!

The clothes hung all over the wall, except for the work clothes that people gave when I went shopping on the door, there is none of them.

Even under Shen Yi's vigorous sales promotion, even the autumn clothes and johns were sold a lot.

Faced with this situation, Shen Yi was puzzled while being happy.

"What's the situation? My clothes are still white and so on. When did they become so popular?"

However, when Boss Shen quickly noticed that the trend of the entertainment industry had changed and his clothes became strange, he finally realized it.

These celebrities, who were on the news, glanced over at a glance, and the clothes they were wearing were all so familiar.

In other words, they are all hung on their own walls.

"No wonder the customers who come to the store lately are so secretive!"

Going forward and searching for news, Boss Shen was completely stunned.

"It seems that the membership card given to Zhang Zhiyun is really not for nothing. When she showed up in the clothes I bought here, she won the headlines! Give me some more publicity, it's inevitable that I'm not popular!"

Boss Shen grinned and talked to himself.

"No one thinks the price is expensive. It turns out they are all affordable... All the clothes have been sold, so it's time to find time to restock."

There is such a good thing, but if there is no money to be made because it is out of stock, it is really unreasonable.

However, Boss Shen hadn't taken the time to stock up, and the door of the store opened again.

"Boss, I heard you sell clothes here? Where are you, can you let me pick a few?"

This time it was a man who came in, tall and well-proportioned, but wearing a mask, sunglasses and a hat.

Just by looking at this attire, Boss Shen knew exactly who this person was.

This time it's not just random thinking, Boss Shen is sure that this is definitely not an ordinary person.

"It's not a coincidence that you came here. They were all sold out in two days. Now my clothes are gone..."

Those who came to buy clothes before, and those who came later, even if the clothes didn't fit, they were bought away.

It is precisely because of this that Boss Shen didn't keep a single thing.

When the man heard Shen Yi's words, he couldn't help being dumbfounded.

He muttered inwardly.

"Is it sold out? Is it real or fake? I have a role to play next, and I wanted to get eyeballs at other events before the audition so that the director can see..."

How many people have attracted the attention of others one by one recently?If he has no clothes, isn't he inferior to others?
He didn't give up, and said to Shen Yi.

"Boss, are you really out of clothes?"

"It's gone!"

"This...cough, you may not know who I am, I'll take off the eye mask and have a look."

Then a familiar face appeared in front of Shen Yi, this person was very familiar.

Shen Yi has watched many movies starring him, so he is suddenly a big star.

"You are a star."

Boss Shen said helplessly.

"To tell you the truth, all the celebrities who have come to my store these two days! Those that can be sold have already been bought by others. If you want other things, you still have them, but the clothes are really gone."

Boss Shen is already immune to celebrities. If you watch more, you will find that there is really no difference between him and ordinary people except for the secrets.

It wasn't too late for Li Mingchao to become famous, and he was a bit more famous than ordinary people.

He originally thought that by showing his face, he could gain some favor with Shen Yi, and at least he could get some clothes.

However, upon hearing Shen Yi's words, it was immediately embarrassing.

It seems that the boss has no feelings for the so-called celebrities, and it's not easy for him to save face.

But Li Mingchao didn't want to give up. His current career has gone backwards.

If you can't get some brilliant things to come out, maybe you will be lost to everyone in the future.

he continued.

"Is there really no way, boss? I'm looking for a role now, and that role is to play a worker, which is very challenging for me! If I want to show my face in the director, as long as I succeed, it will affect my career and future. Boss, you must help me out.

By the way, I can give more money, I can double as much as they bought it for! "

Li Mingchao said eagerly to Shen Yi.

Listening to his words, Shen Yi couldn't help being happy.

"You want to act as a worker? Hey, what a coincidence, I really have the last set."

(End of this chapter)

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