God level canteen

Chapter 288 Clothing Strengthening

Chapter 288 Clothing Strengthening
Shen Yi had quite a lot of clothes, all kinds of clothes filled a whole cabinet.

And all of them are piled together in a mess, which looks like a small hill.

Boss Shen doesn't care much when he is rich. Although he has a lot of clothes, in fact, these clothes are all accumulated.

Some, even two years ago, three years ago, or even longer.

As for him recently, the time to buy clothes is a summer jacket.

Shen Yi felt that he was nostalgic, as long as old clothes and the like were not damaged, he would easily be reluctant to throw them away.

Maybe when I pack it up, I can still wear it, which is why I have accumulated so much.

However, it has to be said that these clothes are better than quantity.

If you really talk about quality, there is really nothing that is too bad.

The best ones are only two or three hundred yuan each.

Almost, such as the shirt, the folds are unreadable, and it was bought for tens of dollars in the small commodity market.

However, these clothes finally came in handy.

Boss Shen wanted to see how these old clothes could be enhanced after the system was strengthened.

As soon as Huaguang flashed by, all the clothes in front of him were covered with a layer of light.

This is exactly the light that represents strengthening.

After seeing all the clothes strengthened, Boss Shen curiously picked up a shirt in front of him.

He intends to pass it on to have a look.

Enhanced products can only be known if they are tried, and the same goes for clothes that are not worn on the body.

What surprised Boss Shen was that the shirt was obviously wrinkled and out of shape, and he could tell it was old clothes at a glance.

But after being strengthened, I really picked it up, only to find that the clothes look brand new.

"Looks like it's been re-ironed and looks like new."

Boss Shen grinned. Let's not talk about the effect of this enhanced effect on clothes.

That alone is not bad.

Boss Shen has always felt that he is lazy, and he usually pays attention to his clothes. Sometimes there are some problems with his clothes, and he doesn't bother to tidy them up.

With this effect, it will save trouble in the future.

Not much to say, you should save on laundry, right?
Thinking of this, Boss Shen grinned.

After laughing, he took off his clothes and put the shirt on.

Putting on the clothes, I don't know if it was Shen Yi's illusion or other reasons, but Shen Yi always felt very comfortable.

A simple shirt is worn on the body.

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror and looked at it.

Only then did Shen Yi realize that the clothes fit him very well!And it also highlights that his figure is very well-proportioned.

Shen Yi frowned and thought for a while.

"I remember that this dress was a bit big when I first wore it?"

But now, people look energetic, and their figure is outlined by a shirt.

More importantly, when he put on the shirt, Boss Shen suddenly felt confident that he was a successful person.

"Comfortable, fit, and imposing!"

Shen Yi stared at himself for a long time, and came to a conclusion for the strengthening of clothing.

In order to prove his conclusion, Shen Yi specially changed some clothes, such as casual ones, formal ones, or nondescript ones...

A man depends on his clothes and a horse depends on his saddle. This saying is really not groundless.

Especially under the strengthening of the system, it stands out a little bit. Boss Shen looks like a successful person in a formal suit.

Casual and youthful looking.

No matter what kind, it is fully revealed by the clothes on his body.

"That's good."

Boss Shen couldn't help grinning.

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, and there is an antonym called "the monkey wears the crown".

It roughly means that even if some people wear the same clothes, they can't show the same momentum.

However, it would be nice to have enhanced clothes. No matter who you are, what kind of enhanced clothes you wear determines what kind of aura you have.

It can even slightly affect your psychology.

"In the real sense, it can change a person."

After thinking about it, Boss Shen felt that if he produced clothes by himself and then sold them through systematic strengthening, there should be a lot of markets.

However, clothing is suitable for setting up your own brand and selling it on a large scale.

It is not suitable to be placed in a strengthened supermarket as another item to strengthen products.

"After strengthening, the quality of the clothes seems to have improved!"

Just now there is a piece of clothing that Shen Yi has only worn once since he bought it, and it always makes people feel irritated when he wears it.

Obviously the quality is not good!
Because he was reluctant to throw it away, he was left behind.

However, after the enhancement just now, Shen Yi tried on the clothes again, and there was no tingling feeling at all, instead they fit very snugly.

It can be seen that strengthening is also of great benefit in improving the quality of clothes.

"If it is better quality clothes, the strengthening effect will definitely be stronger!"

Shen Yi shook his head, he really wanted to try, but unfortunately he really didn't have good clothes here.

When ordinary people have money, they may try to change themselves.

For example, get a bunch of famous brands or something.

However, Boss Shen never had this idea, and even felt that the process of buying clothes was a waste of time.

He doesn't pay attention to it, so he doesn't have any outstanding clothes.

"However, it is only a level-[-] enhancement now. What about a level-[-] enhancement?"

Boss Shen grinned.

Who said that junk clothes can't look like big brands?

Level [-] enhancement is not comparable to ordinary clothes. If this is level [-] enhancement clothes, is it still worth talking about?

Boss Shen strengthened all the clothes by four levels, and stood in front of the mirror again the next moment.

"Level [-] is comfortable and imposing, and fits better! Level [-], it seems to be easier to wear on the body, and it seems to be a little more imposing."

Boss Shen looked at himself in the mirror and couldn't help puffing out his chest.

"I can't say what's better, but it's true that it's easier."

After leaving the mirror, Boss Shen shook his head.

Although there is a big gap between level one and level four, a piece of clothing can really change a person's appearance.

However, Boss Shen is not too satisfied with the results.

To be precise, there is nothing outstanding about the reinforced clothes.

Level [-] enhancement is enough, so what's the difference between level [-] and not level [-]?

"Forget it, although the clothing category has been opened, it seems that it will be used by itself in a short time.

I don't plan to sell it in my own supermarket. I just need to wait until the day when the enhanced company can produce its own clothing, and then get a level-[-] enhanced. At that time, the enhanced clothing industry will also take a part. "

After thinking about it, Shen Yi planned to put away his pile of clothes, but felt a little helpless when he did it.

There were so many clothes that he didn't even bother to fold them.

Although they have been strengthened, Boss Shen doesn't like some clothes very much.

He hesitated, intending to throw away two pieces.

But to throw it away, Boss Shen couldn't help muttering.

"Isn't it too wasteful? Why don't you cut up the old clothes, wipe the front door and the table, and use it as a rag."

Throwing it away is indeed a waste, thinking so, Shen Yi turned around and found a pair of scissors.

The next moment, he pulled a T-shirt that didn't look very good-looking, and stretched out the edge of the scissors.

A T-shirt can cut out several rags.

The scissors in his hand lightly squeezed hard, but Boss Shen couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise.

These scissors are fast.

It has always been invincible before!

However, it was precisely because it was fast that Boss Shen was surprised.

Damn, this T-shirt, when scissored off, turned out to be intact.

 You scold me after the chapters... I'm just a child.Are you willing?

(End of this chapter)

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