Chapter 220
When I wake up, I feel refreshed and refreshed.

Turning his head and looking around, seeing that it was upstairs in the supermarket, Shen Yi couldn't help but smile.

"Old Feng has a heart, and he knows to send it back to me."

I drank too much without knowing it yesterday, and I couldn't wake up in the end.

Originally, Shen Yi thought that Feng Shikun should be randomly thrown in that hotel by him.

Unexpectedly, I sent it back to myself.

Shen Yi felt that Feng Shikun had to be said to be kind sometimes.

However, Shen Yi's praise of Feng Shikun in his heart soon ended.

Only then did he realize that except for his underpants, the rest of his body was bare.

"This old boy also helped me take off my clothes?"

Thinking of Feng Shikun's big hands walking around his body, Shen Yi couldn't help but shudder.

"Got to take a shower!"

Shen Yi felt goose bumps all over his body.

Although he knew that Feng Shikun might have good intentions, but he had come into contact with a lot of things these days, and he couldn't help but feel nervous about these things.

Fortunately, after taking a bath, Shen Yi felt a little better.

People are comfortable, but last night they drank too much and didn't eat much food.

This stomach is a little empty, and after waiting for a long time to cook a pot of porridge and drink it, it is only physically and mentally complete.

Of course, when it was time for breakfast, there was nothing missing.

Yi Yiwu has a special rice bowl, and a bowl of porridge is enough for him to eat for a long time.

After going downstairs, he glanced at the wine shelf, but soon Shen Yi became anxious.

"Your mother, why is there less wine?"

After thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't remember how much he sold yesterday.

After a while, he remembered again, it seemed that Feng Shikun had told him about taking wine when he was drunk.

Shen Yi was depressed and couldn't get angry.

A phone call was made to Feng Shikun.

"You don't tell me about the wine!"

Feng Shikun on the other end of the phone said in astonishment.

"I told you, you agreed..."

Shen Yi was startled, a little embarrassed!

It seems that this is really the case, but he still said to Feng Shikun.

"Cough, um. Two bottles of red wine and four bottles of white wine! A total of eighty-six thousand! Send the money back later."

Shen Fengchun understood Shen Yi's meaning, the wine can be taken.

But the money must be given first!

He couldn't help but cursed on the other end of the phone.

"Your mother!"

Shen Yi grinned, and couldn't help asking Feng Shikun.

"What did you undress me yesterday?"

"You think beautiful!"

Hearing Feng Shikun's tone, Shen Yi was completely relieved. Looking at that appearance, he probably wasn't Feng Shikun anymore, which made him feel better.

But I couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Who is that?"

He couldn't help but pray in his heart that it would be better for a woman.

After all, at least I won't be so upset in my heart.

Feng Shikun's answer really did not expect Shen Yi to be disappointed.

But when he mentioned that it was Fu Xiangning, Shen Yi couldn't help being stunned.

Smacking his lips, he didn't know what to say.

"Would it be a little embarrassing to see Fu Xiangning again?"

He didn't know that when he fell asleep yesterday, he still hugged Fu Xiangning onto his body.

It took Fu Xiangning a long time to break free.


Alcohol is still a bestseller.

Every time something new appears in the supermarket, it always sells for a long time.

After everyone gets used to this thing, the temperature will slowly cool down a bit.

Of course, it's not that others have lost interest in this thing.

Instead, he needs to wait until the next time he needs it before making a purchase.

Subconsciously, many of them felt that as long as Boss Shen was around, this thing must be there.

In fact, they won't be disappointed.

After strengthening the product, the classified product is opened.

That would become a given in supermarkets.

Boss Shen wished that everything in the supermarket would become enhanced items. How could the number of enhanced products be reduced?

If it wasn't for some scruples, Shen Yi really planned to strengthen all the products in that big supermarket.

Instead of guarding this small supermarket.

There are many people who want to buy wine!

However, the first customer did surprise Shen Yi.

Old man Yang was very impressive to Shen Yi.

Seeing old man Yang walk into the supermarket, Shen Yi knew that business was coming.

However, old man Yang was still holding a jar in his hand when he came in, and this jar involuntarily attracted Shen Yi's attention, making him a little curious.

"Buy wine?"

Shen Yi smiled and asked old man Yang.

Old man Yang nodded, but soon shook his head again.

This made Shen Yi involuntarily stunned: What does this mean?He shook his head and nodded again.

Old Man Yang couldn't help but smile awkwardly when he saw Shen Yi. Then he took a deep breath and made up his mind before speaking to Shen Yi.

"I'm here to buy wine, but I won't give you money..."

Shen Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then he was speechless. If you don't give money, is this still called buying wine?
Seeing Shen Yi's expression, old man Yang said hastily.

"Boss, let's discuss it. Your wine is too expensive! I really want to buy it, but I can't afford it."

A bottle of Erguotou yesterday did cost Old Man Yang almost all his money.

But how long can you drink a bottle of Erguotou?

For only one night, old man Yang endured it!
I got entangled with two or three friends and insisted on drinking it clean.

From this, it can be seen that old man Yang has a lot of alcohol, but what's the use of drinking?

The wine is gone...

Thinking about the goodness of Erguotou, this made old man Yang feel uncomfortable.

It's okay if you haven't drank it before, but if you drank it once, how can you bear it?

Gritting her teeth, she ran to Shen Yi's supermarket again.

Of course, old man Yang didn't come empty-handed if he couldn't afford it.

Old man Yang said to Shen Yi with a pleading voice.

"You see, I'm also a wine maker. What I hold in my hand is my five-year-old wine! The price of this jar is not lower than that of Erguotou, or I will exchange this jar for you. OK?"

The jar is not small, and a jar of wine weighs about four or five catties.

In terms of weight, it's a good deal.

However, can the value of something itself be measured by weight?
Shen Yi was stunned for a moment, and finally understood.

Old man Yang is looking for him to exchange wine.

Hearing Old Man Yang's words, he couldn't help smiling.

Then he said to old man Yang.

"Since your wine is good, why don't you just drink it. It's really not good, you sell it and buy it from me! Change wine? I run a supermarket for business."

Hearing Shen Yi's words, old man Yang froze for an instant.

According to what Shen Yi said, isn't that the case?
The wine is really good, why not buy it after selling it?
Old man Yang was a little embarrassed, his wine was indeed worth that price, but whether he could sell it or not was another matter.

No matter how bad it is, you have to meet a buyer.

Seeing Shen Yi's attitude, old man Yang became anxious instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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