God level canteen

Chapter 193 Spicy Strips

Chapter 193 Spicy Strips
As soon as he heard the word reward, Shen Yi suddenly became energetic.

God is so pitiful, how long has it been since he received the reward from the system?
For him, it's rare, it's really rare.

Of course, while wanting to be rewarded, Shen Yi was even more curious. Why did the system reward him this time?
"The sales volume of independent products is gratifying, so the system decided to reward the host!"

Rolling his eyes, Shen Yi finally understood, co-authoring is to earn money for the system, if the system feels sorry or stimulates Shen Yi, this will give some benefits.

To put it bluntly, Shen Yi is pitiful.

Shen Yi couldn't help cursing.

"Your mother..."

But he asked again.

"What reward?"

Generally speaking, having a reward is better than not having one, no matter how the reward is obtained.

As soon as Shen Yi finished speaking, the system's voice came over.

"Reward the host to randomly strengthen an item in the supermarket!"

Shen Yi was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that this so-called reward feeling was the same as when he got the system at the very beginning.

They are all random strengthening items, but the difference is that now he has a lot of strengthening items, and in the past, he could only rely on a random one each time...

Shen Yi was inexplicably excited when he heard the system's words.

Although there is only one thing, but at least one more enhanced item can be opened.

You know, there haven't been any new enhanced items in the supermarket for a long time, so the theme can't be counted in it at all.

Of course, the reason for Shen Yi's excitement includes one thing, that is, there are much more things in the supermarket than before.

This may mean that strengthening it on that kind of thing can unlock a distinctive effect.

But Shen Yi still had some doubts, so he couldn't help but ask the system.

"Random reinforcement, items that have been strengthened before will not be included?"

After finally having such an opportunity, it would be depressing if it was repeated randomly.

Fortunately, the situation that Shen Yi considered did not exist.

The system responded quickly.

"Enhanced items are not in the random selection range."

Hearing this, Shen Yi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, although the system is flawed, the rewards given are real.

After being happy, Shen Yi hurriedly drove towards his supermarket.

It is said that some time ago, because of his "not doing business properly", he often did not open the door, and many customers had complaints.

It is not depressing for people to buy things in vain again and again.

Now Shen Yi tries to spend all his time in the store, after all, the supermarket is the main business!
Sure enough, after walking for a while, there were still customers wandering in front of the store.

Maybe they were already planning to leave, but they couldn't help being happy after seeing Shen Yi's car.

Then when Shen Yi got out of the car, they couldn't help complaining.

"Boss Shen, if you don't open the door, at least you have to tell me in advance. We almost made this trip in vain."

"I'm sorry, I'll just go out for a while!"

Shen Yi grinned and explained to them, and then opened the store door to let customers in. After they bought something and settled the bill, Shen Yi's mind moved.


There are so many products in front of him, and Shen Yi doesn't know which product can be randomly strengthened.

To be honest, at this moment Shen Yi actually felt a little nervous!
Just like when I just got the system.

At the same time with a little bit of anticipation.

This time the enhancement of the reward is different from the original one. The system limited the scope of the enhancement.

For example, the first daily chemical products.

However, there is no such restriction on the reward this time, that is to say, as long as it is something in Shen Yi's store, there is a possibility of strengthening it.

Either way!
Faced with this situation, Shen Yi couldn't help grinning.

It is a good thing to have a large scope, but sometimes it is not a good thing.

If this is strengthened to a useless item, it will be depressing.

He would like to kick out some of the categories in the supermarket, which would reduce the difficulty of random selection.

As everyone knows, the system doesn't recognize your suspicion of cheating at all.

Of course, the more important thing is that Shen Yi himself doesn't know what he wants to strengthen.

"Forget it, anyway, these things will be strengthened in the future, no matter what it is, one more thing to be strengthened is better than one less."

After thinking about it, Shen Yi couldn't help but said to the system.

"Let's start strengthening!"

No matter which one it is, Shen Yi is going to admit it anyway!
Generally speaking, no matter what is strengthened, it must be useful after strengthening.

He's not afraid that he won't be able to sell it.

Following his words, the brilliance of the system once again shone in the supermarket.

After the light passed... everything was as usual.

"That's all right? What about the enhanced stuff? Which one?"

The strengthening must have been completed, but Shen Yi still has some expectations for what kind of thing the strengthening is.

After he realized that it was completed, he couldn't help asking the system.

"Please host to find..."

However, the system replied simply for Shen Yi, and after this sentence, there was no reply.

"Your mother!"

Shen Yi cursed.

He knew that the system was unreliable, and asking questions was in vain. In the end, he had to practice it himself.

However, I am good, but I don't have a long memory, and I talk too much every time.

Shaking his head to get rid of the depression in his heart, Shen Yi walked towards the shelves.

There is no need to look at the shelves where the enhanced items are placed, Shen Yi mainly looks at the places that visit the general items.

The system can only be strengthened in this one.

The first time Shen Yi went down, he looked at the shelf where the groceries were placed. On this shelf, there were pots, pans, shoe racks, cups, and even brooms and garbage bags...

To be honest, Shen Yi still doesn't like this kind of thing. After all, what if the garbage bag is strengthened?
Is it possible that garbage bags can be used as other things?

Is it possible that toilet paper can be used for food after strengthening?
Being the first to come to this shelf, Shen Yi was still apprehensive, he was afraid that this opportunity would just be a rip off.

Fortunately, at first glance, there was nothing shining, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

At least it means that these things are not strengthened.

Then there are the wine shelves.

This shelf is what Shen Yi has been looking forward to, but unfortunately, it is still not this one that has been strengthened.

Another shelf was changed, and then Shen Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

He saw something shining, suddenly it was on the food shelf.

"This is……"

Shen Yi stretched out his hand to pick up the glowing object, but he couldn't help being taken aback after looking at it.

Subconsciously made a sound in his mouth.

"Spicy strips?"

(End of this chapter)

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