God level canteen

Chapter 190 Give You a Chance

Chapter 190 Give You a Chance

(Thank you for your concern, I feel much better after sleeping for a day and a night... I ran to buy a bunch of candy, I was really helpless...)
"Your surname?"

"Han Shizheng, Han Shizheng..."

Shen Yi looked at Han Shizheng in front of him with some curiosity.

He had never asked about the company's affairs since he handed them over to Fu Xiangning. Han Shizheng was really capable of finding him here.

You must know that except for a few individuals, few people know that the boss of Qiang Qiang Company is Shen Yi.

It's no wonder, Shen Fengchun and Sun Tao were the ones who asked Shen Yi to come up and use them, and then they were handed over to Fu Xiangning.

Shen Yi looked at Han Shizheng and said with a smile.

"If you want an agent, just go to my company and talk directly. There is no need to find me here."

The shelves were still being loaded, since he was not a guest, Shen Yi didn't have much time to entertain him.

He was minding his own business taking care of the goods on the ground.

"President Shen please give us a chance, we will definitely make your brand well..."

Han Shizheng closely followed Shen Yi's footsteps, listening to his words, Shen Yi smiled.

What he said is very nice, and both inside and outside the words are to help you make a good brand... However, no matter how stupid Shen Yi is, he will understand that if it is not for the strengthening shampoo, it is really good. As long as the agent is not afraid of no sales, at the same time To make money, ghosts believe that they will be so active.

"It's better not to say this kind of thing too much. Everyone understands what you mean, and there is no need to talk on the scene."

Shen Yi smiled and waved his hands, Han Shizheng was a little embarrassed.

"Say it again, if you really want to be an agent, then you can go to my company. There will naturally be someone to welcome you there. In my case, it's not easy for me to entertain you. After all, I still have to do business..."

After finishing speaking, Shen Yi stepped into the counter.

Seeing that Shen Yi was suspicious of seeing off guests, Han Shizheng couldn't help it.

"Mr. Shen, I went to your company...but..."

He hesitated.

"but what?"

"To be honest, I'm sorry to bother you. But the consignment conditions proposed by the vice president of your company are really too high. We are just a small company..."

Shen Yi shook his head listening to Han Shizheng's words, he understood, no wonder Han Shizheng found him here, it turned out that he was brushed off because of lack of strength.

There are a lot of people who want to act as shampoo agents, and they certainly cannot choose all of them, so it is necessary to select some and exclude the other.

Han Shizheng was obviously kicked out by Fu Xiangning.

Shen Yi didn't know what Fu Xiangning's selection criteria were, but obviously according to the current situation, she did a good job.

"Then it's useless even if you find me. Since your aptitude is not enough, I can only say that it's a pity..."

To be honest, Shen Yi's words should be as tactful as possible. Isn't Han Shizheng's appearance the same as when he first came out to work?

Unless it is necessary, Shen Yi consciously cannot do the thing of opening his mouth to drive people away directly.

Well, you have to consider other people's feelings... Although this can't change Xi Shenyi's own choice.

No matter how tactful a refusal is, it is also a refusal.

When Han Shizheng heard Shen Yi's words, he became anxious. To be honest, Han Shizheng's company was actually facing bankruptcy.

When he discovered the strengthening shampoo, he knew that if he could take down the agency rights of this shampoo, his company might still have a chance of survival.

If this is not possible, then he can directly dismiss the company's employees after he returns...

With such an opportunity, Han Shizheng could not let it go so easily. He did everything possible to find out about Shen Yi, the behind-the-scenes boss of the strengthening company. He made up his mind to pester him even if he was kicked out.

Fortunately, Shen Yi's attitude was at least pretty good, although the result was the same.

"Mr. Shen, listen to me! Our company is really powerful, we have our own channels, and we have cooperated with over a hundred shopping malls and supermarkets! We are fully capable of selling shampoo, please give us a chance. "

As he spoke, Shen Yi only felt that Han Shizheng seemed to be crying.

Then he looked over and saw Han Shizheng's teary eyes, and he couldn't help being startled.

"You're working too hard, you don't have to cry even if you don't agree with you, a big man? Or, you come to work in my company? Your boss is very honored to have an employee like you."

Shen Yi couldn't help but let out a sigh.

This Han Shizheng is really dedicated, let's not talk about his ability, at least in his current state, Shen Yi thinks he is definitely a talent.

In fact, how did Shen Yi know that Han Shizheng himself was the boss.

The reason why he choked up was because he had mixed feelings at the moment, thinking that the company he had worked so hard for would be destroyed in one go, he was a hard-working man, but he couldn't bear the sadness that had come up for so many years.

Han Shizheng wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Mr. Shen...I am the boss myself."


Shen Yi scratched his head in embarrassment, it seemed that he had dug out the wrong person, but fortunately he realized that he quickly changed the topic and asked.

"Then according to what you said, your company's strength is not bad, so why were you rejected?"

To be honest, based on what Han Shizheng said, his company is quite qualified.

Logically speaking, companies with channels should be able to choose cooperation partners, but Han Shizheng was rejected?
Could it be that Fu Xiangning has high vision?
Shen Yi was very curious about this.

"Although we have channels...but we really can't get 100% of the payment. At least 300 bottles, that's [-] million! Really don't have that much money!"

Han Shizheng cried and said to Shen Yi.

"Mr. Shen, please give me a chance. It only takes one month... no, half a month, I promise to get you back the money in just half a month."

The consignment conditions set by Fu Xiangning are 100% of the payment plus at least [-] bottles for the first consignment.

To be honest, Shen Yi was a little surprised when he heard what Han Shizheng said, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This condition has to be said, in Shen Yi's opinion, it is a bit high...

However, he understood that Fu Xiangning's decision would definitely not be blind.

Co-authoring Han Shizheng couldn't afford that much money.

Shen Yi couldn't help hesitating for a moment.

Seeing his hesitation, Han Shizheng couldn't help saying hastily.

"Mr. Shen, I beg you, please give us a chance! You don't know, if we can't get the agency right of shampoo, my company will go bankrupt. I have worked hard for 13 years, if I really go bankrupt It's... woo woo."

Han Shizheng cried, this time for real.

Maybe he has some difficulties.

But in Shen Yi's eyes, he couldn't help feeling a little soft-hearted.

What's the matter with a big man crying in front of you?Those who don't know think how to bully others.

Shen Yi said to Han Shizheng in embarrassment.

"Okay, okay...you can't cry, can you? Well, I'll give you a chance, okay?"

Hearing Shen Yi's words, Han Shizheng froze for a moment, then grinned!
Then keep crying.

Only this time it was tears of joy.

 Thank you for the reward. By the way, I will count, and the addition is still counted. I will try my best to make up the original chapters.Feel sorry.

  Gale in love with white clouds: 200
  Fenghai e: 500
  Dumb Stupid Wood: 1000
  Flying Sheep: 3000
  GeminiLZ: 600
  Feelings before going to sleep: 100
  Xiaoyao Ziqi: 100
  Book Friends 160910135711193: 500
  Riding a piggy upside down 1:500
  Diu Diu Hui: 100
  Ice Guardian: 500
  Total 7200+3900=11000
  Adding another chapter may be a day late considering my physical condition, but I made a note of it.

  More than 1000
(End of this chapter)

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