Chapter 102

(It will be on the shelves next week, please recommend tickets!)

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Shen Yi dodged subconsciously, and a gust of wind blew past his head.

Then I heard a bang, and I looked back and couldn't help being shocked.

It turned out to be a piece of iron sheet, which bounced off the ground and directly cut a hole in the greenery tree.

If it weren't for Shen Yi's quick reaction, it might not be the tree that endured such a blow, but him.

In an instant, Shen Yi felt as if he had narrowly escaped death.

After taking a deep breath, an exclamation came from Shen Yi's ear.

"Go and have a look, you've bumped into someone!"

But he heard the shouts of passers-by, looked up, and found that the roadside was surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside.

It was also accompanied by endless discussions.

Shen Yi then walked towards the crowd, and saw a car parked in the crowd, the windshield of that car was broken.

The front face is also fragmented.

There was another man in the cab, his face was flushed, and he was at a loss for what to do with the scene in front of him.

"This is drunk driving!"

"It's over, it's over, I don't know if I killed someone! This driver is going to be unlucky."

Shen Yi gave the driver a disgusted look, he hit someone here and there, and almost killed him too.

If there weren't so many people watching, Shen Yi would have wanted to go up and beat him up.

And it was still a ruthless beating!
But right now, he didn't care about the driver, and then looked at the person who was hit, only to see bright red all over the ground.

It was a woman, wearing long sleeves in summer looked a little different.

Her head was covered in blood, making it difficult to see her face.

The silent one didn't know if it was dead or what.

However, there was a dirty little girl standing next to her. The little girl looked at the woman on the ground and kept calling her mother, but she also cried bitterly.

Shen Yi fixed his eyes and felt that the little girl looked familiar.

Take a closer look, isn't it the kid who came to buy things in your store?

That time was the first time Shen Yi went into business at a loss, and he remembered this business clearly.

"Why did this child appear here?"

The little girl is not as skinny as before, but looks very healthy.

It was also this point that Shen Yi didn't recognize right away.

However, after I really recognized it, I couldn't help but have a question in my heart.

Since the little girl is here, who is on the ground?

Suddenly, Shen Yi's mind flashed to that woman who spent all day picking up trash. She was dirty and not very bright, but she was willing to spend money to buy Nutrition Express for her children.

Shen Yi was stunned for a moment, seeing the voices of discussion, and even taking out his mobile phone to take pictures, he couldn't help but growl.

"Call emergency services!"

Looking at the crowd of people watching, Shen Yi couldn't help but feel tired.

What time is this, everyone is still watching the excitement.

Simply speechless.

However, it was Shen Yi who thought too much, and an unknown voice came from beside his ear.

"It's been fought, and several people have already fought."

Hearing this answer, Shen Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

At least for now, it seems that the crowd of onlookers is not useless.

However, I don't know how long it will take for the ambulance to arrive, but the blood on the woman's body is still bleeding.

Watching her chest rise and fall, it seems that she is still a little alive.

However, with such a small amount of life, if the blood continues to stay, I am afraid that I will really lose too much blood and die.

The next moment, Shen Yi couldn't bear it anymore.

As soon as the things in his hands were dropped on the ground, the person walked over.

Suddenly there was a pull from around, and several people said to Shen Yi.

"Don't touch her, I don't know where she hit, what if she breaks!"

In a real car accident, the injured person generally cannot move easily.Because it may cause secondary damage!

If you really want to deal with it, you need someone with medical knowledge to do it.

Shen Yi is not a doctor nor has he studied nursing.

However, after listening to everyone's words, he still couldn't help shouting.

"Fart! Are you afraid of re-injury? When the ambulance arrives, everyone will lose too much blood and die!"

As he spoke, he took off his clothes and tied the woman's wound.

Some of the onlookers enthusiastically came up to help.

However, even so, the woman's breathing became weaker and weaker.

It seems that it will be broken at any time!
Seeing this scene, Shen Yi couldn't help but said: "You can't die, if you die, no one will care about your daughter."

Shen Yi didn't know if this woman had a man, but he didn't want a living person to die in front of him, so he couldn't help but mutter.

Fortunately, I don't know whether it was timely to stop the bleeding, or the words were useful.

When the ambulance arrived, she was still breathing!

Afterwards, the doctors and nurses hurriedly carried the man into the car for simple treatment, and the little girl was also taken into the car.

However, before driving, he couldn't help but ask the onlookers.

"Who will come with us?"

No one wanted to get into the car, but looked at Shen Yi.

"Your mother!"

Seeing the appearance of these people, Shen Yi cursed in his heart.

Then he said directly to the onlookers.

"If any of you don't want to leave, please help me look at something I bought, and turn it over to the police and I will get it."

With that said, he got into the car.

The ambulance roared towards the hospital.

Shen Yi took the little girl and watched the woman being sent to the emergency room, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, before he breathed a sigh of relief, a nurse came over and said directly to Shen Yi.

"Are you a family member of the patient? Please go and pay the money!"

No wonder no one is willing to get in the car and come to Yong Hospital!
It turned out that the only thing I was worried about was the money in my hands.

Seeing the dirty little girl looking up at him, her eyes dim with tears, Shen Yi couldn't help but soften in his heart.

"Those who are brave enough to see righteousness, are so tired of worrying... It seems that I really have to be a good person to the end."

Shen Yi sighed helplessly, took the slip handed over by the nurse, and led the little girl towards the payment office.

The last time he saw the mother and daughter, he laughed at himself and said that he would do a good thing, but he never expected that the good thing would come so quickly.

Swipe the card to pay, but luckily it didn't cost too much at one time, Shen Yi couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

However, I couldn't help but worry, if the woman couldn't bear it, what should I do?
Fortunately, after all, Shen Yi was thinking too much, and soon the door of the operating room opened, and a hospital bed was pushed out.

One by one, they took off their masks and said.

"People came back to life, but..."

"What's the matter?"

Shen Yi was stunned and said.

However, before the doctor could speak, a voice came from his mind.

"Host, you have a reward for being brave, please claim it as soon as possible!"

 Thanks for the reward: Luoxue の Wuhen: 100
  Drunk stability: 500
  Whose love is the haze: 500
  Cocooned clown: 100
  Gemini LZ: 100
  Riding piggy backwards: 500
  Cat without regret: 1208:500
  Original old witch: 100
  Fenghai e: 500
  Are there any good books in the book shortage: 100
(End of this chapter)

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