Chapter 81
To enter the northwest of Hainan Island, the fastest and most convenient way is the Haiwei line.There are several well-known sects on this road, such as the Shanghai School of Yungui, the Duan Family of Tianmen Mountain, the Qi Family of Beihu, and so on.Although they are all small sects, they still deserve to be named after all. If you say it, people in the Jianghu will hold their fists and say politely to you: So you are that so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so.And will treat you with respect!
This group of people walked slowly, as if they were traveling in mountains and rivers. The leader was a middle-aged man, about forty years old, or already in his fifties.

Beside him was an old man with gray hair. This old man showed the middle-aged man the way from time to time, like a guide.

Afterwards, seven or eight people followed, and these seven or eight followed far away, with a distance of 30 meters from the two of them, not less at all, not more at all.

"I haven't been out for so many years! It's changed a lot!" The middle-aged man stretched his waist and looked at the mountains in the distance with a little excitement in his eyes.

"It's been ten years since I returned to Sect Master." The old man quickly replied with a respectful expression, obviously the relationship between the two was that of master and servant.

"Yeah, it's been ten years. It's my fault. Li Toutuo is old. Since he won't come to see me, then I should go and see him." know what to think.

"What does the sect master think?" A strange color flashed in the old man's eyes, carefully pondering the man's words.

The middle-aged man shook his head, took advantage of the situation and sat down, picked a piece of dogtail grass, and said lightly: "He should enjoy the blessing!"

The old man's expression froze, and he quickly lowered his head and said, "Yes!"

The weather was a bit hot in May. He shaded the sun and looked at the sky, sighing uncontrollably: "It's so difficult to live a stable life. But after all, I'm from the old man's generation, so I can be regarded as watching me grow up."

He seemed to be talking to himself, looking embarrassed, and slowly stretched his brows, and then wrinkled again.

Obviously in trouble.

How did he know that the person he was struggling with how to deal with had already dug a bottomless pit, and waiting for him to jump into it, he would never see the light of day again.

The dark night, the cold moon, the cold knife, the cold blood.

The people of the Shanghai School disappeared without a trace almost overnight, and no one survived.

But someone saw something, a metal sign of an island reflecting in the moonlight.

And this is the holy card that makes people fear in the world.

The holy card comes in person, and the gods and Buddhas avoid the road!
Immediately afterwards came the Qi family, the Zhang family in Tianmen Mountain, all kinds of things, almost blood flowed into rivers, and all the things happened in the middle of the night when people were relaxing and slack.

It was bloody again.

In Dachu Land, the qinyin of Miaoyinfang was holding a jade Xiao. She was covered in blood, and her spirit was exhausted to the extreme. Several women from Miaoyinfang were lying on the ground, all dead, and their death conditions were terrible.

She was protecting Luo Jiujiu, whose face was ashen and trembling all over, with endless anger shooting out of her eyes.She didn't expect to meet people from the Devil's Cult here at all, but these people were so mad that they even attacked a member of a small sect.

It's a pity that she overestimated herself a little. The man in black who took the lead was extremely skillful, and within fifty moves, she hurt her foundation.

Seeing that his disciples were almost wiped out, Qin Yin was so angry that he even wanted to burn himself.

But she knew that other sects had to be notified of this matter, otherwise this world might be completely wiped out by the people of the Demon Sect.

"I'll block it, you dive into the water and tell the workshop owner what happened here, and ask her to notify Songshan and Wudang as soon as possible."

The sound of the zither was very weak, and it was obvious that it had reached the point of exhaustion.

Luo Jiujiu's face was covered with blood, tears mixed with blood, making her in a trance, where she didn't have the previous posture.


With a bang, Qin Yin smashed Luo Jiujiu into the river with a palm, and the jade Xiao in his hand made a humming sound, blood flowed down the corner of his mouth, the man in black stood up and struck Qin Yin's chest fiercely, only There was a click, and the sternum broke directly.

In the river, when Luo Jiujiu turned around and saw this scene, he screamed in surprise, his voice was filled with endless grief and anger, but remembering what his master said, he used up his remaining true energy and quickly swam in the water.

Someone on the bank wanted to go into the water to chase after her, but the man in black waved his hand to stop her: "Let her go, it would be best if someone reported her."

The voice was ugly, like a hungry ghost escaping from hell.

Ten minutes later, the riverside returned to tranquility. Those people came and went quickly, like ghosts.

A black figure came slowly, he seemed to be moving his steps, very slowly, finally, his figure became clearer.

His back is hunched, his hair is long and covers his face, and he coughs from time to time when he walks.

He was holding a bag in his hand, and he didn't seem to be afraid of the corpses on the ground at all. He picked and picked, and put all the valuable things into the bag.

As if feeling that they were gone, he dragged his heavy body and threw the corpses into the river one by one.

"Hey bastard!"

He said something, then suddenly raised his head and said, "The sky is about to change."

Immediately, carrying the dead money sent to him, he slowly moved his body and disappeared into the night.

No one knows what kind of nightmare this night is for some people.

The family is broken and the family is destroyed, and the wife and children are separated!
At the end of the day, the fish-belly white began to appear, and the misty and fairy-like Songshan Mountain was finally broken by the morning bell, followed by a burst of rapid bell ringing, and this sound, every monk and disciple in the temple, felt the same. is to know the meaning.


The Daxiong Palace in Songshan is solemn and solemn, and the gold-plated characters shine brightly in the morning light. The huge golden body of the Buddha seems to emit colorful Buddha light, which makes people bow their heads involuntarily when they meet.

In the main hall, all the disciples above the Xu generation have arrived, and everyone has a serious face.

On the futon, the abbot Master Liaochen had a kind face, and several other masters sat beside Chen, either anxious or calm, with different expressions.

"Master Abbot, you should say something." Although Jueyuan is not young, he is impatient.

He couldn't sit still when he thought of the report this morning.

"Junior Brother, Master Abbot must have his own ideas, so don't worry." Jueyi hurriedly persuaded him.

The others also waited patiently, one of them said: "Earlier I heard that Yu Haiba of the Wuwang Sect had summoned men to deal with Zhang Baiyi. Could it be that Zhao Jiangshan's trip was for this purpose."

"Hmph, people from the Demon Sect are not good people. Since they dare to come out this time, we can directly subdue the demons." Jue Yuan was rather annoyed.

"Hey, we are monks. Don't mess around and kill evil." He said something to the golden body of the Buddha.

At the right time, Liaochen opened his eyes and said calmly, "Jue Yi Jue Yuan, you two should take the disciple for a walk."

 ps: It's really uncomfortable, typing on the mobile phone is so slow, my mind is spinning fast, and I feel panicked, as if I have to squeeze out a little bit when I go to the toilet.Alas.The phone is going to run out of battery, and the socket in this carriage is broken, so we have to wait until Xi'an.Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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