Chapter 97

While turning the suckling pig, Chen Er brushed sake on it.

The wine has a light aroma, mixed with the smell of suckling pig being roasted by flames, and the fragrance has the smell of burning fat.

Chen Er stared intently.

Until the surface of the suckling pig slowly turns a golden color.

The soft and plump pork on the suckling pig has gradually become firmer.

For a while, the steam was steaming, and the aroma of oil was overflowing.

The surface of the pork was roasted by the flames until layers of lard appeared, dripping down the suckling pig's short, fat feet. The light golden lard fell into the flames, and the flames seemed to be stimulated. "Zi" sound suddenly raised.

The fiery flames almost licked the suckling pig's ass.

The firelight made the whole suckling pig shine.

The fans couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw this scene.

"Old Chen is getting wet! It's burning his ass!"

"Quick! Protect the chrysanthemum!"

"My God, this suckling pig is really fat! Look at that pig's trotter, the pig's skin is yellow and shiny, and the meat is thick and firm. If you bite into it, your mouth will be full of oil..."

Chen Er stretched out his foot and kicked the fire under the grill, kicked the burning branches away, and the flames suddenly became shorter.

Of course the pig's butt was saved.

Chen Er put down the sake brush.

"Now that the surface of the suckling pig has changed color, we need to add other seasonings."

After speaking, he picked up a clean thin iron sheet, put it into the jar of lard, and with a little force, he dug out a large piece of milky white solid lard.

Without further ado, wipe it on the suckling pig.

Of course, the other hand did not stop turning the suckling pig.

"Smearing solid lard on it can ensure that the suckling pig will not be too burnt by the high temperature during the roasting process, and it can also increase the oily aroma of the pork."

"Lard oil is the essence of pork. It has a rich aroma. It is mixed with the clear oil secreted by suckling pigs. It doesn't look so greasy. When it is roasted by flames, it becomes more fragrant."

"The ancients called the solidified lard lard fat, which could be used to make cosmetics and spices in ancient times."

Chen Er used up most of a large jar of pig paste.

The suckling pig smeared with pig ointment is now like a luminous golden pig, shining in the firelight, and the golden light is dazzling.

Bright lard constantly slipped down from the suckling pig.

Chen Er took a deep breath, "The aroma of the meat has been roasted, and the aroma is very light, with an oily aroma."

Chen Er stopped applying pig ointment.

Take out a clean brush again and start brushing rattan pepper oil.

"The anchor is a person who likes nothing spicy, so today I added an extra condiment, rattan pepper oil, to this roast suckling pig."

Chen Er brushed rattan pepper oil very quickly with his hands.

Rattan pepper oil is boiled with fresh rattan pepper, and the oil has the fragrance of rattan pepper and numbness.

It smelled crisp and numb, and I couldn't help but salivate just by smelling it before I tasted it.

The flames under the grill dwindled.

Chen Er turned the roast suckling pig in his hand.

The hot air rises from the roasted suckling pig and drifts toward the outside of the wall like mist in the mountains.

The people next door couldn't help but lie on the edge of the fence and look inside when they smelled the fragrance.

Sometimes I can't help but run over and knock on the courtyard door.

The head of the household who had been watching from the sidelines had no choice but to open the door, staring at the roast suckling pig in Chen Er's hand.

Chen Er concentrated on the roast suckling pig in his hand.

He lowered his head and sniffed the scent. The aroma was long and lingering, with a faint burnt aroma in the meat. The skin of the suckling pig was amber-like golden yellow, and it even looked a little like real gold when it was dazzled by the firelight.

"This looks good."

The fans off-screen couldn't help but swallowed together, and then stared intently at the golden roast suckling pig.

This color, this appearance, is actually not bad!

These people have never seen roasted suckling pig roasted like gold!

"Okay, it's ready to eat."

Chen Er nodded seriously, then took out a bag of salt from his backpack, and sprinkled it evenly on the suckling pig's surface.

The white salt, as white as fine sand, fell on the golden suckling pig like snowflakes falling from the sky.

Gently tap on the golden and slightly burnt pork skin, then bounce, and then fall, melting in the lard overflowing from the surface.

Chen Er stretched out his fingers and gently pressed down on the fat thigh of the suckling pig.

There was a slight depression where the finger pulp touched, and then a large piece of lard quickly emerged at a speed visible to the naked eye, soaking Chen Er's finger immediately.

Chen Er then tore off a piece of pork.

This action is magnified countless times in front of the camera.

Fans outside the screen could only see Chen Er pressed two fingers on the pig's thigh, and then gently pulled a large piece of pork off.

I don't know if Chen Er did it on purpose or the camera slowed down the action on purpose.

Everyone could even clearly see that Chen Er's two fingers picked up a piece of pork, and when he pulled it out, he easily tore a hole in the golden and crispy pork skin, exposing the white and tender pork inside.

The clear texture on the top of the pork and the slightest bit of heat are clearly magnified in the lens.

A cut was made in the pig skin, and the sizzling lard rolled down from the top and slid into the tender white pork.

It also dyed the snow-white pork with a touch of golden yellow.

Chen Er picked up this piece of roast pork and brought it to his mouth.

Everyone couldn't help staring at him.

As if suddenly remembering something, Chen Er handed a large piece of roast pork to the camera.

"I almost forgot to ask you guys if you want to eat."

Fans: "...I have a sentence MMP must say!!!"

Chen Er's expression was very serious, "If you don't answer, you just don't want to eat it, so I'll eat it first."

After saying that, before the fans outside the screen could react, he stuffed the barbecue into his mouth.

Immediately, his mouth was stuffed to the point of being bulging.

There was also some hot roasted pork that filled his mouth in an instant.

The aroma of barbecued meat and lard was like strong wine, and it was poured from my mouth all the way into my stomach.

Chen Er couldn't even speak, and could only utter a few vague syllables.

He half-closed his eyes and chewed the roasted meat in his mouth intoxicatedly.

"Um... well..."

The aroma of grilled meat is simply beyond words.

Because the skin is far away from the flame and has been roasted for a long time, the moisture is lost enough, and it looks crisp and crisp.

As soon as you bite down, the fat overflows, which is fragrant and thick.

There is also a faint scent of vine pepper and sesame.

It is numb and fresh, with an extremely strong fragrance.

What's even better is that the pork, not only does not have the slightest smell of fireworks, it is even very tender.

The color is like white snow, tender as petals, and when eaten in the mouth, it is creamy and has a unique taste.

Chen Er finished eating a large piece of barbecue in his mouth, and let out a sigh of relief.

And the fans are still waiting eagerly for him to express his feelings.

Chen Er hesitated to speak, "It's such a good taste, you can't put it into words, you will know it after you taste it."

 Thank you [Ophemus] [Ai☆Yiwu] [Book Friends 20161231142953471] [Book Friends 160424223143437] [Book Friends 170325175832122] for your rewards! happy

(End of this chapter)

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