God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 454 End or Begin

Chapter 454 End or Begin

Mount Tai at night is less majestic and solemn, and more mysterious.

Chen Er finally climbed to the top of the mountain. Standing on the highest point and looking down, countless clouds and mist were floating in the air. Below were layers of branches and leaves of trees, which looked lush and fresh and lovely.

Lingyu stood beside him, and also looked down the mountain.

The wind on the top of the mountain was very strong, blowing the shawl and clothes around her arms.

The silver cloak fluttered high behind her, like a star in the night sky.

"I didn't expect the scenery in the human world to be so beautiful."

Chen Er still stared down the mountain, "You said, I climbed to Mount Tai, isn't it a bit too exaggerated."

Lingyu didn't understand what it meant.

Chen Er said again, "You just said, find a high place and operate in the middle of the night to open the passage."

His tone seemed to be a little worried, but there was no worry on his face, and he was clearly enjoying it.

"Is Mount Tai too high?"

Lingyu blinked, "How could that be?"

"Isn't Mount Tai a sacred place in the human world? It's pretty good."

Chen Er raised his head and nodded seriously, "I feel very good too."

Mount Tai was regarded by the ancients as a paradise "connecting directly to the throne", and became a sacred mountain worshipped by the people and worshipped by emperors.

Chen Er thought that he had put his pen back today and was able to leave on the top of Mount Tai.

Although it is not as good as the ancients' Feng Chan, but ascending to Mount Tai seems to be an excellent thing.

Chen Er looked at the moon in the night sky and found that it seemed a little rounder than it looked just now.

It should be almost time.

Chen Er suddenly became a little nervous, with both joy and anxiety mixed in his heart.

Maybe it's because of the unknown of the future, maybe it's because of nostalgia for this world.

Thinking of this, Chen Er couldn't help but be stunned.

What is the most painful thing in the world.

It should be unable to resist the invasion of time. People will grow old, get sick, and die.

But there is nothing man can do.

Not only human beings, even gods and immortals.

No one's life is endless, people have death, and immortals have heaven.

If you can make it through, you may be able to live for a longer period of time, but if you can't, you will have to disappear into the world.

When Chen Er leaves this world, he can arrange everything in advance, he can settle down the Lu family, the Shui family, and everyone.

But he knew that even if he could come back one day, he might never see them again.

This is probably what I care about.

Chen Er pursed his lips and looked at the night sky without speaking.

After a long time, the wind on the top of the mountain became stronger and stronger, Lingyu said softly, "It's almost time, I will return to my original shape and open the passage for you."

As she spoke, she raised her hands, and the wind blew up her sleeves, fluttering like a fairy about to go.

Before making a gesture of Fajue, Chen Er suddenly spoke to her.

"Do you think I can come back here?"

Lingyu turned to look at him, thought for a long time before saying, "Yes."

It was so categorical, as if she had seen it with her own eyes.

Chen Er asked her, "Why?"

Lingyu took it for granted, "Because I believe."

Chen Er suddenly smiled, but did not answer.

Lingyu quickly pinched out a spell in his hand.

Then her figure slowly became transparent, and then transformed into a jade ring hanging in front of Chen Er's eyes.

Chen Er looked up at the jade jue in front of him.

The intricate lines on the jade ring gradually gave off a faint light, shining a ray of light on the top of Mount Tai.

Then the light became brighter and brighter, Chen Er couldn't help squinting his eyes, facing the dazzling light, he stubbornly stared at the jade ring and the world.

A white circle of light visible to the naked eye spread out from the jade ring as the center, and then quickly turned into a big circle.

And Chen Er gradually got used to this light.

He checked it visually, and the light probably just let him pass through.

Chen Er stretched out his hand, and the jade jue automatically fell from the aperture and placed in his hand.

He weighed the jade ring in his hand, looked at the big circle of light in front of him and smiled.

"Tell me, is there a tourist who just happened to take pictures of this scene at the foot of the mountain, and then posted it on the Internet, saying that he saw aliens?"

There was an ethereal and melodious voice from Yujue.

"If you are a cultivator, you can put up a barrier around you to prevent others from seeing you."

This means that he is not a Taoist.

Chen Er raised his eyebrows with a smile, "If someone really captured this scene, I hope he can make my face look more handsome."

Take one last look at the world.

There seemed to be nothing special, and the night sky was no different from the past few decades.

There don't seem to be too many stars, and the moon is not very round.

There are many cars in the city and the traffic is very congested.Therefore, Chen Er has never driven a car by himself in the more than ten years of studying and working.

The air quality is poor in places with developed industries, and life in places with underdeveloped industries is not fast and convenient.

Housing prices are high, marriage costs are high, and ordinary people need to pay a lot to live a comfortable life.

But, why are you reluctant to part with it?

Chen Ermai paused when he went out.

The wind on Mount Tai is really strong, Chen Er thought so.It was so big that he couldn't open his eyes.

Chen Er reached out and tore off a corner of the clothes, then bent down and picked up a pile of soil, wrapped it in the corner of the clothes, and put it solemnly in his pocket.

Chen Er slowly stepped into the aperture.

"I'm curious, I went to that place, can I be a civil servant?"

After all, he did not come through traditional cultivation methods, but a pie from heaven.And very lucky not to be smashed to death by pie.

This should show that not only was he very lucky, but he should also be able to find a big tree.

Good things like the Psychic Jade Jue should not be available to everyone.Maybe there is some deep connection with my great-aunt.

Thinking of going through the back door, Chen Er's mind immediately became active.

Lingyu's voice came lightly.

"Of course you have a status!"

"Do you remember what I said when I first met you?"

Chen Er's voice paused, but his footsteps did not stop. He took one foot into the circle of light.

Then he replied, "Well, you said you wanted me to grow up to be a God of Cookery..."

To be honest, at that time Chen Er really thought that the "system" at that time was too ambitious...

but now……

Chen Er seemed to recall the meaning of that sentence.

"You mean God of Cookery?"

Lingyu's voice is very sure.

"Of course, because only the God of Cookery has a status."

Chen Er: "..."

Chen Er has completely walked into that circle of light.

The aperture was shrinking rapidly, but Chen Er's voice was still coming from afar.

"Actually, I believe it too."

I will definitely come back again.

The aperture suddenly disappeared, and Chen Er's voice also disappeared.

Calm returned to the top of Mount Tai, and it seemed that even the wind had become a lot weaker.

Two heads emerged from a patch of grass.

Look at the attire like a mountaineering enthusiast or something.

The two of them looked at each other, and at the same time, they saw surprise and disbelief in each other's eyes.

"...Did you see it just now?"

"...you saw it too?"


"Should...should be..."

"Hold the grass! That's not true! We have discovered aliens!"

"...But I didn't take any photos or videos, what about you..."


End of the book

 The story comes to an end here. I don’t want to use the word “end” because I think Chen Laoshi’s story should continue to spread beyond the novel.A new world means a new beginning.

  I didn't write my testimonial, I will write it tomorrow, and now I always feel empty in my heart, as if something is missing.

  Then there are some extras, to fill in some plots that are not specified in the main text.

  This novel has many shortcomings, but fortunately everyone has supported it all the way.

  Thank you for your support all the time, Chen Laoshi loves you (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~Good night
(End of this chapter)

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