Chapter 446

"Women's clothing boss?"

She froze for a moment, first repeated the strange term in doubt, then tilted her head slightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something.She looked at Chen Er, her eyes became bright.It was as if the surroundings were pitch black, except for a dim glazed lamp shining in front of Chen Er's eyes. The light was weak, but it carried a sense of beauty shrouded in tulle.

"You mean I'm transformed into a human, and it looks good in such clothes?"

Chen Er thought, the system is as nonsensical as ever.

However, the other party looked at him eagerly, and he seemed to have no choice but to express it.

So Chen Er nodded very seriously, and replied, "Well, it looks good."


Chen Er looked at her with a strange expression, "How could you be a woman..."

In other words, in Chen Er's mind, the system is just a genderless artificial intelligence!

He never thought that the system would turn into a woman, and it would appear in front of him silently like this.

She stretched out her hands to hold her chin again, resting her elbows on her kneecaps to support her entire head.

It seemed that the current state of conversation made her feel very comfortable, her long sleeves were hanging down on the ground, and the pale moon white was almost melted into a lake by the large halo behind her.

"I am a spirit, and I have been a woman since I became conscious."

Chen Er thinks this word is very interesting, "Ling? What is a spirit?"

So the system began to explain slowly.

"Everything has a spirit, and a spirit is when a thing starts to have consciousness, can think, and can practice, it can be called a spirit."

Chen Er felt that the conversation was getting more and more interesting now.

"Then what kind of spirit are you?"

She stretched out her slender palms and spread them out in front of Chen Er, and then saw a snow-white jade plaque slowly transforming into her palm.

"I am the spirit conceived in this jade tablet."

Chen Er's eyes changed slightly, and he reached out to pick up the jade tablet lying in her palm.

It turned out that the missing jade tablet was in her hand.If she is the spirit of this jade tablet, doesn't that mean that the jade tablet is her body?

So how does the system exist?

Chen Er held the jade tablet and remained silent.However, his brain was running at high speed, and countless pieces of information were combined in his mind.

"I understand."

Chen Er looked at her, "You made up something like a system. You are the spirit of this jade card. You appeared in front of me just to let me find this jade card as soon as possible."

Her eyes became brighter and clearer, and she seemed to be smiling slightly.

"Yeah, I came to you as a system, and I just hope you can find this jade token as soon as possible."

"Then what happened to your sudden disappearance?"

This question is something Chen Er has always been curious about.

She blinked her eyes, and said in a helpless tone, "Because I am a spirit, in order to keep my spirit full, I have to replenish some energy."

Chen Er nodded, this explanation makes sense, and there is no need for the system to lie to him.

As for whether to replenish energy by meditating or basking in the moon, Chen Er is not sure.

It's just that Chen Er didn't quite understand what she meant by finding the jade tablet as soon as possible.

Are you pressed for time?

He thought of Shui Chenlan who had always wanted to get this jade token, she seemed to be in a hurry, just like she was in a hurry to catch a train.

It seems that the jade card must be obtained before a certain point of time, otherwise the function of the jade card will be invalid.

It seems that Shui Chenlan really knows more than him.

How did Shuichenlan know?
Now it is impossible to count on Shui Chenlan, so of course these problems need to be solved by the system.

After listening for a long time, Chen Er finally understood what was going on.

In fact, he felt that if the system's language organization ability could be better, he might be able to understand it faster.

According to the system, this jade card can indeed help people ascend in the daytime, but it has a special time limit.

In layman's terms, this jade token is equivalent to a first-class ticket to a certain place, which must be used before a certain day in a certain year, otherwise, you will lose your qualifications.

And now the limited time is not far away, so as the spirit in the jade card, she must appear to help Chen Er obtain this qualification as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the jade token would be invalidated, and her existence would be meaningless.

This jade tablet was specially given to Chen Er's grandma at the beginning, because at that time, the land of China was full of wars and crises.

If Grandma used this jade token, she would be able to get rid of all this immediately.But grandma and grandpa have a strong husband and wife relationship, and she is unwilling to give up all of this, so she keeps the jade plaque. If there are future generations who are willing to accept this opportunity, it will naturally come in handy.

It's just that my grandma passed away in a hurry before she had time to explain everything clearly.

As for why Shui Chenlan knew all this, it was because the grandma sent a letter with her when she sent the jade plaque back to the Shui family, but the letter was treated as an ordinary letter and included in the belongings of the grandma .Later, Shui Chenlan found it, and she burned it after reading it.

This can also explain why she is so convinced of the role of the jade tablet.Because she saw the letter with her own eyes.

Chen Er shook the jade card in his hand, looked at the system and said, "You mean, this 'first-class ticket' is about to expire?"

The system nodded, "Yes, this year is the deadline."

Chen Er was a little surprised, "What? This year!"

It's too short...

Holding the jade tablet in his hand, Chen Er suddenly felt a little heavy.

It is almost the end of the year now, no wonder Shui Chenlan is so impatient.Because after the end of the year, this jade card will become invalid.

However, when Chen Er looked at the jade tablet, he felt a little nervous for no reason, even slightly melancholy.

He didn't understand why. No matter how hard and uncomfortable his life was before, he never had such strange thoughts.

When Chen Er learned of the function of this jade tablet, he was just surprised, and didn't have much other feelings.

As for the current world, Chen Er doesn't have much concern.Except for a few close friends.There doesn't seem to be much that is hard to let go.

For him, as long as he lives well, it seems to be the same in which dimension he lives in.

However, when he learned that the remaining time was less than two months, Chen Er suddenly felt uneasy.

It seems to feel a little empty.

"What are you thinking?"

She asked Chen Er suddenly.

Chen Er narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the sunlight outside the window.

The sunshine at this time is just right, the winter sun always has a slight warmth, and when it shines on the glass windows, there will be a thin layer of golden light.

More hazy than the spring sun, more gentle than the summer sun.

"I was just wondering what to call you."

She seemed to be interested, "Huh?"

Chen Er said softly, "Lingyu, how is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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