Chapter 444

For the first time, Chen Er, who had nothing to do, took out the jade tablet left by the grandma.

Sitting alone on the balcony in a daze.

The winter in Yanjing is very cold, and the wind is mixed with heavy cold air. When it blows in the face, it is like carrying ice cubes, with a stuffy breath and an airtight chill.

Chen Er held the jade tablet and carefully observed it under the moonlight from above his head.

There is really nothing special about this jade tablet, apart from the patterns carved on it, Chen Er could not find any useful information.

The only thing we know now is that the system must know something about the origin of this jade token.

Maybe the system has something to do with this thing.

Chen Er even wondered if the system deliberately approached him with some special purpose...

But thinking about it carefully, he was just an ordinary person before, even if the system really had some special purpose to get close to him, it would be difficult to get any benefits from him.

Thinking of this, Chen Er couldn't help feeling a little dizzy.

The more unreasonable things are, the more suspicious and difficult to guess.

Chen Er has no clue about these things now.

I originally wanted to ignore it, but the system has been missing for too long, and Chen Er has always been carrying this jade token, so it is difficult not to remember it.

Therefore, Chen Er simply took out the jade tablet and studied it carefully.

But he looked here for a long time, and he didn't think there was anything special about this jade tablet.

Chen Er narrowed his eyes slightly, the jade tablet revealed a faint cool blue color under the moonlight, the color was very thin and light, just like the color diluted by water.

It looked colder than moonlight and hazy than smog.

It looks a little different, at least, it looks much better than ordinary jade...

Thinking of this, an idea suddenly appeared in Chen Er's mind, and it became more and more intense.

Will this jade tablet be harder than ordinary jade?

Ordinary jade will shatter when dropped.

Chen Er weighed the jade token in his hand, then set his eyes on the balcony beside him, which seemed to be very hard.

Holding the jade tablet in his hand, he stared closely at the corner of the balcony, then breathed lightly on the jade tablet, and then slammed the jade tablet in his hand on the protruding corner of the balcony.

Just hearing a crisp sound, the crystal jade tablet slammed heavily on the balcony, and then fell to the ground.

Chen Er quickly looked over, and saw that the jade tablet was broken into two gorgeously on the ground.

The two halves of the broken jade tablet were still shaking slightly on the floor, as if it was still dissipating.

Chen Er was stunned.

He originally thought that this jade tablet would not be broken...or it would not be broken so easily.

Chen Er stood there for a long time without reacting.

Shui Chenlan desperately wanted this jade tablet, Chen Er also had to work hard to get it, and the news he got also praised this jade tablet so amazingly.

Chen Er almost thought that this jade tablet was some rumored artifact...

Unexpectedly, with just such a light fall, the guy was broken in half.

Chen Er moved his neck, which was about to become stiff, and finally bent down to pick up the two jade tablets.

By the way, he spit out a sentence in his mouth, "Fuck you, the artifact of a big watermelon..."

As soon as the complaints came out of his mouth, Chen Er felt that the two jade plaques in the palm of his hand began to feel slightly hot.

Chen Er couldn't control his mouth at this time.

Or maybe, he wanted to take the opportunity to vent his frustration that he had been feeling clueless for the past few days.

"I'll go, what does it mean to get hot, I don't need an iron, thank you..."

But the two jade plaques did not continue to increase in temperature, they just became slightly hot, and then continued to vibrate.

Then a hazy white light emanated from the jade tablet.

It is said to be white light, but in fact it looks more like a thin mist, but it glows and looks more transparent than mist.

The white light slowly expanded the distance, and soon covered Chen Er's whole body.

Chen Er's eyes were fixed on the two jade plaques in his hands, and his complaints still did not stop.

"Why are you summoning the smog? Don't think that others can't see us..."

The white light is still gradually expanding its range, and it seems that it is going to cover the entire balcony in it.

Chen Er continued cheekily, "What are you doing surrounded like this, I'm a good woman..."

Bai Guang finally stopped, and then a burst of more dazzling light burst out from the jade tablet.

Chen Er could hardly open his eyes.

The eyes are only closed for a second, and when they are opened again, the ray of light disappears completely.

The two jade plaques were still placed in Chen Er's palm, and the surroundings returned to normal.As if nothing had just happened.

Chen Er felt his head sank suddenly, as if something had suddenly entered his mind, and it sank very heavily.

He hastily stretched out his hand to support the balcony beside him to stabilize his body.

The head is getting heavier and heavier.

Chen Er stretched out his other hand, momentarily forgetting that he still held two fragments of jade tablets in his palm.

The fragments of the two jade tablets fell to the ground again, making a crisp sound again.

But Chen Er didn't have time to take care of them, he just had time to hold his head with his hands immediately.

There are more and more things in my mind, as if my brain is about to explode.

Chen Er held his head, tried to keep his eyes wide open, and kept awake.

The information in the mind is played back over and over again, like a movie.

Chen Er saw many things.

He saw his recent experience, how he met the system, and what he experienced before he met the system.

These are pretty much his whole life.

Then he also saw his parents when he was young, and himself who was just born.

The next scene flashed faster and faster, but Chen Er could still see it extremely clearly, and felt that his brain was getting clearer and clearer.

He saw his grandparents, grandpa and grandma, and the world 100 years ago.

He even saw a war-torn sky.

He thought it was over when he saw this, but the picture in his mind didn't end.

Then he even saw Grandma's life.

He saw the seven-year-old grandma standing alone in the Merlin.

The sky was pitch black, and the moonlight above gave off a faint blue halo, covering the entire Merlin, as hazy as a thin veil.

The seven-year-old grandma was still a little loli, wearing a fiery red jacket, standing in a field of white plum blossoms, a little spiritual, but also a little helpless.

At this time, a young woman came from the depths of the Merlin with a glazed lamp.

He was dressed in white with a golden belt around his waist.

Chen Er couldn't see her face clearly, only felt that the figure was hazy and amiable.

Then the woman took out a jade tablet and whispered softly, "This is a psychic jade tablet. On a full moon night, climb to a high place and recognize the Lord with a drop of blood."

Then all the pictures suddenly disappeared.

Chen Er shook his head vigorously, and the scene in front of him gradually became clearer.

This is the dark night of Yanjing winter.

"Recognizing the Lord with a drop of blood is really bloody enough."

Chen Er said seriously, "I like it."

(End of this chapter)

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