Chapter 442

Chen Er held a chayote and muttered to himself, "The smell of the chayote is too light, if it is fried with meat, I am afraid it will not be able to suppress the smell of the meat..."

"So I'd better stir-fry vegetarian three shredded bergamot."

Chen Er felt that what he said was very reasonable.

Fans: "This is the reason why you don't put meat in your cooking!!!"

Holding the chayote, Chen Er shook his head and said, "It's a good thing to be vegetarian once in a while, to cleanse the stomach."

The ingredients that need to be used for fried bergamot three shreds are chayote, pickled peppers, and snow peas.

Snow peas are Chen Er's favorite food.

Snow peas have different names depending on their shape.

The round ones are also called honey beans or honey beans, and the flat ones are called green beans or snow peas.

Snow peas are crispy and fragrant, with a touch of sweetness. They are a very refreshing ingredient.Best for frying.

Today I used these snow peas and chayote to fry together. Generally speaking, they complement each other quite well.

Chen Er cleaned the chayote and snow peas, and then cut them into shreds.

Then pick some pickled peppers from the kimchi jar, because the color of snow peas and chayote is relatively light, and they are all green.So Chen Er chose red pickled peppers.

Red and green are the best colors to match.

Pickled peppers can bring a slightly pungent spicy taste to this bergamot three shreds and also have a special sour taste of kimchi.

Chen Er put the chopped vegetables aside, then put the iron pan on the stove and lit the fire.

As soon as the oil in the pot is hot, pour the shredded ginger and minced garlic into the pot together, quickly stir-fry a few times, then add a few peppercorns, and continue to stir-fry a few times.

After the aroma of ginger and garlic and the aroma of pepper come out from the pot, you can start frying chayote.

Chayote is less ripe than pickled peppers and snow peas, so fry chayote first.

Chen Er poured all the shredded chayote into the pot, and the emerald green chayote instantly covered the smoking ginger and garlic in the pot, and the aroma in the air was lost by most of it.

There was also a muffled "sizzling" sound from the iron pot.

Holding the spatula, Chen Er quickly stir-fried a few times in the pot. The green chayote shreds gradually became soft in the iron pot, and the surface was also stained with large pieces of oil stains. It looked oily and slippery, just like the Like it was pulled out of the water.

The aroma of the chayote was already a bit ripe, so Chen Er picked up the plate containing the snow peas and poured the snow peas into it.

Stir-fry a few times, and the aroma of snow peas will also be released.The smell is very refreshing, a bit like the aroma of the green leaves being torn, very fresh.

Chen Er took a deep breath of the aroma, and poured in the shredded pickled peppers that were on the side plate.

The aroma of pickled peppers is very special, slightly sour and slightly spicy.

It is not as refreshing as ordinary chili peppers, but it has an extra fermented aroma.

Anyway, the smell of chayote and snow peas is fresh enough, so the unique sour smell of pickled peppers can add a bit of a different feeling to this dish.

Chen Er stir-fried the spatula in his hand in the steaming heat, then grabbed a snow-white porcelain plate, and fried a fragrant bergamot three shreds.

The white plate is filled with red and green vegetables, which looks very eye-catching, like a vast field of red flowers blooming as far as the eye can see.It's like the sun is shining on tall trees, and red flowers have just bloomed on the branches.

"Wow! It's really beautiful!" Shen Yinian was the first to exclaim.

Other guests also gathered around one after another, staring at the plate of bergamot and three silks, and kept admiring.

"It turns out that red and green look so good together!"

"Of course! Red and green are the most classic color combinations!"

"Sure enough, the colors of nature are the best!"

“This dish is the best looking dish!”

Chen Er walked towards No. [-] with the plate of dishes smiling.

No. [-] looked flattered and quickly stood up, taking the dish from Chen Er with both hands.

Each shredded vegetable on the white plate is like a perfectly cut fine jade, the surface is covered with oil stains, it looks moist and crystal clear, and it slightly reflects a beautiful light under the light.

It seems that this is no longer a dish but a work of art!
Chen Er clapped his hands and looked at the guests present with a smile.

"I've finished all five dishes, and it's up to you next."

Zhao Shiqi, who was still looking at the dish with great interest, was the first to be stunned.

His eyes swept over Chen Er's smiling face, and it took him a while to realize that after Chen Er finished cooking, it was their turn to cook.

Zhao Shiqi quickly took out her mobile phone and looked through the video that she just recorded.

It can completely record every step of Chen Er's cooking, and every dish is not missed.

Of course, she was not the only one who did this, almost all the guests present did the same.

Hearing what Chen Er said, everyone naturally took out their mobile phones and looked through the "cheat sheet" they had saved.

Chen Er still watched everyone's movements with a smile, and didn't make a sound to stop them.Anyway, this kind of "cheating" behavior is irrelevant.

Chen Er doesn't think that every step of cooking can be done just by watching a video.

So Chen Er came up with a brilliant idea.

"It's better than..."

Chen Er laughed so hard that his mouth parted, like a little leopard showing its teeth in the night sky.

"Just do the word you choose."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned in unison.

Do the word you choose?
It means that whoever chooses the word will cook that dish?

Zhao Shiqi quickly recalled the words she chose, and it seemed that her dish was not easy to cook...

Most of the guests were a little apprehensive, because at the beginning, everyone thought that the final cooking environment would be to choose dishes arbitrarily.

Unexpectedly, Chen Er suddenly made such a move...

Compared with the panic of other guests, Xie Mi looked much calmer and more confident.Because she can cook by herself, and she often cooks by herself during this period, and her cooking skills have improved a lot.

The word she chose was not too difficult.

Moreover, it may be because she chose the words for that dish, so when Chen Er was cooking that dish, she was quite focused.

She has memorized almost every step, even if she doesn't watch the "video" dedicated to cheating, she can still remember it very clearly.

The next time is very interesting, Chen Er is like an old trickster who has succeeded in plotting.Sitting on the side happily, eating fruit while watching the guests cooking in a hurry.

Maybe this kind of thing would seem boring normally, but today, Chen Er found it very interesting.

A culinary rookie is in a hurry to cook, but if several culinary rookies are cooking together, the scene will become quite spectacular.

Shen Yinian sniggered silently at the side, and then used an adjective to describe it, "It's really the scene of a car accident..."

As time went by, everyone's attention was gradually attracted by Xie Mi.

Although Xie Mi's movements were not as graceful as Chen Er's, but compared to the other guests, she was already considered a divine weapon.

At least Xie Mi won't feel like chopping firewood when chopping vegetables, and he won't be intimidated when cooking vegetables.

 good night~~~
(End of this chapter)

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