Chapter 434

When Shui Chenlan saw Chen Er again, she was no longer as energetic as before.

Standing in front of the bookshelf, Chen Er calmly scanned a book on the shelf.

Shui Chenlan suddenly laughed, not knowing whether she was laughing at herself or Chen Er.

Chen Er's eyes were still on the bookshelf, and he didn't look back at Shui Chenlan.

Shui Chenlan said softly, "I should have known earlier that the current Shui family is not only rotten, but also rotten."

What she meant was that most of the people in the Shui clan betrayed her and turned to Chen Er.

After hearing this, Chen Er slowly turned around.

In fact, Shui Chenlan is right, it is precisely because the current Shui family is rotten, everyone has a clue, and Chen Er can take advantage of it.

Shui's mess is too big.

Chen Er just grasped the point of tax evasion, and already cleaned up most of the original power of the Shui family, and the next people would naturally be self-defeating.

Shui Chenlan gave Chen Er a disdainful look, "I thought you were not a greedy person for money, but I didn't expect you to be unavoidable."

Chen Er spread his hands, "Money is a good thing, everyone has to spend money in this world, how could I not like it."

After Chen Er finished speaking, he glanced behind her.

"Your little follower is missing, he must have run away, otherwise, he will definitely go to jail."

Shui Chenlan stopped talking.

Chen Er guessed that Shui Chenze slipped away in order to continue helping Shui Chenlan in the future.

As for what to do, naturally needless to say.

Shui Chenlan's influence in the Shui clan has completely disintegrated.

Those who had been close to her before either surrendered to Chen Er early or were ruined.

Shui Chenlan has now changed from the former ruler of the Shui clan to an ordinary clansman.

Shui Chenlan looked at Chen Er with a calm tone but fierce eyes.

"What else do you want? Get me out?"

"To consolidate your identity as the new head of the family?"

Chen Er glanced at Shui Chenlan, "Send you away? Why should I drive you away?"

Seems to be just looking at someone who doesn't matter.

These words and this look in the eyes completely angered Shui Chenlan.

She hated being underestimated the most in her life.

"Hmph, don't get too complacent, the matter is not over yet!"

Chen Er smiled and said, "For me, it's over."

He stretched out his hand and casually pulled out a book from the bookshelf to have a look.

Shui Chenlan who had just calmed down suddenly became a little nervous.

She straightened her body suddenly and stared at Chen Er closely.

Chen Er casually flipped through the book, then put the book back.

But his gaze still did not leave the bookshelf, as if he was looking for some book on purpose.

Shui Chenlan looked at Chen Er steadfastly, her eyes suddenly became sharp.

"You have no idea what that thing is!"

"You were playing tricks on me before!"

Chen Er continued to search the books on the shelf with his eyes.

"You're not stupid."

The current situation is already obvious, it is precisely because Chen Er doesn't know what the jade tablet is used for, that's why he went back to Shui's with great difficulty.

Shui Chenlan regretted it, why did she only see clearly now.

At this time, a person came in and confirmed her guess.

Shui Dongjun came in expressionlessly, without even looking at Shui Chenlan.

When Shui Chenlan saw Shui Dongjun walking in, she first showed a surprised expression, and then she didn't know what to think of, and her expression suddenly became ferocious.

Shui Dongjun walked towards Chen Er, and whispered a few words in front of Chen Er.

Shui Chenlan was eager to hear the conversation between the two, so she quickly raised her feet and walked forward.He was stopped by two bodyguards.

Then she could only watch helplessly as Shui Dongjun finished talking with Chen Er, walked towards the door again, and his figure gradually disappeared.

"What did she tell you!"

Shui Chenlan asked Chen Er impatiently.

Chen Er looked at the bookshelf with a smile, and then fixed his gaze on a dusty old book.

Shui Chenlan became even more anxious, but she was stopped by two bodyguards, unable to take a step forward at all.

Chen Er took down the old book and blew away the dust on it.

Turning around to look at Shui Chenlan, she gently shook the book in her hand.

"Of course she was telling me, which book have you read the most recently?"

Before meeting Shui Chenlan, Chen Er specifically asked Shui Chenlan's servant.

Where has Shui Chenlan stayed the longest recently.

The servants said it was a study.

One of the servants also specifically mentioned that Shui Chenlan especially liked to stay in the study since he moved a batch of old books into the Shui family's library. Sometimes he stayed there all day.

Moreover, every time he came out of the study, his mood would change greatly, either very good or very bad.

Anyway, it's kind of weird.

So Chen Er speculated that Shui Chenlan should have gotten the news from a certain book.

Shui Chenlan shouted angrily, "You actually bribed the people around me!"

The other party's anger didn't affect Chen Er, he turned around and sat down at the desk, and happily looked at the book in his hand.

This book is called "Zhaoping Miscellaneous Notes".

It is estimated that it is some anecdotes recorded by someone in a certain era.

Chen Er was very patient, turning over page by page, carefully reading every word.

But because Chen Er's reading speed is very fast, in a short while, more than half of this thick book has been read.

Shui Chenlan had completely calmed down, didn't say a word, just sat aside blankly, not knowing what to think.

Chen Er is still reading carefully.

It is true that most of the books record some trivial matters of the Shui family, just like a family notebook.

Chen Er looked at it and was attracted by one of the paragraphs.

"Shui Shaosheng's daughter is seven years old. One day, she went to play in the plum forest in the back mountain. She didn't come back at sunset. The people in the clan were in a hurry. The clan leader led 20 people to find her in person. When the moon rose, she still hadn't seen her. Everyone mourned Not long after, I saw him come back with a glazed lamp in his hand. His family asked him. Answer: The plum grove was full of mist, and he lost his way. Later, he ran into a beautiful woman in a mountain stream. She was dressed in white and had a gold belt. After the old man, the patriarch saw the jade tablet in person, but there was nothing strange about it. Ask again, what is the use of this jade tablet? Answer again, the woman said, this jade tablet is a 'psychic jade tablet', the only one in the world, which can help escape In the world of mortals, Xiaju flies up. Everyone in the clan laughs, using this as a child's joke, and disperses away."

Chen Er nodded, thinking to himself, Shui Chenlan must have read this text, so she concluded the function of the jade tablet.

This text record is too fantasy, if this thing is not left by Grandma Chen Er, it is estimated that Chen Er will be the same as the people of the Shui clan in the text, "use it as a child's joke, and drive away".

However, this jade plaque is what Grandma Chen Er left behind.

And the daughter of Shui Shaosheng recorded in the book is the grandma.Shui Shaosheng is Grandma's father.

Chen Er closed the book, feeling that he understood something, but at the same time he had more doubts.

 Did you guys get it wrong? That’s right, the story is coming to an end. Hey, I’m suddenly sad. There’s another chapter later o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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