God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 364 Wasting Time

Chapter 364 Wasting Time
After Chen Er finished the porridge, Gou Xuefang immediately felt all the eyes around him focus on him.

Gou Xuefang looked at the others inexplicably, and saw Kazama Lingyi suddenly glared at him, as if he had done something terribly wrong.

Gou Xuefang found it very strange. Could it be that you disliked Chen Er for drinking the porridge too slowly, which made you drool?
Now he is urging Chen Er to finish the porridge all at once, why are everyone unhappy?
Kazama Lingyi whispered to Gou Xuefang, "It's all your fault, now we can't even smell a scent!"

Gou Xuefang was stunned.

At this time, Chen Er was already chatting with the fans, and then reached out to greet Xie Mi and Kazama Lingyi to come over.

"Now, I've already done it once, so it's up to you to see how you perform next."

Although Aya Kazama's expression didn't change much, there was already a hint of excitement in her eyes.

Xie Mi was a little nervous.

Her fingers hanging on both sides of her body were secretly rubbing the corners of her clothes, her eyes swept over the things on the table, and then stopped on Chen Er's side.

She looked carefully, as if recalling Chen Er's steps, and looking for some details that she had missed.

Chen Er stepped aside, pushed Gou Xuefang away, and then sat on the sofa.

Gou Xuefang moved silently, then cursed, "Big ass!"

Then, the room suddenly became quiet, and everyone was watching Xie Mi and Kazama Aya's movements carefully.

Kazama Lingyi moved very quickly, much faster than Xie Mi.

Whether it was cleaning the snow lotus or preparing other ingredients, Aya Kazama did not have the slightest slowness or hesitation in her movements, which showed that she had a good memory.She remembered every step that Chen Er took just now.

In contrast, Xie Mi on the other side seemed to be much slower.

Xie Mi's movements were very light and slow, every movement seemed to be deliberately slowed down several times under the background of Kazama Lingyi next door.

Kazama Lingyi's side was raging like a stormy summer.But Xie Mi's side is cool with wind and rain, like spring coming slowly.

Such a strong contrast makes people feel very interesting.

However, most people couldn't help but be attracted by the hot-tempered Aya Kazama.

Gou Xuefang lowered his voice and asked Chen Er, "Why is Xie Mi moving so slowly?"

"Has she forgotten all the steps of cooking porridge?"

Chen Er's eyes fell on Xie Mi.

Aya Kazama over there has already started to put the food into the pot, but Xie Mi here has not prepared the ingredients yet.

Against the background of Aya Kazama, this kind of speed looks more than slow, it can be described as a turtle's speed.

Chen Er said softly, "If she really forgot, how would she know what to do next?"

Gou Xuefang froze for a moment, then nodded, "That's true too."

He thought that maybe it was because Kazama Ayayi's movements were too fast, which made Xie Mi's movements not very fast.

Kazama Aya's porridge has been covered and started to cook.

She clapped her hands, and then glanced at Xie Mi who was still moving in a leisurely manner, and suddenly felt a burst of relief in her heart.

Gou Xuefang was surprised, "It's done so quickly? It's amazing..."

After a while, a faint burnt smell wafted from Kazama Lingyi.

Shen Yinian wrinkled his nose, "What's the smell?"

Then he stretched his neck and looked in the direction of the smell, his eyes widened immediately.

"Kazama! Your pot is smoking!"

Shen Yinian pointed to the pot on the back of Kazama Lingyi.

At the same time, everyone raised their heads and looked over there.

Chen Er reacted quickly, "Take down the pot."

Kazama Yai hurriedly put on thick gloves, and put the pot directly off the table.

Then start to check what went wrong.

Chen Er only took one look, and immediately saw the problem.

He pointed to the leaves of the snow lotus on the lid of the pot and said, "Your leaves haven't been placed properly."

Kazama Lingyi took a closer look, and it was indeed so.

The leaves of the snowdrop were quite long, but because they were not placed properly, they slipped slightly from the cover, and were then ignited by the charcoal fire in the small stove.

Not only did it emit an unpleasant burnt smell, but more than half of it was burned, and the edges of the purple casserole were burnt black.

Without saying a word, Kazama Lingyi quickly lifted the lid to check the porridge in the pot. The action was so fast that Chen Er didn't even have time to stop it.

Seeing that the porridge was fine, she breathed a sigh of relief.

After putting the lid on the pot again, Kazama Lingyi glanced at Chen Er silently. Chen Er didn't mean to blame her, and didn't show any unnecessary expressions. He just said, "Hurry up and clean the pot, and start cooking again." Bar."

Kazama Lingyi froze for a moment, then her eyes widened suddenly, and she looked at Chen Er in disbelief, "Why do you have to do it all over again?"

What was burnt was the leaves that covered the outside, not the snow lotus porridge in the pot, why throw it out and make it again?
If you do it again, you will definitely lag behind Xie Mi by a lot of time.

Kazama Lingyi secretly glanced at Xie Mi, and found that Xie Mi had already started pouring the snow from the large glass jar into the purple casserole.

Xie Mi has already started cooking porridge, if Kazama Aya starts to prepare ingredients again at this time, it will be all right, and the snow lotus seems to be gone...

Chen Er seemed to see the worry of Aya Kazama, "Don't worry, I have snow lotus with backup."

Kazama Lingyi glanced at Chen Er and thought for a while, "I think since the porridge is not overcooked, there is no need to start cooking it again."

Even if she had a backup snow lotus, she was unwilling to waste this time.

Chen Er's tone was very flat, "Those leaves were burnt on the lid of the pot, and just now you opened the lid to look at the porridge in the pot, the smell of burnt has entered into the porridge, after cooking, it must not taste good. "

After all, the position of the pot lid is too close to the porridge.

Kazama Lingyi didn't take it seriously, and she thought that if she hadn't followed Chen Er's example and spread snow lotus leaves on the lid, this kind of thing would definitely not have happened.

Aya Kazama took out a rag to wipe off the dirty part of the casserole, then put the pot back on the small stove and continued cooking porridge.

And Xie Mi has been standing in front of her small stove, staring at her pot without blinking, with a focused expression, as if she didn't notice the movements of Chen Er and the others at all.

Xie Mi just tried to follow Chen Er's example and put the leaves of snow lotus on the lid of the pot, but after several attempts, she found that she couldn't put the leaves properly.

So she decided to give up the leaves of the snow lotus flower, and she really didn't know what benefits the snow lotus porridge in the pot would benefit from putting the leaves of the snow lotus flower on the pot cover.

(End of this chapter)

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