God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 362 Water source is a problem

Chapter 362 Water source is a problem
Both Kazama Lingyi and Xie Mi were attracted by the fragrance, and hurried over to look at it.

The two of them just glanced at each other and exclaimed, "What a beautiful flower!"

Snow lotus is indeed a snow lotus, and it really looks like a lotus.

The leaves are slender and slightly wide, and slightly curved inwards. All the leaves are like this, just like the stars arching the moon, which sets off the flowers in the middle.

The three snow lotus flowers in the box have been fully opened, and the flowers are large and beautiful.Almost every snow lotus flower has a diameter of thirty or forty centimeters.

The petals of the snow lotus are light and thin, showing a light off-white color, and the veins on the petals are clearly visible.There are many petals, surrounded by layers of brown stamens.It looks spotless, transparent and moving like a crystal flower.

Kazama Lingyi couldn't help stretching out her fingers to touch this cute little thing, but she suddenly retracted her fingers just when they were about to touch the snow lotus petals.

"I dare not touch it..."

Kazama Lingyi smiled and said, her eyes were fixed on the snow lotus in the box, as if she was looking at the most precious thing in the world.

Chen Er gestured for the camera to come over and take a close-up of the snow lotus in the box.

The fans off-screen were not as reserved as Xie Mi and Kazama Aya.

They swiped the barrage frantically, saying that they had never seen a "living snow lotus"!
"Did you see it! These three snow lotus flowers are really fresh. After being placed in the box for so long, they don't even feel withered at all! It's as if they were just plucked!"

"That's amazing, my Chen Laoshi, can you cast magic?"

"Could it be that Chen Laoshi is a dancing goddess hidden in the world??"

"I said that I have only seen dried snow lotus in drugstores before... and I don't know whether it is true or not..."

"It's so beautiful! It's really not too beautiful!"

"Snow lotus is so beautiful, Chen Laoshi, are you sure you really want to eat it?"

Chen Er smiled and nodded, "Of course I have to eat it. If I don't eat it, how can I be worthy of its beautiful appearance?"

Fans: "It makes sense!"

Sunny Tian: "It's the same reason, the rabbit looks so cute, of course we have to eat the rabbit... Otherwise, I'm sorry that it looks so cute!"

Chen Er was very pleased, "The learning ability of the sunny children's shoes is very good!"

As a high-grade nourishing medicine, snow lotus can certainly be eaten as a delicacy, and there are many ways to eat it.

For example, snow lotus can be used to make wine, soup, and porridge.

For soup, you can cook soup with ingredients such as black-bone chicken, soft-shelled turtle, and squab.And all have the effects of nourishing yin and nourishing yang, promoting body fluid and replenishing qi.

"Today, let's make the simplest one, snow lotus porridge."

Chen Er thought for a while, "There is another name for this porridge, which is a bit taller, and it's called Ginkgo Tianshan Snow Lotus Porridge."

Fans: "Did Chen Laoshi misunderstand the words Gao Dashang?"

Chen Er raised his head, looked at the camera and said, "What's wrong?"

"Don't you guys think that if you have a long name, you will look taller?"

"For example, if the same name is used, but the double surname is used, it feels taller."

After Chen Er finished speaking, he couldn't help but nodded.It seems to make sense.

Tea eggs invaded the earth: "Chen Laoshi is right."

"For example, Li Tieniu and Huangfu Tieniu, Huangfu Tieniu must look taller."

Chen Er looked serious, "Who says it's not."

Fans: "Chen Laoshi is happy."

Ginkgo Tianshan snow lotus porridge is a famous health product. This porridge has the effects of nourishing hair and skin, nourishing blood, preventing neurasthenia and hair loss.For middle-aged women, it has the effect of helping sleep and beauty.

The practice of this porridge is not complicated.

Chen Er first took out a fresh snow lotus flower from the box, and then removed the roots and soil.

Fresh snowdrops are easily bruised, so if you want to remove the soil on them, you need to use a soft brush to gently brush away the soil. The process should be as light as possible.

Then put the snow lotus in a large basin filled with clean water, and wash it slowly with clean water.

Pick the snow lotus petals one by one and put them on a plate for later use.

First, put the cleaned japonica rice in the purple casserole used for cooking porridge and spread a shallow layer, then spread the snow lotus petals on the japonica rice, and then spread a layer of japonica rice on the snow lotus petals.

At this time, you can also put Gorgon fruit, ginkgo fruit, and fresh longan meat into it.

Chen Er clapped his hands, took out a long bamboo tube and said, "When cooking porridge, what kind of rice is the most important ingredient, because it affects the taste of the porridge."

"In addition to this, there is one more important thing."

"It's the water for cooking porridge."

In terms of diet, the attention to water is no less than that of cooking tea.

Good water includes well water, mountain spring water, dew water, snow water, etc.Not only can it be used for tea, but it is also very good for cooking.

Chen Er sniffed the water in his bamboo tube, showing a satisfied expression.

"The water I use is very good, but I won't tell you what water I use."

He glanced at Xie Mi and Kazama Ayayi as he said, "You can choose the water you need."

Shen Yinian pushed some water over.

The water was housed in several transparent glass jars of exactly the same size.

Outwardly, there is no difference.The only difference is that there are different labels on the outside of the water tanks.

Xie Mi walked over and took a closer look, and found that the water on it was some very strange water.

There are well water, mountain spring water, mineral water, filtered lake water, river water, dew water and so on.

Xie Mi asked Chen Er, "Can I only use the water prepared here?"

Chen Er shook his head, "You can also prepare by yourself."

Xie Mi thought about it carefully, then took a large glass jar from Shen Yinian, held it and rushed outside.

Don't know where to go either.

Chen Er gave Gou Xuefang a look at Gou Xuefang who was bored picking his feet, and told him to go out with Xie Mi.

Gou Xuefang put on her shoes, and followed Xie Mi da da da.

Xie Mi left, Kazama Lingyi was still staring at the several vats of water pushed up by Shen Yinian in a daze.

It looks like she's picking what water to use very carefully.

In front of the small stove, Chen Er poured the water in the bamboo tube into the purple casserole, covered the lid, and then picked off all the remaining leaves of the snow lotus, cleaned them, and covered the lid of the casserole.

After the snow lotus porridge cooked by Chen Er made a "pop" sound, Kazama Ayayi finally selected the water source she would need later.

"I'll use this to cook porridge!" Kazama Aya held up a glass jar on the trolley.

The water inside swayed with her movements, making people very worried, whether the water would be splashed out by her.

A note attached to the glass tank reads, "Filtered lake water."

(End of this chapter)

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